Fig and almond trees thriving in UK thanks to fewer frosts, RHS says 
It’s this kind of article that slightly annoys me. I’ve posted a screen capture above in case the article is
re-edited with a
Ficus carica instead of a Fig leaf gourd (
cucurbita ficifolia) sic image.
Someone else is bound to notice. I’m surely not the only person.
Yes, we get less frosts nowadays but when you see this story on Figs and Almonds growing in the UK due to
fewer frosts, it’s a bit of a misleading article. The photo of a fig gourd masquerading as a Fig) (I’m 100% sure the writer meant
Ficus carica), merely shows sloppy research. I know a little bit about figs. Roger if he reads this knows even more. But anyway I’ve grown them in England in the last century with great success and know they were grown in Britain probably by the Romans and certainly in medieval times.
Almond trees were introduced to Britain I believe in the 1350s. The implication/message of the article is of course that gardeners have only recently been able to grow these two plants in Britain because of fewer frosts. That’s misleading. Whether it’s written on purpose or with ignorance, who knows? But one thing is certain, good editors are a declining species.
Rant over.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft