Nordic Snowman
22 May 2013 20:46:03

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My final summer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.

Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .

When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Bjorli, Norway

Hungry Tiger
23 May 2013 23:06:45

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My final summer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.

Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .

When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking both to the north west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.

Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

23 May 2013 23:57:17

To be honest unless we get an extreme summer either warm or cold one party will think it backs up their claims. On average it rains one day out of 3.5 in the south of england during summer and slightly more often in the north. I would wager that if this distribution took place given the prevailing attitudes now some correspondents would consider it a s**t summer and others would think it the best since 2006. As the output stands at the moment it looks like it could be a slightly cool but dry start to summer, with a totally variable pattern after the first few day that no modelling system has nailed down yet. Such is the beauty of living between the air masses

24 May 2013 13:05:51

This is my forecast.  Please bear in mind that it is not especially aimed at meteorology experts, more my friends and general public, and also I localise it for my area, Reading/Berkshire.  I do not cover the whole UK.  I do not have a meteorology degree or the awe-inspiring knowledge of many on here.  It is mostly based on 10 years of following models and knowledge gained from websites such as The Weather Outlook.

I guess I should stop sitting on my Summer forecast and publish it. These are my initial thoughts, I probably will refine and update it in a couple of weeks.


I like to issue my long-range forecasts before the tiny handful of other forecasters I respect publish theirs so I do not get influenced away from my thoughts. I have seen a wide variety of forecasts for this summer from other amateurs, from the dire to the sublime. Most reasonable forecasters are still hedging their bets from what I see, with good reason.

Firstly I should review my Spring forecast.

“March I think will be generally cool or cold at times for the first half, with further snowfalls and frost likely but will switch to a warmish spell in the last 10 days - possibly reaching 20'C in the south. The warmish spell I expect will last at least 5 of the last 10 days. Drier than average though I expect a brief wet spell between the cold and warmish spells.

April I also feel will be much nicer than 2012, not quite on a par with 2011 but good overall. Again drier than average.

May back to the monsoon.”

The first half of March I was spot on – the second, erm, pretty damn wrong. April I emphasised how dry it would be, and I was spot on. May I went for cool and wet – it hasn’t been as wet as I had expected (although we have a week left for that to change!). I am happy in general – I would rate that around 75% accurate.

Average is the predominant word for the coming season, in my opinion. Which is a far better prospect than the last 6 summers.

So for June. I expect the predominant weather to be high pressure to the north of Scotland, with the Jetstream pattern fluctuating from France, bringing showers at times, and a split pattern with it going far north of Iceland and far south of Spain, giving more settled periods. My estimate is a week on-week off kind of pattern. One week of mostly cool, unsettled weather, followed by a week of fine, quite warm, if not exactly glorious weather. Overall, average temperatures, slightly above average rainfall and slightly below average sunshine. I am 65% confident of this solution. Other options remain on the table – a 10% chance of mostly wet and miserable, a 25% mostly chance of hot and sunny. Head to Scotland for the best weather.

July. Oh July. I got truly soaked last July. This July, I am expecting high pressure to be predominant over Scandinavia for much of the month, with the Azores high to our south-west also ridging in. This would mean a good proportion of the month with hot and sunny weather. Equally I do except near-average rainfall too, sometimes with imported continental or home-grown downpours/thunderstorms, at other times cooler, fresher weather with some rain/showers temporarily displacing the high pressure. More dry days than wet days at around 70% dry days. The beginning of the month probably the driest part – the end of the month the wettest. Overall I expect above-average temperatures, slightly below-average rainfall, above-average sunshine. There are a lot of indicators to this solution but common sense and recent history suggests to me that I am being way too optimistic. But I am confident of this solution at around 80%.

August will most likely carry on as July finished – unsettled. The Jetstream will most likely resume its trajectory of recent summers towards the UK. The first part of the month I believe will see some good sunny, warm days but finished off with heavy downpours and thunderstorms. As the month goes on, increasingly less sunshine with low pressure troughs situated close to or over the UK bringing several days of rain or showers, below-average temperatures with just a handful of decent days. Overall average temperatures but warmer at first, average sunshine and above-average rainfall. I am 60% confident for August.

I may as well touch on autumn and winter as they are normally far easier to predict in advance.

