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01 April 2024 20:59:43

It may be wetter but even you can’t deny it is warmer over recent years surely?

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

No it not getting warmer, if was the case due to false CET then why there no AC units being install on each house by now?  It getting colder period with only short heat spikes instead of prolonged average to warm days.
01 April 2024 21:28:44

No it not getting warmer, if was the case due to false CET then why there no AC units being install on each house by now?  It getting colder period with only short heat spikes instead of prolonged average to warm days.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Is this Donald Trump in disguise? (That's the sort of thing which he would say)🤣🤣🤣
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
02 April 2024 03:20:55
Practically every CET figure recently has been above average!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
02 April 2024 05:38:05

Practically every CET figure recently has been above average!

Originally Posted by: Col 

But still AC units not fitted on each house to prove that UK getting warmer? Cyprus show both night and day temps getting warmer while here night temps rise as day temps decreased so that fool anyone thinking UK is getting warmer.  Last proper warming was summer 2018.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
02 April 2024 05:40:59
It’s been a decent bank holiday here.  Friday was Ok, Saturday was warm and sunny all day.  We had rain at night and early Sunday but on the whole it was warm with long sunny spells. Monday started drizzly but soon cleared and the afternoon was warm and sunny, ending with a spectacular thunder storm in the evening. 
Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
02 April 2024 05:42:56

But still AC units not fitted on each house to prove that UK getting warmer? Cyprus show both night and day temps getting warmer while here night temps rise as day temps decreased so that fool anyone thinking UK is getting warmer.  Last proper warming was summer 2018.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

As it is here, both day and night - especially nights - are getting warmer. It's why we no longer get snow from the west down here, it's why memories of 6 inches of snow every few winters are just that - memories, unlikely to be seen again in our lifetimes.

It's why (as per the BBC a couple of months back), Edinburgh and Cumbria now see as much frost over winter as Kent and Sussex did in the 70s. The warmth is relentless, and heaven only knows when the next below-average (61-90) month will be... none at all last year, the first time that's happened. Daily warm CET records are tumbling each year (we've already had a few this year), but no cold CET daily CET records have been set for years.

As for air-con, they're actually rather common if you look for them, and becoming ever more so. Though I started the trend in my road (with a portable one 20 years ago, I still use a portable these days), several people now have permanent installations... but with the condenser units tucked away out of sight, rather than plonked on street-facing walls as you'll see abroad!

Leysdown, north Kent
Crepuscular Ray
02 April 2024 06:47:56
I agree with your thinking Retron but the changing climate is giving Eastern Scotland persistent gloomy, damp and cool weather. It will be a long time before aircon is needed up here. More likely we need dehumidifiers and central heating. Our heating has been on constantly since Oct 1st. Our temperature outside will be below 9 C for the next 4 days with no sun ☁️🌧☁️ and yet I've heard that washing is being dried outside in the Midlands and South 😲
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
02 April 2024 07:37:59

I agree with your thinking Retron but the changing climate is giving Eastern Scotland persistent gloomy, damp and cool weather. It will be a long time before aircon is needed up here. More likely we need dehumidifiers and central heating. Our heating has been on constantly since Oct 1st. Our temperature outside will be below 9 C for the next 4 days with no sun ☁️🌧☁️ and yet I've heard that washing is being dried outside in the Midlands and South 😲

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

The issue here seems to be the unusual prevalence of winds/weather from an easterly quarter. Unwelcome at any time of the year. Today is a prime example. 
02 April 2024 07:44:06

I agree with your thinking Retron but the changing climate is giving Eastern Scotland persistent gloomy, damp and cool weather. It will be a long time before aircon is needed up here. More likely we need dehumidifiers and central heating. Our heating has been on constantly since Oct 1st. Our temperature outside will be below 9 C for the next 4 days with no sun ☁️🌧☁️ and yet I've heard that washing is being dried outside in the Midlands and South 😲

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

I think this year is an anomaly, TBH - we've had southerly tracking lows in abundance (as forecast by the anomaly charts before winter, of course), and thus you've been getting far more easterlies than normal, just as we've been getting more rain down here. It's not constantly chucking it down, though, and you're right - I've had plenty of washing (and net curtains!) dried out on the line in the past few weeks.

