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28 July 2013 16:47:25

16.4C here (+1.5C) - probably won't change much now.
This is the first above average month this year, March 2012 was +1.6C so comparable in a way.
Although this year by way of balance March and April were -3.8C and -1.9C 
Year so far is on 7C, it is still looking like a cool year. 

29 July 2013 11:43:02

Met Office Hadley   18.8c.  Anomaly 2.8c.     Provisional to 28th..

Metcheck               18.63c.  Anomaly 2.17c.

N-W                       19.13c.  Anomaly 2.63c.

          My mean 20.2c......



Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
30 July 2013 13:45:25

Met Office Hadley      18.8c.    Anomaly  2.7c..   Provisional to    29th


Metcheck                 18.58c.  Anomaly   2.11c.


N-W                         19.07c.   Anomaly  2.57c.


    My Mean        20.1c..  

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
31 July 2013 10:52:02

Met Office Hadley       18.7c.    Anomaly     2.7c.        Provisional  to   30th.


Metcheck                  18.53c.    Anomaly    2.07c.


N-W                          19.03c.    Anomaly    2.53c.



My Mean          20.0c..

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 August 2013 06:28:40

20.5c in Evesham - easily my 2nd warmest month on record, beaten only by July 2006 (21.9c)

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Hungry Tiger
01 August 2013 11:06:37

Hadley 18.7C

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

01 August 2013 14:08:14

For my reading 20.0c for July.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
The Professional
01 August 2013 15:18:54

18.34 final answer - and so endeth my competition chances for another year!

John S2
02 August 2013 11:46:44
Hadley figure for July now lowered to 18.3c
In the 355 year CET series back to 1659, there have only been 9 Julys with a higher CET.
Contrast with March - there are only 11 years where March was colder than March 2013.
Gavin P
02 August 2013 12:00:11

2013 really is proving an extraordinary year.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Hungry Tiger
02 August 2013 13:02:21

So 18.3C it was then.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Brummie Snowman
02 August 2013 19:11:11

2013 really is proving an extraordinary year.

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Imagine if the rest of the year was below average with July the only above average month.

Global Warming
03 August 2013 11:57:32

Here are the charts for July. A very warm month. There was a huge difference in the anomalies for maximum and minimum temperatures. The minimum CET was only 0.75C above average and only the warmest since 2010. However, the maximum CET was exactly 3.00C above the 1971-2000 mean. This was the fifth warmest max CET figure for July since records began in 1878.

Warmest July Max CETs

25.6C 2006
25.0C 1983
24.4C 1921
24.3C 1976
24.0C 2013
24.0C 1911

The summer CET now stands at 16.01C so above average but not by much.

Global Warming
04 August 2013 09:04:20

So nobody correctly predicted the July CET but congratulations to moomin75 who was closest with a prediction of 18.5C.

Annual competition update for July

Some significant changes in the table this month as many people were caught out by the warm July. We have a new leader Taylor 1740 who now has a comfortable lead. This is in fact the fourth month that Taylor1740 has topped the table this year and has never been lower than third.

Our previous leader Weathermac drops three places to fourth. Norseman is up three to second place which equals the position reached back in April.

Nemi stays in third for a third month in a row. Stormchaser is up one to fifth just below his highest position this year of fourth.

We only have one new entrant into the top 10 this month and that is Easterly Beasterly who climbs seven places to seventh equalling the position reached back in February.

Other notable climbers are alan up five to 11th to his highest position of the year, warrenb up 11 to 14th and Tractor Boy up 14 to 17th. moomin75 is also a double digits climber this month after his excellent prediction.

Not too many big fallers this month but Deep Powder is down 17 places to 39th.

At the bottom vince is back in with a chance of avoiding the wooden spoon after a good prediction in July whereas markwells' run of good months came to an end with an error of over 2C.

We lost nobody from the table this month so still 63 in the competition. Llamedos and Johnny25 did not make predictions in July and were awarded an error of 1.94C based on the usual criteria. The average error this month for all those making a prediction was 1.24C.

Only five people managed a prediction error of less than 0.5C in July. This is the second lowest number of the year after March when nobody had an error less than 0.5C.

There are now only 37 people with a cumulative error of less than 10C with five months still to go. It looks unlikely that last year's winning figure of 7.86C by Brummie Snowman will be bettered this year.

04 August 2013 09:58:13

Thanks GW 🙂 highest of the year for me 28th

ASL 35m 

04 August 2013 12:06:33

Thanks GW

Ha'way the lads
Gavin P
04 August 2013 13:34:45

Thanks GW.

Pleasently surprised to see I only dopped two places.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
04 August 2013 16:00:02

Lurking in the shadows, staying less than a degree from the top

Who is this mysterious Taylor 1740? The cumulative error would be miniscule if it wasn't for that extraordinary March! Well done to them and all of the others currently in the top 10 or climbing fast towards it

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
04 August 2013 19:57:34

Lurking in the shadows, staying less than a degree from the top

Who is this mysterious Taylor 1740? The cumulative error would be miniscule if it wasn't for that extraordinary March! Well done to them and all of the others currently in the top 10 or climbing fast towards it

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

You're doing very well. Meanwhile I'm shocked I didn't lose ground as I was well out.

I built this snowman of myself.
04 August 2013 23:58:33

Still 18th 

Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
Gavin P
05 August 2013 00:14:12


Who is this mysterious Taylor 1740?

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

I was wondering that. You don't think it's *****do you?

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Snow Hoper
05 August 2013 21:20:34

Thanks GW

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
05 August 2013 21:30:07
Guessing going good so far.....
😄 😄
Still Lurking.......

North Worcestershire
05 August 2013 21:59:09


Who is this mysterious Taylor 1740?

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

I was wondering that. You don't think it's *****do you?

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

I think I know who you mean, in which case...

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
07 August 2013 12:47:34

 I am the mysterious Taylor1740.....  

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
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