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05 September 2022 13:05:04


That is only a relative thing and you are correct in saying we did get quite a bit of rain here during August in comparison with what just about everyone else was reporting on here then.

However, August 2022 was a very exceptional month in which hardly anyone actually recorded very much in the way of rainfall and so, it was never going to take much for the totals for here to be higher than what was reported for elsewhere as a result.

Furthermore and although the totals for here were quite high during August in comparison with what others were reporting, our totals for here were still below our 1991-2020 August average.

What I am complaining about here is therefore, not any claim that we never actually get any rain, but the fact that our totals are ALWAYS below average (what it all boils down to is the fact that I'm just sick and fed up with that same old outcome all the time).

Occasionally, we might well get an odd day here and there when I will maybe record something like 10mm to 20mm of rain on that particular day, and I would never dispute the fact that this never happens. The big issue that I am raising here though is that this firstly doesn't happen all that happen and even when it does, it just about always then ends up being virtually bone dry here for days on end after that.

As long as that continues to be the case, our totals are always going to be below average in the end and that is the source of my overall frustration in this matter because unless we start to get some monthly totals which are actually above average, we are never even going to be able to begin to make up the overall rainfall deficit and at the moment, I am struggling to see that changing any time soon.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

No idea why you would mind about getting below average rainfall. Fair enough if you were suffering drought conditions but I think most people in the Uk would be delighted with less rain 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
05 September 2022 13:58:54


No idea why you would mind about getting below average rainfall. Fair enough if you were suffering drought conditions but I think most people in the Uk would be delighted with less rain 

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

To me, it's all just part and parcel of wanting to report something more interesting out there to this forum's wider audience which could well be anywhere on this entire planet.

Because of that, what I report is what I would see as being more interesting to the wider audience out there, and not necessarily what I am actually wanting in terms of our actual weather. As an example of that, I would like to see good weather all the time for going out and about and yes, an important part of that is that it should be dry so for those purposes alone, that is fair enough.

In the context of trying to keep everything more interesting on this forum though, that just gets a bit boring after all especially when it comes to the point we're now just about taking those conditions for granted, and I believe that the wider audience out there would actually rather see more interesting things happening with our weather, which is a lot more varied.

It's the same when it comes to our rainfall patterns as well, which is really just a part of that and so, it just gets boring after all if it's drier than average all the time as has been the case throughout most of this year.

However, we are not in an actual drought here and so, I'm not actually seeing the overall situation as being critical in any way in that regard as I would be if that was the case. However, there is a reason why we have long-term averages for aspects of our weather such as temperature and rainfall so when we stray too far away from those averages for too long, that can become increasingly concerning in my books.

For a number of years, this has already been quite a major story when it comes to our temperatures (after all, we wouldn't have anything like the same amount of controversy which is around when it comes to the subject of climate change if that wasn't the case), and I just wouldn't like to see the same things happening with our rainfall patterns as well.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Northern Sky
06 September 2022 07:36:54

7.5mm overnight taking the total to 15.5mm for the month. Almost up to August already!

06 September 2022 08:01:09
Now up to 16.6mm.
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
06 September 2022 08:19:38

7.2mm from last nights rain and thunder bringing the September total up to 14.2mm so far

Still a long way behind the 68mm in August

Richmond, Surrey
06 September 2022 08:30:50

Here in Edinburgh, we have just had a few spots of rain in the last 24 hours, but nothing more than that.

The main band of rain fragmented as it approached here and just about missed us to our east before reforming and pepping up again, just to our north.

That has been an almost constant ongoing story in recent days and it means that NE Scotland along with most of the rest of the UK is continuing to see plenty of rain from these weather fronts (as the Doc or Richard from Aberdeen will no doubt report on here later on) whilst Edinburgh continues to get next to nothing at all from that.

Furthermore, I was watching Gavin P.'s live stream last night and on there, I notice that the GFS model has now backed away from its wetter than average scenario for here over the coming 10 days.