Hurricanes are not my speciality but the only forecaster whose word I treat as gospel and would force me to change my forecast is a guy called Joe ******i. Based in America and more famed for his anti global-warming rants roughly event 10 minutes on his Twitter feed, totally drowning out the snippets of incredibly useful weather information which for Europe are now as rare as a transexual hen’s teeth unless you pay a monthly subscription. He was the one who put me onto the idea of cold winters back in 2007/08 when everyone else said that global warming meant we would only experience snow in virtual reality machines.

The useful snippet of information that I gleaned from the mass of 140-characters is the expectation for a busy hurricane season on the Atlantic coast. Which in my limited experience of tracking hurricanes means one of two things for the UK as the summer ends, depending on the jetstream track. A Jetstream to the north of the UK will send the remnants of hurricanes far north, bringing those very warm, even hot Septembers and sometimes also Octobers. A Jetstream pattern straight towards the UK will just bring us more rain and wind. So September I believe will be either hot or wet, depending on how the Jetstream is functioning.

Initial thoughts for latter part of the year are October unsettled, November dry, December unsettled with the rest of winter cold. But there is much to play for before then and that is only a guide on current expectations and I will be surprised if everything I have predicted for the months before comes true.

Sometimes it is impossible to forecast two days away, and I find long-range forecasts far harder for summer than any other period – I do suffer from over-optimism at times in life so it does concern me that I am forecasting the best summer since 2006!

Fingers crossed I at least get July right.


I look forward to all the other forecasters.  Good luck.

David M Porter
24 May 2013 15:17:38

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My final summer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.

Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .

When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking both to the north west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.

Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

There again, warm or mostly warm springs don't always lead to good summers either; just look at the last 6 years for proof of that!

As for "the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer"; I have to say that I disagree with your use of the word "fact". In your opinion (and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well) it is looking like another poor one, but there is a world of difference between opinion and fact. Unless anyone happens to own a crystal ball, knows Mystic Meg personally or can somehow see the model output for the coming three months at this time (not likely), IMO there is no way anyone at this time can know for sure what it will be like. Yes, we're going into this summer on the back of 6 very poor ones, but runs of certain types of summers, winters etc are there to be broken. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when many were wondering of the long run of mild winters would ever come to and end, and the last few years has very definitely answered "yes" to that question.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Hungry Tiger
24 May 2013 19:46:48

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My final summer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.

Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .

When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking both to the north west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.

Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

There again, warm or mostly warm springs don't always lead to good summers either; just look at the last 6 years for proof of that!

As for "the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer"; I have to say that I disagree with your use of the word "fact". In your opinion (and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well) it is looking like another poor one, but there is a world of difference between opinion and fact. Unless anyone happens to own a crystal ball, knows Mystic Meg personally or can somehow see the model output for the coming three months at this time (not likely), IMO there is no way anyone at this time can know for sure what it will be like. Yes, we're going into this summer on the back of 6 very poor ones, but runs of certain types of summers, winters etc are there to be broken. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when many were wondering of the long run of mild winters would ever come to and end, and the last few years has very definitely answered "yes" to that question.

I'll expand on that David - I've been a weather observer of varying degrees of seriousness for 40 years now. Although I don't keep written records which I did in my teeens and early 20s - I've never lost interest in the weather and observing much of the time what I see.

Over the years I have built up a memory wrt to what I see in one month and then what I see following. It's not scientific in that respects beacuse I haven't got written evidence of all this.

But over time I have gradually memorised what I see and what follows on from it.

Last year I wrote off the summer by mid April - and look what happened. The worst summer since 1956.

This summer I think will be the same. To expand on that more - my reasons for saying this is that the jet stream is almost jammed in a southerly trajectory - a position it has been in with little long term movement now for a number of years.

The jet stream has just given us one of the coldest springs in almost a century and no way does that indicate a good summer or even an average one for that matter.

About 6 weeks ago I felt that this summer would be like 1962 - which was very cool and dry and I still think that will be the case.

The previous 6 bad summers have in most cases been bad due to dullness and wetness - We have not had a really cold summer yet - This I think will change with this one and this past 2 days may be the event which kicks off that sequence.

I could be wrong - but I am more than 60% happy with my hunch/observation forecast.

I would love to be proved wrong - I hate cold and wet weather and I am not a fan of cold weather now.

But it looks like I have no choice here.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Steam Fog
24 May 2013 21:23:05
Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My finalsummer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.
Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

IMAGE. Members enable at bottom of page

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled
IMAGE. Members enable at bottom of page
When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking bothto thenorth west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.
Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]There again, warm or mostly warm springs don't always lead to good summers either; just look at the last 6 years for proof of that![/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]As for "the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer"; I have to say thatI disagree with your use of the word "fact". In your opinion (and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well) it is looking like another poor one, but there is a world of difference between opinion and fact. Unless anyone happens to own a crystal ball, knows Mystic Meg personally or can somehow see the model output for the coming three months at this time (not likely), IMO there is no way anyone at this time can know for sure what it will be like. Yes, we're going into this summer on the back of 6 very poor ones, but runs of certain types of summers, winters etc are there to be broken. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when many were wondering of the long run of mild winters would ever come to and end, and the last few years has very definitely answered "yes" to that question.[/font]

I'll expand on that David - I've been a weatherobserver of varying degrees of seriousness for 40 years now. Although I don't keep written records which I did in my teeens and early 20s - I've never lost interest in the weather and observing much of the time what I see.
Over the years I have builtup a memory wrt to what I see in one month and then what I see following. It's not scientific in that respects beacuse I haven't got written evidence of all this.
But over time I have gradually memorised what I see and what follows on from it.
Last year I wrote off the summer by mid April - and look what happened. The worst summer since 1956.
This summer I think will be the same. To expand on that more - my reasons for saying this is that the jet stream is almost jammed in a southerly trajectory - a position it has been in with little long term movement now for a number of years.
The jet stream has just givenus one of the coldest springs in almost a century and no way does that indicate a good summer or even anaverage one for that matter.
About 6 weeks ago I felt that this summer would be like 1962 - which was very cool and dry and I still think that will be the case.
The previous 6 bad summers have in most cases been bad due to dullness and wetness - We have not had a really cold summer yet - This I think will change with this one and this past 2 days may be the event which kicks off that sequence.
I could be wrong - but I am more than 60% happy with my hunch/observation forecast.
I would love to be proved wrong - I hate cold and wet weather and I amnot a fan of cold weather now.
But it looks like I have no choice here.

Bottom line.

It's still a "hunch."

Could be bad, could be good.
Hungry Tiger
25 May 2013 14:52:27

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My finalsummer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.
Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .
When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking bothto thenorth west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.
Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]There again, warm or mostly warm springs don't always lead to good summers either; just look at the last 6 years for proof of that![/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]As for "the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer"; I have to say thatI disagree with your use of the word "fact". In your opinion (and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well) it is looking like another poor one, but there is a world of difference between opinion and fact. Unless anyone happens to own a crystal ball, knows Mystic Meg personally or can somehow see the model output for the coming three months at this time (not likely), IMO there is no way anyone at this time can know for sure what it will be like. Yes, we're going into this summer on the back of 6 very poor ones, but runs of certain types of summers, winters etc are there to be broken. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when many were wondering of the long run of mild winters would ever come to and end, and the last few years has very definitely answered "yes" to that question.[/font]

I'll expand on that David - I've been a weatherobserver of varying degrees of seriousness for 40 years now. Although I don't keep written records which I did in my teeens and early 20s - I've never lost interest in the weather and observing much of the time what I see.
Over the years I have builtup a memory wrt to what I see in one month and then what I see following. It's not scientific in that respects beacuse I haven't got written evidence of all this.
But over time I have gradually memorised what I see and what follows on from it.
Last year I wrote off the summer by mid April - and look what happened. The worst summer since 1956.
This summer I think will be the same. To expand on that more - my reasons for saying this is that the jet stream is almost jammed in a southerly trajectory - a position it has been in with little long term movement now for a number of years.
The jet stream has just givenus one of the coldest springs in almost a century and no way does that indicate a good summer or even anaverage one for that matter.
About 6 weeks ago I felt that this summer would be like 1962 - which was very cool and dry and I still think that will be the case.
The previous 6 bad summers have in most cases been bad due to dullness and wetness - We have not had a really cold summer yet - This I think will change with this one and this past 2 days may be the event which kicks off that sequence.
I could be wrong - but I am more than 60% happy with my hunch/observation forecast.
I would love to be proved wrong - I hate cold and wet weather and I amnot a fan of cold weather now.
But it looks like I have no choice here.

Bottom line.

It's still a "hunch."

Could be bad, could be good.

