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17 June 2023 19:09:52

One for DEW but I'm sure he knows that already. 

Last weekends trickle of rain is a distant memory. The Saturday night fever shower was not much more than that. The grass is like early July last summer not the complete scorched landscape yet but heading that way.
Yesterday the BBC forecast for next Monday suggested Monday would be a particularly wet and unsettled day IMBY with outbreaks of rain heavy and thundery. Saturday and Sundays rain in the form of showers looks far less Moominesque but I guess that can change.
That’s gone by the board for the time being though I’ve noticed in the past it can revert nearer the time. We’ll see. The radar shows the change off the SW approaches as it did last weekend though not so lively this time. Has it lost it’s mojo? 

Originally Posted by: NMA 

 Very dry here now but last Sunday i drove home from Bristol Airport and it was dry till i was a few miles north of Salisbury but the rest of the way was wet and indeed the yard was flooded at home. 
 There has been a lot of vagary for this weekend regarding the Heavy Rain and Thunderstorms . I accept they are difficult to predict but every forecast i have seen since the warnings were issued seem to be "There will be a mega storm and heavy rain  somewhere but you probably wont get it "🙄
Andy J
18 June 2023 19:35:46
The drought has finally broken here after a run of 32 consecutive days without any measurable rainfall.   Makes it the longest dry spell here since March/April 2002, which had a 34 day run.    Even so, we've barely had 1mm of rain so far today.
Gainsborough, Lincolnshire.
18 June 2023 19:42:27
I don't know what the most recent rainfall totals are for here in Hawick in the Scottish Borders but with this evening's torrential downpours here, I think that it will safe now to assume that any ongoing absolute drought down here is probably over for the time being at least.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
19 June 2023 05:55:29

I don't know what the most recent rainfall totals are for here in Hawick in the Scottish Borders but with this evening's torrential downpours here, I think that it will safe now to assume that any ongoing absolute drought down here is probably over for the time being at least.

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

It was a lot of rain last night must be over 1 inch to 2 inches from the way how it lasted long time heavy rain and evening storm that brought very heavy rain with complete water running on south facing windows like you see in USA movies when it show heavy rain against the windows.

This should stop the whining about how dry it been, anyway UK will never ever get into African drought type due to being island surrounded by water mean no chance to keep months of dry weather.  Now looking forward for much welcome dry weather return as everywhere very soaking wet so take days to dry out.   Moomin ark was in used last night 😂
19 June 2023 06:04:28

It was a lot of rain last night must be over 1 inch to 2 inches from the way how it lasted long time heavy rain and evening storm that brought very heavy rain with complete water running on south facing windows like you see in USA movies when it show heavy rain against the windows.

This should stop the whining about how dry it been, anyway UK will never ever get into African drought type due to being island surrounded by water mean no chance to keep months of dry weather.  Now looking forward for much welcome dry weather return as everywhere very soaking wet so take days to dry out.   Moomin ark was in used last night 😂

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Ironically, I had no use for mine, as all we got were very light spots of rain for much of the time, with a very occasional heavier burst.
Only registered 3mm of rain from yesterday. 
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
19 June 2023 06:21:00

It was a lot of rain last night must be over 1 inch to 2 inches from the way how it lasted long time heavy rain and evening storm that brought very heavy rain with complete water running on south facing windows like you see in USA movies when it show heavy rain against the windows.

This should stop the whining about how dry it been, anyway UK will never ever get into African drought type due to being island surrounded by water mean no chance to keep months of dry weather.  Now looking forward for much welcome dry weather return as everywhere very soaking wet so take days to dry out.   Moomin ark was in used last night 😂

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Rainfall totals at Chilgrove near Chichester for the last 28 days
11/6/23 0.9 mm
17/6/23 0.1 mm
18/6/23 0.2 mm

'Nuff said.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
19 June 2023 06:22:43
The drought continues here with no more than a trace (unmeasurable) of rain from yesterday.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
20 June 2023 06:28:27
Drought over for now after heavy overnight rain.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
20 June 2023 06:44:32

Drought over for now after heavy overnight rain.

