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01 September 2020 17:24:01

August updates from Chilton:

6.6 on 20th

6.5 on 23rd

6.3 on 25th

6.0 on 28th

Less than 6 since.

Amazing how the UV plummets in August.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
07 September 2020 18:33:55

Respectable UV from Chilton for the start of Sep; since 2nd:

5.0  4.0  4.2  5.5  5.3  4.5

Camborne managed a 5.8 on 6th.

Reading is far out of line with the other two and has missing data.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
20 September 2020 12:03:10

Excellent sunshine September in the S as far as UV goes:

Reading & Chilton have not failed to reach 4 since I last reported on 7th, (up to yesterday). Chilton's 6.0 on 9th and 5.1 on 13th are worthy of note. Add: Chilton has had no sub-4 day through the whole of September so far, including today. Must be a first.

Camborne meanwhile has dipped below 4 on 5 days since then and below 3 on 3 days, due to less sunny weather, but managed 6.2 on 8th and an impressive 5.0 on 18th.

Gib still topping 8 on occasion.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
19 October 2020 18:35:07

Chilton scored 3.9 on 27th Sep and an impressive 3.6 on 7th October- the last 3 in fact. Disappointing lack of 2s since then though. 2s really should be waning over the next week.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
24 November 2020 12:11:19

2.3 in fact on 19th and only two 2s since; 2.0 on both 23rd and 26th. Running around 1.5 at Chilton of late.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
09 January 2021 17:08:48

A reflection on the second half of the year, from Chilton data.

Last UV 2 26/10 (close to usual)

Last 3 7/10 (close tousual)

Last 4 22/9 (close to usual)

Last 5 13/9 (slightly later than usual)

Last 6 9/9 (later than usual)

Last 7 17/8 (later than usual)

Last 8 5/8 (significantly later than usual)

Last 9 17/7 (unusual)

High 9.3 on 29/6.


I wonder if the lockdown/ partial lockdown arrangements had an effect on UV levels from June to September. Everything seemed to return to normal from mid September.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
06 February 2021 08:08:54

Up to 1.6+ in Weybourne yesterday but the first 2s are forecast for today in the Channel Isles. 

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
06 February 2021 15:52:56

Delightfully sunny over parts of CS England today; Reading the UV lead with 1.7.

Here the heated car roofs rippled summerishly.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
12 February 2021 18:41:37

Reading 1.8 today and Weybourne 1.9 yesterday. 2 is imminent. I'll be interested to see what atmospheric O3 is like from late Feb to early May and how it affects the UV maxes this spring. There were some high earlies last spring but I wonder how repeated lockdowns will affect the values coming.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
16 February 2021 20:09:20

Weybourne snatched a 2 yesterday (Reading and Chilton made 1.9). The jump to 2 in March has shifted over the last few years to February.

I'm trying to make thoughts as to why.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
23 February 2021 21:48:28

Okay, great peaks from Reading (2.6) and Chilton (2.5): both quite a jump there today. Camborne 2.1 reflective of the encroaching cloud from the SW. But Weybourne has a dodgy 3.9 registered so I think that needs a good look before we consider it with any degree of credibility. Would equate to a 10+ in late June I suspect!

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
25 February 2021 21:49:45

2 reached quite widely now in the S and I expect this to be maintained with the upcoming forecast weather. The usual consistency-with-variation from the key stations but Weybourne's a joke with 5.2.

Sort yer stuff out or stop reporting!



Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
27 February 2021 16:18:15

Reading 2.4 (2.5 yesterday). Beautiful weather for a Saturday.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
28 February 2021 21:42:48

Seems a bit early to me, but TheWeatherOnline is forecasting UVIs of 3 quite widely across the UK tomorrow.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
09 March 2021 18:57:10

Seems a bit early to me, but TheWeatherOnline is forecasting UVIs of 3 quite widely across the UK tomorrow.

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Does seem a bit aspirational, Scott. Reading and Chilton just fell shy of a 3 today on what was expected to be the highest UV this week- and it was, truly, a glorious day here; might have just scraped 3 in southernmost locations.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
13 March 2021 13:29:03

Absolutely dazzling sunshine out there now that the cold, clearer air has arrived, and it's been like that across the midday period, but the stations are failing to reach 3; I see clouds building frequently to the N, W and E, but we appear to be in a brighter pocket with only fleeting showers, these very light. Must be a 3 in this area.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
15 March 2021 11:09:27

Absolutely dazzling sunshine out there now that the cold, clearer air has arrived, and it's been like that across the midday period, but the stations are failing to reach 3; I see clouds building frequently to the N, W and E, but we appear to be in a brighter pocket with only fleeting showers, these very light. Must be a 3 in this area.

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 


I had 2.7 on 13th, highest so far this year.

Ashurst Bridge (New Forest)
9m ASL 
17 March 2021 17:45:08



I had 2.7 on 13th, highest so far this year.

Originally Posted by: forestedge 

Thanks Roger. That does at least confirm what the stations are showing. I think the warmth of the sun tricked me into thinking the air was clearer. But it's still respectable for mid March- I wonder if there will be a low O3 situation this spring.


Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
17 March 2021 17:46:20

Chilton & Reading managed a 3.1 yesterday.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
22 March 2021 19:44:52

Last 2 days, Chilton 3.8, 3.3

Reading 3.8 (so good consistency), no data yet today.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
'We'll never see 40 celsius in this country'.
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