Earlier on in Brian's September outlook video on YouTube, there were another couple of charts which showed us getting more than our entire month's rainfall in that same time frame but recent events have probably proved beyond doubt now, that there was never going to any chance of those charts actually verifying as it is never anything else here any more, other than drier than average these days.

That indeed, continues to be something which I can't see changing any time soon here.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
06 September 2022 09:37:32

5.6mm from the overnight thundery showers. We are off the mark ! 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

06 September 2022 11:35:55

16.0 mm 

This month.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Northern Sky
06 September 2022 15:27:26

Another 7mm today so up to 22.5mm and sailing past August already. 

07 September 2022 06:14:19

The latest rainfall data for Edinburgh Gogarbank and the botanic gardens in Edinburgh are as follows:

Data For Recent Days

Total since 10am BST yesterday morning (09:00 UTC): 22.2 mm at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 16.4 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh (as at 6am BST this morning on Wednesday 7 September 2022)

That makes yesterday the wettest day of this year so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank although this is usually the time when it normally always goes on to stay virtually bone dry here for days on end afterwards these days.

Monthly Data

Total for this month so far: 25.2 mm (45.7% of 1991-2020 September average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 19.8 mm (36.1% of 1991-2020 September average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of rain days during this month so far: 3 (28.5% of 1991-2020 September average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 2 (20.1% of 1991-2020 September average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of dry days during this month so far: 2 at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 2 at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh

Seasonal Data

Total for this Autumn so far: 25.2 mm (11.9% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 19.8 mm (10.1% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of rain days during this Autumn so far: 3 (8.2% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 2 (6.0% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of dry days during this Autumn so far: 2 at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 2 at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh

Annual Data

Total for this year so far: 383.6 mm (48.9% of 1991-2020 year average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 326.2 mm (44.8% of 1991-2020 year average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of rain days during this year so far: 83 (60.4% of 1991-2020 year average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 73 (56.9% of 1991-2020 year average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of dry days during this year so far: 128 at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 127 at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh


This data has been obtained from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) by using a beta version of their latest upcoming API system.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Rob K
07 September 2022 08:15:03
19mm for the month so far, mostly coming in short sharp downpours. Glad we have the roof on our extension now!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
07 September 2022 09:40:06

17.4 mm This month.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Uncle Ted
07 September 2022 10:04:47
50.6mm here so far after some torrential showers. Farther NE of us have had considerably more.
140m asl overlooking Gleneagles Hotel (home of the Ryder Cup 2014) in the Ochils,Perthshire
Northern Sky
07 September 2022 19:14:35

26.5mm as of 8pm today.

  • four
  • Advanced Member
07 September 2022 21:08:35
5mm here this evening bringing month to 19mm and year to 231mm - still extremely dry.
07 September 2022 21:23:01

Here in Edinburgh, today's showers have resulted in a further 4.6 mm of rain being recorded during today at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh but although the rain was very heavy (and almost torrential) here for a while during this afternoon, just a measly 0.2 mm of rain was recorded out of all of that at Edinburgh Gogarbank which shows how very localised these events can be.

I can report though that even though it is now very late at night as I write, there are some further showers in our vicinity, so our rainfall totals could yet end up being a bit higher by tomorrow morning than what they are just now.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
07 September 2022 22:48:28

20.6 mm in all today, 10.6 of it from the early morning shower and the other 10 by this evening's thundery showers. The lawn is saved, just hope it isn't too far gone but I have scattered grass seed all over it last week.

Folkestone Harbour. 
08 September 2022 07:43:27

Another 12mm from our convective spell yesterday

44mm total so far this month all from thundery showers

Richmond, Surrey
08 September 2022 07:45:28

20.6 mm in all today, 10.6 of it from the early morning shower and the other 10 by this evening's thundery showers. The lawn is saved, just hope it isn't too far gone but I have scattered grass seed all over it last week.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Lawn will be fine, it's amazing how quickly it can recover. Mine is looking good now after the rain of the last week.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
08 September 2022 11:20:25

39.9 MM  This month due to sharp down pours. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
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