A hunch is not based on any evidence or observations - my thoughts are based on observations.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Steam Fog
25 May 2013 15:09:01
Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My finalsummer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.
Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .
When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking bothto thenorth west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.
Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]There again, warm or mostly warm springs don't always lead to good summers either; just look at the last 6 years for proof of that![/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]As for "the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer"; I have to say thatI disagree with your use of the word "fact". In your opinion (and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well) it is looking like another poor one, but there is a world of difference between opinion and fact. Unless anyone happens to own a crystal ball, knows Mystic Meg personally or can somehow see the model output for the coming three months at this time (not likely), IMO there is no way anyone at this time can know for sure what it will be like. Yes, we're going into this summer on the back of 6 very poor ones, but runs of certain types of summers, winters etc are there to be broken. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when many were wondering of the long run of mild winters would ever come to and end, and the last few years has very definitely answered "yes" to that question.[/font]

I'll expand on that David - I've been a weatherobserver of varying degrees of seriousness for 40 years now. Although I don't keep written records which I did in my teeens and early 20s - I've never lost interest in the weather and observing much of the time what I see.
Over the years I have builtup a memory wrt to what I see in one month and then what I see following. It's not scientific in that respects beacuse I haven't got written evidence of all this.
But over time I have gradually memorised what I see and what follows on from it.
Last year I wrote off the summer by mid April - and look what happened. The worst summer since 1956.
This summer I think will be the same. To expand on that more - my reasons for saying this is that the jet stream is almost jammed in a southerly trajectory - a position it has been in with little long term movement now for a number of years.
The jet stream has just givenus one of the coldest springs in almost a century and no way does that indicate a good summer or even anaverage one for that matter.
About 6 weeks ago I felt that this summer would be like 1962 - which was very cool and dry and I still think that will be the case.
The previous 6 bad summers have in most cases been bad due to dullness and wetness - We have not had a really cold summer yet - This I think will change with this one and this past 2 days may be the event which kicks off that sequence.
I could be wrong - but I am more than 60% happy with my hunch/observation forecast.
I would love to be proved wrong - I hate cold and wet weather and I amnot a fan of cold weather now.
But it looks like I have no choice here.

Bottom line.

It's still a "hunch."

Could be bad, could be good.

A hunch is not based on any evidence or observations - my thoughts are based on observations.


Er, but above you said it was a hunch?
Hungry Tiger
25 May 2013 15:37:28

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: Nordic Snowman 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

My finalsummer seasonal forecast is coming up on Sunday.
Amongst all the models, there is definete pattern emerging.

...yes, probably a pattern pointing towards cool and often unsettled .
When I was like Darren and really hated summer, we always had one. Now that I want a summer, we seemingly don't get them. Spring was pretty naff and my hunch is that summer will be below average on all accounts.

Well we've what we have been seeing I am sorry to say that I agree as well. This year is running very like the previous 3 or 4 years. True - this time we have had a record cold March - But the synoptics now are certainly not indicative of anything resembling a decent summer - None whatsoever. The Jet is jammed south and we have northern blocking bothto thenorth west and the north. We have just been through - or soon will have been through one of the coldest springs ever - other cold springs have not led to a decent summer - far from it.
Unless there is a huge volte face of the jet and relevant synoptics - we have face up to the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer.

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]There again, warm or mostly warm springs don't always lead to good summers either; just look at the last 6 years for proof of that![/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: small]As for "the fact that this is looking very very like another poor summer"; I have to say thatI disagree with your use of the word "fact". In your opinion (and quite possibly in the opinion of others as well) it is looking like another poor one, but there is a world of difference between opinion and fact. Unless anyone happens to own a crystal ball, knows Mystic Meg personally or can somehow see the model output for the coming three months at this time (not likely), IMO there is no way anyone at this time can know for sure what it will be like. Yes, we're going into this summer on the back of 6 very poor ones, but runs of certain types of summers, winters etc are there to be broken. Remember, it wasn't that long ago when many were wondering of the long run of mild winters would ever come to and end, and the last few years has very definitely answered "yes" to that question.[/font]

