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26 July 2019 20:50:39

I'm getting really fed up with this weather now!!

The rain is still refusing to fall in this part of the world (now, it seems to be raining just about everywhere else other than here). We need that rain to help to cool things down a bit and now that we're just not getting that rain, I'm continuing to sweat profusely with the temperature still up at around 20°C here in Edinburgh as at 9pm this evening.


I've noticed that it's now at along last, just started raining as I write, so maybe, I will get my wish here after all.



The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
27 July 2019 08:16:56

Absolutely sick to death of this vile rubbish. It is yet another disgusting grey weekend of repellent humid grey muck with the temperature failing to drop below 16.5C overnight yet will struggle to hit 20C Why the hell can't we get a nice settled dry spell with sunshine, low humidity and pleasant temperatures?

July 2019 is one of the worst summer months I can remember. The first week was grotesque, it was poor when I was away and it has been garbage since I returned. Suffered a horrific day stuck inside a sweltering office yesterday when it was 26C and sunny outside only for the evening to be repulsively humid and overcast with yet more rain making 10 out of 11 days to record rain. An umitigated horror show 

There hasn't been a single decent weekend day all month. Another summer month where the weekend curse strikes in the extreme.

Weekday sunshine: 5.5hrs

Weekend sunshine: 3.2hrs and likely to drop further after this dross 

This follows hot on the heels of August 2018 (5.9 hrs, 3.2hrs) and July 2016 (5.0hrs, 2.5hrs). It just defies rational explanation. The office I work in is has no air conditioning and is just unbearable in summer even on a sunny day at just 17C. So to endure that and constantly suffer grey crap at the weekends is just torture. Grim and depressing beyond words.

Sunday was doing well up to June but Saturday has been hideous all year. We have so far had two mostly sunny Saturdays since the start of April when even the worst years of 2011 and 2014 managed six between April and September. We are going to need a very good run now just to equal those appalling years.

This is the sunshine recorded on Saturdays this month:

6th: 2.2 hrs

13th: 2.8hrs

20th: 1.7hrs

and today is just more of the same. Can't see even 3 hours being achieved with a seemingly constant stream of utter filth pouring in off the North Sea.

Just how the hell is this remotely acceptable for a summer month? I can't remember the last time November was this grim. Even in last years horrible dull wet atrocity we managed one decent Saturday (10th with 5.7 hrs). 

How on earth can a summer month be so bad that none of the four Saturdays record even 3 hours sun? Not even June 2007, June 2012 and July 2012 sunk this low. Not even close. I am so glad I was away for half this month because just enduring half has been bad enough.

Looks like a continuation of poor weather next week as well. Just depressing beyond words 




Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
  • AJ*
  • Advanced Member
27 July 2019 08:25:47

... Summers over the last 13 years have been one extreme or the other a normal English one would be nice.

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

Now that I do heartily agree with.

Angus; one of the Kent crew on TWO.
Tonbridge, 40m (131ft) asl
27 July 2019 09:36:32
Contrary to Richard's report, it's sunny here and feeling very warm in that sunshine. Temp was over 26C yesterday too.
27 July 2019 09:48:11

Contrary to Richard's report, it's sunny here and feeling very warm in that sunshine. Temp was over 26C yesterday too.

Originally Posted by: howham 

No sunshine here though, and it is absolutely chucking it down with rain here as I write as it has been for the vast majority of this morning.

The one good thing about that is that this has cooled things down quite a lot. The temperature here in Edinburgh was no higher than 16°C at 10am this morning, and I no longer have to carry on sweating profusely as a result.

This should also help to reduce the pollen count and help to alleviate any hay fever symptoms as a result.

The downside though is that because this rain is falling along a weather front which retreating back westwards and then southwards, we are only going to end up back in that same air mass which brought those record breaking temperatures on Thursday.

The difference this time is that the wind will now have much more of an easterly component to it and therefore, be coming in from off the North Sea instead of directly up from North Africa. That will make it a lot cooler across the UK as a whole but for here, this will no doubt mean that we will continue to have plenty of easterly muck coming in from off the North Sea even after it has stopped raining here, as it is forecast to do.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
27 July 2019 10:45:17

After the early murk has cleared it has turned out to be lovely day here, so far. Feeling warm with lots of sunshine once more.

27 July 2019 10:50:03

After the early murk has cleared it has turned out to be lovely day here, so far. Feeling warm with lots of sunshine once more.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Here's one for the record books - warmest temperatures so far today. Aberdeen is, of course, high on the list.

Scatsa/Shetland Island (22 m)22.0 °C
Lossiemouth (6 m)21.0 °C
Exeter Airport (30 m)21.0 °C
Bournemouth (10 m)21.0 °C
Aberdeen Airport (69 m)20.0 °C

There was a day a few decades ago where Shetland saw temperatures in the high 20s while it was much cooler across mainland Britain - a similar synoptic setup, I'd imagine.

