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Global Warming
31 December 2015 14:26:28

This month has been warmer than several Octobers and one May since 1990:

December 2015 9.8C (est)

October 1982 7.8C
October 1983 8.5C
October 2003 9.2C
October 2008 9.7C
May 1996 9.1C

Global Warming
31 December 2015 14:28:20

Great post here from the Met Office with all the stats on the rain and heat this month

Global Warming
31 December 2015 14:44:14


A very pertinent point. I find your data analyses very useful and interesting GW.

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

Thanks very much for your comments.

Just calculated the mean minimum temperature for Bournemouth Hurn this month and it is 9.4C. Compare that to the 1981-2010 mean which is 1.6C and you have an anomaly of 7.8C.

The 1981-2010 mean maximum for December at Hurn is 8.7C. So the nights have been warmer this year than the days normally are in December. A total of 16 days in December had a minimum temperature in double figures at Hurn.

The average number of air frosts in December at Hurn is 12.2 days. This year - zero. Lowest temperature was 0.3C at 0600 on the 9th.

31 December 2015 15:53:16


Thanks very much for your comments.

Just calculated the mean minimum temperature for Bournemouth Hurn this month and it is 9.4C. Compare that to the 1981-2010 mean which is 1.6C and you have an anomaly of 7.8C.

The 1981-2010 mean maximum for December at Hurn is 8.7C. So the nights have been warmer this year than the days normally are in December. A total of 16 days in December had a minimum temperature in double figures at Hurn.

The average number of air frosts in December at Hurn is 12.2 days. This year - zero. Lowest temperature was 0.3C at 0600 on the 9th.

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 

Totally and utterly amazing. I remember as a child being fascinated by the Rickmansworth (Herts) frost hollow but I don't know if there are recordings from that site anymore. Benson comes up from time to time and also a Surrey site- might be Redhill. Is Hurn unique because of its sandy soil insulation? Is it classed as a frost hollow the way the others are?

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
Global Warming
31 December 2015 16:07:03


Totally and utterly amazing. I remember as a child being fascinated by the Rickmansworth (Herts) frost hollow but I don't know if there are recordings from that site anymore. Benson comes up from time to time and also a Surrey site- might be Redhill. Is Hurn unique because of its sandy soil insulation? Is it classed as a frost hollow the way the others are?

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

My understanding is that it is the sandy soil at Hurn which is the main reason for the low minima. So not a frost hollow in the true sense of the phrase as the land is relatively flat at Hurn (hence why the airport is there). Redhill was a typical frost hollow, the name gives it away. But this site closed some time ago. Off the top of my head I can't recall the exact characteristics of Benson.

31 December 2015 17:04:05


My understanding is that it is the sandy soil at Hurn which is the main reason for the low minima. So not a frost hollow in the true sense of the phrase as the land is relatively flat at Hurn (hence why the airport is there). Redhill was a typical frost hollow, the name gives it away. But this site closed some time ago. Off the top of my head I can't recall the exact characteristics of Benson.

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 

Correct. I've been there a few times and it's low lying but flat and like much of the New Forest area it has sandy soil

31 December 2015 17:05:20

This month has been warmer than several Octobers and one May since 1990:

December 2015 9.8C (est)

October 1982 7.8C
October 1983 8.5C
October 2003 9.2C
October 2008 9.7C
May 1996 9.1C

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 

Never realised that was such a cold month.

What I do remember is the incessant rain!

31 December 2015 18:28:21


Never realised that was such a cold month.

What I do remember is the incessant rain!

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Just a typo- 1992 was that cold. 1982 was something of nothing (10.1)

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
31 December 2015 18:40:50

It's hard to put this month in words because it's so off the scale. For me, it's beyond extraordinary. 

Unbelievable, climatologically ridiculous.....

The current CET mean minimum is warmer than any CET minimum recorded for April!

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
31 December 2015 18:49:01

It's hard to put this month in words because it's so off the scale. For me, it's beyond extraordinary. 

Unbelievable, climatologically ridiculous.....

The current CET mean minimum is warmer than any CET minimum recorded for April!

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Goodness me, you're right, Kev; and only 43 out of 138 Mays have been warmer- so it has been warmer by night than about two thirds of the Mays!

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
01 January 2016 08:10:29


How about the trend line on this? (Source)

Of course, it just so happens that the 30-day period starts just as we had a colder blip, but it really makes for remarkable viewing - a spring-like temperature rise just as we're heading into the depths of winter!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Take out any indication that was December, never in a million years you would guess that was December!

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Global Warming
01 January 2016 11:11:18

Final Hadley figure for December is 9.68C

So 1.6C above the previous December record of 8.1C. Needless to say no one in the competition got even close to this figure.

Global Warming
01 January 2016 11:31:07

Here are the charts for December. Not much to add really to what has already been said in this thread. The numbers are truly astonishing. The record has been beaten by 1.6C. Warmest December for at least more than 350 years.

In the CET area the mean minimum and maximum temperature anomalies were very similar. However, the mean maximum was 1.8C above the previous record whereas the minimum was only 0.9C above the previous record.

