Notice we have two threads now for Gardening...Let's hope we continue with this one for onwards in 2016.
And I hope no-one minds me posting my garden related items in here, even if my climate is akin to that of Southwestern Portugal.
Yesterday I prepared a second bed (image below) as part of my renewed push in the garden. Due to last summer's water shortages, I neglected to plant anything and left my beds fallow for the most part. this meant the ground was rock hard and took some fair amending t get back into chape; I hand turn it down to two feet (usually because of Squash plants in summer).
The only things I maintained last year were were my perennial fruits, but since we've had more rain this winter so far than the whole of last winter, I've decided bite the bullet this year and grow some winter veg and early spring crops, with a view to planting summer veg in March.
One bed, not pictured has root vegetables in it, namely Swiss Chard, Beets, Turnip, Carrots, Parsnips, and radish. The bed below will be home to peas, carrots, radish, and some mixed salad greens (mustard, Rocket). I have butter lettuce growing all over my lawn right now as I tend to just let some lettuce bolt in summer and seeds to scatter.
The other beds (three remaining), need some work yet, and next weekend will likely get two more done as it is a long holiday weekend, and the city are giving away 6 burlap sacks of compost to each resident.

As you can see in the above image, yellow strawberries (an Alpine variety) are doing well over there to the left with some flowers. Over to the right I have a few key limes which I never picked and have turned yellow. They are still edible like this and a bit sweeter than a lime (closer to a lemon). On the bottom right is a ragged looking pineapple but it is actually showing renewed vigour and sending out two new centres which I hope will give me further pineapples this year. The one from this summer was simply the best pineapple I have ever tasted.
I'll hopefully share more pictures as I go along.