I'll expand on that David - I've been a weatherobserver of varying degrees of seriousness for 40 years now. Although I don't keep written records which I did in my teeens and early 20s - I've never lost interest in the weather and observing much of the time what I see.
Over the years I have builtup a memory wrt to what I see in one month and then what I see following. It's not scientific in that respects beacuse I haven't got written evidence of all this.
But over time I have gradually memorised what I see and what follows on from it.
Last year I wrote off the summer by mid April - and look what happened. The worst summer since 1956.
This summer I think will be the same. To expand on that more - my reasons for saying this is that the jet stream is almost jammed in a southerly trajectory - a position it has been in with little long term movement now for a number of years.
The jet stream has just givenus one of the coldest springs in almost a century and no way does that indicate a good summer or even anaverage one for that matter.
About 6 weeks ago I felt that this summer would be like 1962 - which was very cool and dry and I still think that will be the case.
The previous 6 bad summers have in most cases been bad due to dullness and wetness - We have not had a really cold summer yet - This I think will change with this one and this past 2 days may be the event which kicks off that sequence.
I could be wrong - but I am more than 60% happy with my hunch/observation forecast.
I would love to be proved wrong - I hate cold and wet weather and I amnot a fan of cold weather now.
But it looks like I have no choice here.

Bottom line.

It's still a "hunch."

Could be bad, could be good.

A hunch is not based on any evidence or observations - my thoughts are based on observations.


Er, but above you said it was a hunch?

I've expanded on my comments quite a lot already how far would you like me to go. I think I've backed up my argument pretty well already.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Hungry Tiger
25 May 2013 15:43:59

Another way of looking at things can be seen like this. Just note how absent the "Bartlett High" has been this past few years.

From about 1994 to 2006 those were almost semi permament. They are great in summer - they help settle things down nicely and give a decent warm to hot spell in summer.

In winter they give the cold lovers a nervous breakdown.

So for a great deal of the past 6 years or so these have been few and far between. Of course there are quite a few opinions at to what exactly a Bartlett High is - but most of us on here have a good idea of those.

This past winter - Bartlett has been almost non existent.

One main reason why I feel this summer could be another poor one is the absence so far of anything like a Bartlett - The glimmer of hope which has been emerging is the Azores high linking with high pressure over Scandinavia - that might well be the best get out of jail card we can hope for this summer.

Some forecast models imply this may well happen for a few weeks or so and even that would lift the summer out of the worst of the grotty index.

There is some hope.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

David M Porter
25 May 2013 16:06:43

For me, the best set-up for a UK summer in terms of giving virtually all of the UK a decent summer is one that we saw much of during the great 1995 summer, i.e a well established Azores High placed over or ridging strongly into the UK and is supported by a strong scandi HP at least some of the time. I have provided links to a few WZ archive charts from June, July and August 1995 to demonstrate what I mean.

I still regard 1995 as the best summer I have seen, and although 2003 and 2006 were good, neither were in the same league as 1995 for sheer persistance of fantastic summer weather. I recall many people back in 1995 comparing that summer to the legendary one of 1976. I wasn't around in 1976 but if it was in anyway better than 1995, it couldn't have been by much.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Hungry Tiger
25 May 2013 16:13:43

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

For me, the best set-up for a UK summer in terms of giving virtually all of the UK a decent summer is one that we saw much of during the great 1995 summer, i.e a well established Azores High placed over or ridging strongly into the UK and is supported by a strong scandi HP at least some of the time. I have provided links to a few WZ archive charts from June, July and August 1995 to demonstrate what I mean.

I still regard 1995 as the best summer I have seen, and although 2003 and 2006 were good, neither were in the same league as 1995 for sheer persistance of fantastic summer weather. I recall many people back in 1995 comparing that summer to the legendary one of 1976. I wasn't around in 1976 but if it was in anyway better than 1995, it couldn't have been by much.

Top post David. I agree 200% with you there. That was an amazing summer 1995 was and I am suprised not as many people remember it as they do 1976.

The stats for 1995 were incredible - both July and August back to back were either very hot - or exceptionally hot.

The CET for July 1995 was 18.6C - that was pretty incredible and then August follows straight on with a CET of 19.2C

That was incredible really - it really was.

But it was the very poor June of 1995 which ruined the chances of 1995 breaking the hot summer record of 1976.

June was dry cool and quite dull. June 1995 had a CET of just 14.3C

June 1976 had a CET of 17.0C



Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

David M Porter
25 May 2013 16:25:09

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

For me, the best set-up for a UK summer in terms of giving virtually all of the UK a decent summer is one that we saw much of during the great 1995 summer, i.e a well established Azores High placed over or ridging strongly into the UK and is supported by a strong scandi HP at least some of the time. I have provided links to a few WZ archive charts from June, July and August 1995 to demonstrate what I mean.

I still regard 1995 as the best summer I have seen, and although 2003 and 2006 were good, neither were in the same league as 1995 for sheer persistance of fantastic summer weather. I recall many people back in 1995 comparing that summer to the legendary one of 1976. I wasn't around in 1976 but if it was in anyway better than 1995, it couldn't have been by much.

