I've just pulled the curtains overlooking the patio (as for once it's dull and gloomy) and while I was holding the pull-cord I spotted three birds in a procession across the lawn... a blackbird, and two brown birds with black beaks following closely behind. I carried on watching as the blackbird led the other two around the lawn for a minute or so, then all three flew off to land in an elderberry bush. Looking it up online confirmed what I was thinking - the brown birds were fledgelings and I guess it was dad showing their territory to them!
That follows on from seeing a half dozen or so young starlings perched on the conifer last week, and judging by the quietness in my bedroom the sparrows resident in the eaves have said goodbye to their youngsters too. And while I was using the exercise bike earlier (positioned by the front window of the living room), a blue tit randomly landed on the window sill and stayed there for a few seconds - first time I've seen one in my garden.
It's not just birds visiting, either. I've got a bumble bee nest for the second year in a row, and they've been very busy on the sumac (three or four on some of the cones), as well as the fuschia, which they seem to adore. The former was planted by my mum in the 80s and now extends for 20 feet along one side of the garden, while the fuschia arrived in a large pot after the Kent County Show around 20 years ago... my dad, ever savvy for a bargain, bought one of the large display plants from a car dealership stand (they always sell them off cheaply at the end of the last day). It's now a massive bush, 8 feet high, 6 feet round and absolutely festooned with pink and purple flowers. The bees love it - there have been honey bees on it too, visiting from the hive on the nearby farm.
People may be complaining that it's a few degrees below average right now, but the wildlife doesn't care one iota!
EDIT: A couple of photos I took yesterday.
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12 June 2024 17:17:54
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