Originally Posted by: NMA 

Ditto - but it only lasted an hour so more is still needed
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Rob K
20 June 2023 07:03:04
Woken by heavy rain this morning but all passed through pretty quickly. Not sure of the total but doubt if it was more than 3 or 4 mm. 
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
20 June 2023 08:06:43

Rainfall totals at Chilgrove near Chichester for the last 28 days
11/6/23 0.9 mm
17/6/23 0.1 mm
18/6/23 0.2 mm

'Nuff said.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Same here  was no rain for a month but now got enough rain so no need for further rains and need to avoid it as lately is dangerous as once it rain it last weeks non stop.   Thankfully no more rain for a while to come after today.  
Darren S
20 June 2023 09:05:14

Woken by heavy rain this morning but all passed through pretty quickly. Not sure of the total but doubt if it was more than 3 or 4 mm. 

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

The local PWSs recorded between 10 and 13mm. It certainly was very heavy. I've been harvesting rainwater from all sorts of places in the garden and have added over 100 litres to our water butts.
Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Saint Snow
20 June 2023 09:29:07

The local PWSs recorded between 10 and 13mm. It certainly was very heavy. I've been harvesting rainwater from all sorts of places in the garden and have added over 100 litres to our water butts.

Originally Posted by: Darren S 


That's impressive!


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
20 June 2023 09:49:49
Heavy rain here this morning, 15mms but easing now.☔

Had 42mms of rain on Sunday sure as hell making up for the dry spell that's for sure.
Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

Darren S
20 June 2023 09:51:29


That's impressive!

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

We have a water butt collecting water from our shed roof (4 sq m), another collecting water from our greenhouse roof (6 sq m), covers over our garden furniture which fill with water when it rains (5 sq m in total). We also have a blocked soakaway on the driveway which also takes water from the study gutter, so I scooped up all that water as well.

1mm of rain is one litre per square metre, so having had over 10mm this morning, you can see how much you can collect. 😁
Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
20 June 2023 10:18:24

We have a water butt collecting water from our shed roof (4 sq m), another collecting water from our greenhouse roof (6 sq m), covers over our garden furniture which fill with water when it rains (5 sq m in total). We also have a blocked soakaway on the driveway which also takes water from the study gutter, so I scooped up all that water as well.

1mm of rain is one litre per square metre, so having had over 10mm this morning, you can see how much you can collect. 😁

Originally Posted by: Darren S 

Indeed and all the more reason for new builds/extensions and so on to have rainwater collecting mandates as part of the planning permission.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
24 June 2023 07:15:07
After that brief shower now nearly a week ago, it's gone back to hot and dry for the south, and it seems little prospect of the thundery breakdown moving in from the W reaching much further south than Birmingham. GEFS suggests some rain for this area in a week's time, but I fear it's a case of "rain tomorrow, never rain today".
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
24 June 2023 08:52:48

After that brief shower now nearly a week ago, it's gone back to hot and dry for the south, and it seems little prospect of the thundery breakdown moving in from the W reaching much further south than Birmingham. GEFS suggests some rain for this area in a week's time, but I fear it's a case of "rain tomorrow, never rain today".

Originally Posted by: DEW 

That may be but we've now had enough rain according to some pundits here and the drought is long gone.
I'll be watering trees later today.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
24 June 2023 11:01:45
This week's water scarcity report from SEPA was issued yesterday (23 June 2023) and can be viewed here .

Overall, this week's report is similar to what came out last week. The general consensus from SEPA is what whilst recent rainfall has eased the situation a bit in quite a number of areas, this has still not been enough to bring about any sort of significant recovery in the overall situation, so more rain is still needed in order for that to happen.

In fact, the region of significant water scarcity which had already covered a small part of NW Scotland, has even been extended to include a small part of Dumfriesshire. In addition to that, there are also a few areas which were previously at alert level, but which are now at moderate water scarcity level.

However, the recent rainfall has also allowed a few areas to move out of moderate water scarcity in the other direction, to alert level with the rest of the moderate water scarcity area remaining as it is.

Everything else is the same as last week with the rest of Scotland remaining at alert level for water scarcity with the exception of Shetland which is still at early warning status.

This means that as of this week, nowhere in Scotland has actually returned to normal on this front just yet.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Gavin D
26 June 2023 08:29:58
A hosepipe ban in Kent and Sussex has officially come into force until further notice.
Anyone caught using hosepipes to water gardens, clean cars, patios and boats, and fill swimming pools face a fine of up to £1,000
Exemptions are in place for watering of new lawns for 4 weeks after laid and outside of peak hours between 8am to 10am and 5pm to 9pm
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