Top post David. I agree 200% with you there. That was an amazing summer 1995 was and I am suprised not as many people remember it as they do 1976.

The stats for 1995 were incredible - both July and August back to back were either very hot - or exceptionally hot.

The CET for July 1995 was 18.6C - that was pretty incredible and then August follows straight on with a CET of 19.2C

That was incredible really - it really was.

But it was the very poor June of 1995 which ruined the chances of 1995 breaking the hot summer record of 1976.

June was dry cool and quite dull. June 1995 had a CET of just 14.3C

June 1976 had a CET of 17.0C



Thanks Gavin.

Yes, I well remember the dramatic change in the weather that occurred later in June 1995, after a dry, cool and fairly dull first couple of weeks that you referred to. I do remember a few fairly warm & sunny days up here in the first half of June '95, but they were mixed in among other ones that were rather less summery. The fantastic last 11 days of that month more than atoned for the rather uninspiring early part however, at least that's how I felt about it.

There have been some other summers that, while considered predominantly good overall, had one half that was rather better than the other half. 1983 I think had a mixed and not especially warm June, but then had a record breaking hot July which set the record as the hottest month on record in the UK and then kept that record until it was beaten by the same month in 2006. August 1983 wasn't bad either I think, although not as hot as July. 1990 was another summer that didn't start brilliantly, but then improved big time as we got towards the half-way point in July. That summer was notable for containing the UK's hottest day on record early that August which then stood until August 2003.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
27 May 2013 10:26:02

The patterns I expect to see dominating June 2013

This is my attempt at producing a clear, concise outlook based on the long range models. I hope you like it

I think it might be a good idea to add in airflow arrows for those who can't read synoptic charts... watch this space, the image should update automatically

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
Gavin P
27 May 2013 11:16:42

I'll just add the link to my summer forecast so that it can be reviewed at the end of summer;

Interesting charts SC...

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
27 May 2013 19:00:15

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 


Top post David. I agree 200% with you there. That was an amazing summer 1995 was and I am suprised not as many people remember it as they do 1976.

The stats for 1995 were incredible - both July and August back to back were either very hot - or exceptionally hot.

The CET for July 1995 was 18.6C - that was pretty incredible and then August follows straight on with a CET of 19.2C

That was incredible really - it really was.

But it was the very poor June of 1995 which ruined the chances of 1995 breaking the hot summer record of 1976.

June was dry cool and quite dull. June 1995 had a CET of just 14.3C

June 1976 had a CET of 17.0C

I was 14 in 1995 and I remember that summer very well. Looking at the stats for June 1995 here, it failed to reach 20ºC for the first 17 days of June, then the warmth kicked in.  11 days reached 30ºC at Birmingham airport (the same number as in 1976), and 36 days reached 25ºC+. Only 4.7mm of rain fell here between July 19th and August 28th.

It's a shame the last 5 days of August 1995 were quite cool or the CET could have beaten July 1983's record CET (at the time) of 19.5ºC.

28 May 2013 03:00:08

No change to my view of summer. Gavin's excellent summary reinforces my view that this it will be wetter and probably cooler than average. However, small shifts COULD bring warmer air in from the east at times which could create some hot spells but I am not confident on this at the moment.

28 May 2013 08:24:43

The link between spring type and summer is not strong.Its clear that the spring will be very cold but still not clear asto if it will fall in the wet or dry category and that has some bearing on follwing summertype.So await May rainfal lfigures before making a projection.

28 May 2013 16:13:37

I'm seeing good signs that this year, lower heights will try to hold on across Greenland until late July or August. These 'signs' are from the majority of the long range output combined with my own analogue years for Nov-Mar (I'm taking the latter seriously now because the models actually mirror it very closely indeed).

They point towards high latitude blocking being present, but located to the NE rather than NW, which opens doors to some fine spells of weather akin to what the models are currently (00z runs 28th May) showing for early next week. Other periods could easily see troughing could be trapped near or over the UK for many days at a time, so I'm not seeing a great summer, just a reasonable one with some good spells that will please a great many on TWO.

If only long range forecast was actually in the least bit reliable  I mean, for all I know, as Arctic sea ice reduces to very low levels (not necessarily a record, but in keeping with the norm for the past decade), heights will start to rise to our NW regardless of what the other variables driving our weather are pointing to.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
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