Every single day in December was above average when looking at the maximum, minimum and mean temperature figures. 5 CET date records including 4 in a row.

Global Warming
01 January 2016 11:44:39

Here is the CET record breakers page. We have only beaten two of the three high temperature records for December.

Highest maximum CET 15.3C 19/12/2015. Previous record 14.7C 23/12/1977

Highest minimum CET 11.9C 12/12/1994. Highest in 2015 was 11.0C on the 17th

Highest mean CET 13.1C 19/12/2015. Previous record 12.9C 12/12/1994

01 January 2016 11:55:50

Warmer than any March, warmer than any November bar 1994, warmer than the previous November and that was the joint 3rd warmest November, the mean minimum warmer than any April mean minimum.

It is so off the scale, it's unreal, I feel like when the announcement was made this piece of music should be played with the timpanis banging after each record it has broken is made.

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
01 January 2016 12:00:01

December 2015 here had an average high of 11.7C and an average low of 6.1C. Overall mean 9.0C.

March 2012 had an average high of 13.5C and an average low of 2.2C (which is actually 0.3C below the LTA). Overall mean 7.8C.

I think it's going to be very hard or even impossible for March to record a higher mean, simply because in March, warm weather is almost always associated with high pressure, so warm days + cold nights, as opposed to December 2015's ridiculous 15C nights and 11C days.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Global Warming
01 January 2016 12:01:28

We have now set CET records for 7 of the 12 months in the period since 1994. This includes all months between July and December.

01 January 2016 12:17:59

We have now set CET records for 7 of the 12 months in the period since 1994. This includes all months between July and December.

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 

Thanks GW. I was on the understanding that March 2012 was also a record warm March??

It would be eresting to see if the record warmest May and June will ever be topped,both standing at 15.1c and 18.2c respectively.

Global Warming
01 January 2016 12:29:32


Thanks GW. I was on the understanding that March 2012 was also a record warm March??

It would be eresting to see if the record warmest May and June will ever be topped,both standing at 15.1c and 18.2c respectively.

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

March 2012 is only the 4th warmest on record. Warmest is 1957 at 9.2C. Forgot to mark that as red - will amend now.

Global Warming
01 January 2016 12:31:40

Oldest monthly CET record still standing is February with 7.9C set in 1779

01 January 2016 12:37:45

Not sure if this has been discussed but how does this December compare in a standard deviation kind of way to other record months? Or, I think I'm asking, how record is it?

I guess another way of looking at it is that a tm airstream persisted for much of the month. A tm airstream perhaps a degree warmer than we might expect? Or brought to us more directly from the far SW than is usual? We didn't smash maxima much we smashed persistence of airmass?

It's interesting reading other observation as that few other months could do this since we'd expect less cloud, the odd clear night, some cold night, in other months. I guess we might, next EN, see a November the same, one that averaged 11C now seem possible, or October and 14C plus. But, not later winter or spring months I guess.

01 January 2016 12:39:08
I think it would be interesting to see the average highs and lows of these record months and whether excessive cloud influenced produced very mild nights rather than warm days. I'm sure March 2012 had the warmest average high of any March? Or maybe I am mistaken.
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
Global Warming
01 January 2016 12:42:05

I think it would be interesting to see the average highs and lows of these record months and whether excessive cloud influenced produced very mild nights rather than warm days. I'm sure March 2012 had the warmest average high of any March? Or maybe I am mistaken.

Originally Posted by: LeedsLad123 

Best way to see the ranked maxima and minima is at these links

In terms of maximum temperatures March 2012 equalled March 1957. But there were two warmer years - 1948 and 1938. In fact 1938 was a full degree warmer.

Global Warming
01 January 2016 13:20:06

Annual CET competition - December update

Here are the final tables for the 2015 competition.

Congratulations to lanky who is our winner this year cool. It is only fitting really as he has been at the top of the table for 5 months this year, more than anyone else.

It was very tight though in the end as sussex snow magnet finished just 0.04C behind and Taylor1740 just 0.24C behind.

Our leader last month John S2 dropped to 7th this month. He does have the distinction of being the only person to be in the top 10 in the table in every month during 2015.

A number of people in the top 10 finished at their highest position of the year including Darren S, nouska and redmoons.

Several large climbers throughout the table including Surrey John, moonmin75, cowman and Gavin P all going in the right direction. It is all relative of course as nobody made a close prediction this month but some were closer than others.

Worth noting that if you had predicted the 1981-2010 mean every month throughout the year your error would have been 12.89C. So that puts the final table into perspective.

Thank you to everyone for taking part in another hard fought competition this year. Lets see what 2016 brings. Happy New Year to everyone.

Monthly positions

Monthly prediction errors

Yellow shading indicates an error of 0.25C or less. Orange shading means the person did not make a prediction in that month so an error was automatically calculated in accordance with the competition rules.


01 January 2016 13:21:18

Final Hadley figure for December is 9.68C

So 1.6C above the previous December record of 8.1C. Needless to say no one in the competition got even close to this figure.

Originally Posted by: Global Warming 


Congratulations, though, on winning the December round.


Has there ever been a month before where the winning prediction was out by more than two degrees? 

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