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01 September 2022 06:19:52

Now that we have just entered a brand new season, it is time to start a brand new moaning/gloating thread.

As you will know already, we have just had a very hot summer which gave many parts of the UK, their hottest day on record. Indeed, that was the case even here in Scotland and it was whilst I was down in Hawick in the Scottish Borders, that this particular town also had its hottest day on record with the the new record for the whole of Scotland being set at a location which is very close to there on that very same day that England saw temperatures of over 40°C for the first time ever in recorded history.

It is therefore fair to say that there was a lot of hot and sunny weather during the summer and although it's no longer anywhere near as hot as it was back then, that dry and sunny weather is still ongoing as I write, with many places still continuing to be rather warm for the time of the year.

It is therefore also fair to say that I've witnessed enough hot weather for now and so, I would now much rather be getting on with autumn. Only time will tell of course, whether or not the actual weather will allow that to happen, but this is now the very place to moan or gloat about anything which comes up as a result of our weather over this next three months.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
01 September 2022 07:26:25

7 out of the next 8 days are likely to rain. I do not mind that. Nor will farmers.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 September 2022 07:40:52

So the big question is, when will autumn end and spring return?  February?  March?   April?  

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
01 September 2022 07:51:45

Yes, we are entering the longest season of the the year. It only gets spoilt by that darker part between late November and late January. 

For SE coast dwellers Autumn has now become a very well defined wet season between late September and early December as we hang on to the lag of warmth and inherent instability from the English Channel in returning polar maritime airmasses.

We start September with SST's over 20c. Channel convection giving wonderfully dramatic skies will be very much hoped for. 

We start the season with another warm one...25c (77f) will be achieved today.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

01 September 2022 19:38:52

I made the prediction weeks ago, in the drought thread, that September would be a horror show with crap unsettled weather setting in on the 3rd just as I head off to London and low and behold that's exactly what's happening 

Absolutely sickening vile disgusting rubbish being forecast. The worst week of the year. What the hell have I done to deserve this? It will be the first full week I've had off work since Christmas and the weather looks putrid. Not only that but it seems to gets worse and worse with every model run.

The worst possible set-up giving the worst early September weather since 1995 without a doubt. It's extremely rare to get such relentless low pressure dominated garbage this early in the season.

NE Scotland looks like suffering the worst from the abnormal synoptics. Incessant rain under a relentless rank SE flow. Some model output showing over 100mm in 10 days which could well mean flooding. Hideous temperatures, resembling the typical 21st Century October, with ridiculously mild nights and average days.

Absolutely diabolical. There is no worse month to get this horror than September when it's the last possible month to get decent warm, sunny weather. Thus the miserably bleak period stuck indoors with little outdoor activity possible extended by a month.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
02 September 2022 21:24:49

So the big question is, when will autumn end and spring return?  February?  March?   April?  

Originally Posted by: Essan 

Also the big question will Autumn deliver more sunny days that was lacking this summer?  Last year Autumn had more sunshine after a cold dull summer then the early snow came then that all folks.  I never like Autumn as is time of death and darkness but would be excited if i was living in N America knowing that snow will arrive by winter.  The shortest Autumn on record was 4 weeks in 1995 after a summery October follow by Autumn spell then snow came for a week at end of November follow by on and off snow and cold events in winter 1995/96.  

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
02 September 2022 22:15:33


Also the big question will Autumn deliver more sunny days that was lacking this summer?  Last year Autumn had more sunshine after a cold dull summer then the early snow came then that all folks.  I never like Autumn as is time of death and darkness but would be excited if i was living in N America knowing that snow will arrive by winter.  The shortest Autumn on record was 4 weeks in 1995 after a summery October follow by Autumn spell then snow came for a week at end of November follow by on and off snow and cold events in winter 1995/96.  

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Still clinging to your previous position, I see. From Weather Online, Nottingham, not a million miles from you, recorded hours of sunshine 2022 Jun 190.9, Jul 180.5, Aug 226.7. Even in July that's 6 hours per day ( and it was about 5% above 10-year average) and it doesn't get much better in a British summer. August was better and more like 15% above average, but don't judge Warwickshire by Mediterranean standards.

There are some facts. Now could we debate them instead of making offensive personal remarks?

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
02 September 2022 23:52:12


Still clinging to your previous position, I see. From Weather Online, Nottingham, not a million miles from you, recorded hours of sunshine 2022 Jun 190.9, Jul 180.5, Aug 226.7. Even in July that's 6 hours per day ( and it was about 5% above 10-year average) and it doesn't get much better in a British summer. August was better and more like 15% above average, but don't judge Warwickshire by Mediterranean standards.

There are some facts. Now could we debate them instead of making offensive personal remarks?

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Problem that most hours was collected during the heatwave or prior to that but from 20th July to 31st was solid very cloudy with barely few minutes of sunlight except one day reached over 5 hours.  June most was 5-6 hours but were all at early morning 2-3 hours and 2-3 hours average in the evening which all were unusable due to wrong timings Except one day heatwave was sunny all day.

Tim A
03 September 2022 05:34:44
Jiries are your shutters blind shutters inside or European style shutters on the outside of the house?
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
03 September 2022 06:09:32


Problem that most hours was collected during the heatwave or prior to that but from 20th July to 31st was solid very cloudy with barely few minutes of sunlight except one day reached over 5 hours.  June most was 5-6 hours but were all at early morning 2-3 hours and 2-3 hours average in the evening which all were unusable due to wrong timings Except one day heatwave was sunny all day.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Thank you for that clarification

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
03 September 2022 06:41:48

Jiries are your shutters blind shutters inside or European style shutters on the outside of the house?

