Any general tips on roses for a total amateur?.
I am working in a garden full of all sorts that haven't been looked after for at least six years from information I have gathered.
Do I cut all to 1..5 feet and open the centre and cut out dead wood?.
Anything would help advice wise.Long stems(3-4 foot) straight,crossing,ground shoots.
In general it's a total mess but I would love to tidy it up for spring and don't really know what to do?.
The owner is not a rose fan but doesn't want them dug out.
I understand they are hardy plants,but that's as far as it goes.I've looked up varieties and know some are tea and patio types.
I've looked up about nodes,direction and where to cut during the growing season but some of these things are so tall and stringy with few leaves.
I need a quick general clean up and want to save them but don't want to mess them up.
Please help.

Originally Posted by: AIMSIR