Leysdown, north Kent
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
27 July 2019 10:55:52

We’re back to situation normal today!  Just a brief spell of sunshine and now rain.  The first day of the week that it hasn’t been too hot to get any gardening done and it’s too wet!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
27 July 2019 10:57:43
Thanks Darren, I had missed the Shetland warmth this morning. An unusual setup that’s for sure, but as you say not unprecedented.
27 July 2019 11:30:16

21.1C in my garden but feels divine in the sunshine. I think the Shetland all time record is 23.4C. I've been up there numerous times this year for work and it is normally 12 and overcast!!

  • Col
  • Advanced Member
27 July 2019 11:39:45

21.1C in my garden but feels divine in the sunshine. I think the Shetland all time record is 23.4C. I've been up there numerous times this year for work and it is normally 12 and overcast!!

Originally Posted by: howham 

Well if you click on the Shetland link in Retron's post you will see that they have already reached 24C so the record has gone, subject to verification of course πŸ™‚ It would be quite remarkable for Shetland to have the highest temperature in summer. I imagine it's happened a fair few times in winter with a cold & frosty high over the rest of the UK but Shetland being far enough north to be influenced by milder Atlantic air but in summer it must be breathtakingly rare.

Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
27 July 2019 11:47:41


Well if you click on the Shetland link in Retron's post you will see that they have already reached 24C so the record has gone, subject to verification of course πŸ™‚ It would be quite remarkable for Shetland to have the highest temperature in summer. I imagine it's happened a fair few times in winter with a cold & frosty high over the rest of the UK but Shetland being far enough north to be influenced by milder Atlantic air but in summer it must be breathtakingly rare.

Originally Posted by: Col 

All the more remarkable when you consider that at Edinburgh Gogarbank where it got up to 31.6°C just a couple of days ago, thus making that day Edinburgh's hottest day on record, it was a dismal 14.9°C at 12 noon today in the pouring rain with many places even during last winter, having seen higher temperatures than that on a number of days.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
27 July 2019 12:02:10


Well if you click on the Shetland link in Retron's post you will see that they have already reached 24C so the record has gone, subject to verification of course πŸ™‚ It would be quite remarkable for Shetland to have the highest temperature in summer. I imagine it's happened a fair few times in winter with a cold & frosty high over the rest of the UK but Shetland being far enough north to be influenced by milder Atlantic air but in summer it must be breathtakingly rare.

Originally Posted by: Col 

I know it actually cites the 23.4°C value in Wikipedia as well but I am pretty sure it is not the all-time Shetland record, perhaps for Lerwick?

Edit: It appears that Scatsta is not an official Met Office station included in the records, only Lerwick and four other more remote stations. Based on that information the record is probably officially 23.4°C although Scatsta has been as high as at least 27°C (2003). As Lerwick has “only” reached around 20.1°C today the record is safe for the moment.

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
27 July 2019 12:40:56

I know it actually cites the 23.4°C value in Wikipedia as well but I am pretty sure it is not the all-time Shetland record, perhaps for Lerwick?

Edit: It appears that Scatsta is not an official Met Office station included in the records, only Lerwick and four other more remote stations. Based on that information the record is probably officially 23.4°C although Scatsta has been as high as at least 27°C (2003). As Lerwick has “only” reached around 20.1°C today the record is safe for the moment.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Well at least you guys can have a gloat today!  I know you do get some lovely weather up there because I’ve experienced it!  I have photos of our kids in bathing suits, eating quickly melting ice creams on Cullen beach.  Anyway, it’s really great that you’ve come to the party!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
27 July 2019 13:22:43
Beautiful day down here light/mod WNW breeze 3/8s cloud cover with cu and a little CI.
...but not looking good early part of next week..
Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
27 July 2019 14:05:55
It's been a warm week here. Nice that for a change we're the ones hanging on to the sunshine!
27 July 2019 17:11:18

The weather here in Aberdeenshire this week (and including today) has been very nice - warm but not too hot with most days 23 to 27 degrees. 

You cannot beat this area during summer hot spells! The climate of Aberdeen city as described by Richard is not that experienced inland most of the time.

Apparently the Shetland record is 27.8C at Sumburgh of all places - the 23.4C quoted is the Lerwick record.

Aboyne, Aberdeenshire
135m asl
27 July 2019 17:15:45

The weather here in Aberdeenshire this week (and including today) has been very nice - warm but not too hot with most days 23 to 27 degrees. 

You cannot beat this area during summer hot spells! The climate of Aberdeen city as described by Richard is not that experienced inland most of the time.

Apparently the Shetland record is 27.8C at Sumburgh of all places - the 23.4C quoted is the Lerwick record.

Originally Posted by: Viking3 

That sounds about right re. Shetland however it may not be an “official” value? By the way for the record, the climate  of Aberdeen is not always as “described” too.  (Either that or there are notable microclimates within the city!)

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
27 July 2019 17:37:58


That sounds about right re. Shetland however it may not be an “official” value? By the way for the record, the climate  of Aberdeen is not always as “described” too.  (Either that or there are notable microclimates within the city!)

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

  Richard is beyond help, bless him!  I just think he’s proving he’s British by moaning about the weather!  

I think we give a general bad impression of our weather.  Many times I’ve been abroad and have been asked about rainy old Britain!  Abroad they seem to think it always rains here.  Probably due to other British holidaymakers saying so, half in jest!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
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