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Indoors from Shuttercraft Warwick company not Hillary and really worth it as it keep indoors very cozy and warm. This morning was 22 to 22.5 upstairs, used to drop to 18-19C every morning before the shutters came even on mild nights.  I will see how it goes this winter and if this will stay warm when heating is off for long time.  Mind you when you open in the marring you can feel the rush of cold air trapped enter the room but will disappeared as glass soon warm up quickly even if cloudy.

That Fine Dew and hope next year bit more better with sun out on correct timings.

Tim A
03 September 2022 07:59:14


Indoors from Shuttercraft Warwick company not Hillary and really worth it as it keep indoors very cozy and warm. This morning was 22 to 22.5 upstairs, used to drop to 18-19C every morning before the shutters came even on mild nights.  I will see how it goes this winter and if this will stay warm when heating is off for long time.  Mind you when you open in the marring you can feel the rush of cold air trapped enter the room but will disappeared as glass soon warm up quickly even if cloudy.

That Fine Dew and hope next year bit more better with sun out on correct timings.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Thanks, I was thinking of some for our lounge but the window is 3m by 1.7m and the quote for shutters alone without installation looks to be about 1.5k . 

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
03 September 2022 10:40:04


Thanks, I was thinking of some for our lounge but the window is 3m by 1.7m and the quote for shutters alone without installation looks to be about 1.5k . 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

I paid £3k first 1.5k in Feb then in July after installation at 1.5k.  It was 3.6k but discounted to 3k.  That was before the increase of prices from April.  I think it would be 4k by now which I did all the 8 windows except one facing the garden that going to be replaced with patio doors next year, there no patio doors in here only via kitchen side door.  I used Cyprus table cover to cover the window with 3 pegs on the top every night.

Which company did you use for quote?

Tim A
03 September 2022 18:32:55


I paid £3k first 1.5k in Feb then in July after installation at 1.5k.  It was 3.6k but discounted to 3k.  That was before the increase of prices from April.  I think it would be 4k by now which I did all the 8 windows except one facing the garden that going to be replaced with patio doors next year, there no patio doors in here only via kitchen side door.  I used Cyprus table cover to cover the window with 3 pegs on the top every night.

Which company did you use for quote?

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

24/7 blinds,  maybe I should try a local company.  The main reason to get them is the look but added bonus if they save energy.  

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
03 September 2022 19:08:26

Jiries are your shutters blind shutters inside or European style shutters on the outside of the house?

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Given the nature of Folkestone harbour lately, I'd have roll-down metal shutters fitted to my windows!

Folkestone Harbour. 
04 September 2022 06:21:58


24/7 blinds,  maybe I should try a local company.  The main reason to get them is the look but added bonus if they save energy.  

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Yes if your lounge sudden stay warm all the time while other rooms cool quickly then you can install the rest slowly since is expensive.  if your house already insulated that help like with extra wall fitted when I moved here. My last house was stone cold all the time.

I will find out how it work when heating on. First to put heat on when shutters closed at dusk time and thermostat set at 21 or 22 to start with then if warm quickly enough to switch off early set temp then I know how long it stay warm? all evening to morning? last winter it goes off but turn on again within a hour or so or less without shutters, by morning is cold at 16 to 17 or lower if frosty outside. With new 2 flat screen tv I wil buy give warmth to living room and bedroom will aid that.  My computer currently heat up the living room by 1C and stable that until I switch off before I sleep. 

04 September 2022 06:30:59


Given the nature of Folkestone harbour lately, I'd have roll-down metal shutters fitted to my windows!

Originally Posted by: idj20 

I never seen any houses have them only on shops.  Do you close them every night?  Cyprus shutters I miss then a lot and lovely character as all windows here really boring typical 1 small opening 1 side opening and other side no opening. When I was in France and Germany they have shutters and sliding glass or open windows panels inwards that you see a lot in Paris.  Only fake shutters here and in N America seem pointless that never close it but goes rot if not maintained with paint.

  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
04 September 2022 07:33:43


I never seen any houses have them only on shops.  Do you close them every night?  Cyprus shutters I miss then a lot and lovely character as all windows here really boring typical 1 small opening 1 side opening and other side no opening. When I was in France and Germany they have shutters and sliding glass or open windows panels inwards that you see a lot in Paris.  Only fake shutters here and in N America seem pointless that never close it but goes rot if not maintained with paint.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Not necessarily. There are some properties in Dorchester with wooden shutters you can close with ordinary glass casements that the owners use most of the time. I pass them when I go into town. Ah found an image of one property...

The shutters are workable as I've seen them used on occasion. 

5 bedroom barn conversion for sale in Fordington Dairy, Dorchester, DT1 1FD


Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
04 September 2022 08:57:26


Not necessarily. There are some properties in Dorchester with wooden shutters you can close with ordinary glass casements that the owners use most of the time. I pass them when I go into town. Ah found an image of one property...

The shutters are workable as I've seen them used on occasion. 

5 bedroom barn conversion for sale in Fordington Dairy, Dorchester, DT1 1FD


Originally Posted by: NMA 

That owner must had inspired from the type of shutters found in Italy old buildings as they all use 1 to 1 shutters unlike Cyprus use bi-fold shutters up to 3 panels like my old flat had 1 and 3 bi-fold.

Nice picture and that I never see anywhere in Nuneaton or Epsom when I lived there but found a building in York by the car park had workable black shutters as i saw few of them closed.

04 September 2022 14:05:38
No moans from me so far. It's been a great start to autumn here - low 20s every day, dry and some sunshine. September again continues the summer... at least so far.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
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