It's the inevitable switch to a prolonged dry and (due to the time of year) warm or hot spell that I'm not looking forward to. That's when the a/c is needed, and if it's anything like last year the dew points will be off the scale. Already in the past 20 years we've gone from 17C dewpoints being an outlier that's remarked upon, to multiple 19s and 20s last year - with nobody batting an eyelid. All that extra humidity means stifling nights and more air-con....

Leysdown, north Kent
03 April 2024 12:02:41
I should be comfortably in T shirt and shorts by now, but nope, still have heating on and wear coat and beany hat when going out. Autumn continues. 
Folkestone Harbour. 
03 April 2024 17:29:03

Not just the worst, most repellently vile start ever to April but the worst start to any month 🤢

Unspeakably horrific for 20 months. Month after month of ridiculous abhorrent wet easterly crap resulting in the whole monthly average being reached during the first half. It was ludicrous a long time ago and still it keeps on getting worse and worse. Now after just three days the monthly average for April has almost been reached already 🤬

Not a glimpse of sun all rotten stinking month, constant rain for two days and horrific cold temperatures with putrid non existent diurnal ranges that would disgrace November. This follows on from last April having four consecutive sunless days to close so there has been no April sunshine since the 26th last year. It's just never ending. Even when the rain clears from the radar a soaking drizzle,  that is too pitiful to show up, continues 🤮

April is turning into the worst month of the year and Spring the worst season. Not even the grotesque October to December period last year was this incessantly grim. The first week of April has been absolutely revolting almost every year since 2012. Cold, dull and increasingly wet. Almost every year since then has had worse weather for the Easter Holidays than the worst years I remember when I was at school. Back then the weather was changeable so even bad years were bearable. It is not remotely bearable or tolerable when this endless feed of stagnant wet, sunless wrist-slittinglt awful filth sets up repeatedly lasting for days at a time 🤮

I remember in April 1996 it was 18C and sunny one day then 6C with fog the next. Now we just have to endure the 6C easterly crud day after day. In fact it can't even get that warm. Just 5.4C today. Only three days in February were that cold - the brief cold snap from 7th to 9th. Absolutely pig sick of seeing it getting no warmer between February and April on an annual basis 🤮🤮🤮

Last year was the worst Spring in my memory but this year is absolutely smashing that horror into oblivion with it's relentless mind-numbing easterly poison. We endured eight consecutive sunless days at the start of March - the longest spell since December 2002. Then last week there was another four days of rain with only half an hour of sun. I was in London then but  Tuesday afternoon and Thursday there were just as hideous as what we've had the past two days. Cold, wet and windy. There was barely a dry day the whole time I was there although it wasn't as bad as the forecast or as last year.

Probably the worst spell of April weather since the second week of April 1934 when there was considerable flooding in what turned out to be the wettest April on record. I'm amazed that there isn't any flooding been reported now given the incredulous ongoing wetness and horrifically saturated state of the ground.

Spring is the only season of the year that hasn't been at it's absolute worst during the 21st Century but the 2020s seem determined to rectify that. The 1920s/1930s have to have had the worst springs with 1932 and 1934 the two wettest Springs on record. 2024 seems determined to knock both off their perch. Utterly abysmal and beyond depressing with no redeeming qualities 🤢
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
04 April 2024 07:24:55
Here in Edinburgh, a total of 24.0 mm of rain was recorded for the 24 hour period between 09:00 UTC on Wednesday morning and that same time this morning at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

In spite of that though, I don't recall there being any official Met Office warnings for rain being put in place prior to this particular event.

Now, I know that Edinburgh doesn't tend to be under as many official rain warnings as other part of the UK on average, but this was surely an event which surely more than merited an official yellow warning for rain at the very least.

What on Earth were the Met Office thinking about here? (If there was an actual warning which I didn't notice, I shall retract that but I didn't see any such warnings)
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
04 April 2024 07:55:26
There was a similar amount of rain here but it was just wet rather than meriting a warning as it fell over the course of the day and didn’t cause any disruption (which is why warnings are issued).
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
04 April 2024 07:59:51

Here in Edinburgh, a total of 24.0 mm of rain was recorded for the 24 hour period between 09:00 UTC on Wednesday morning and that same time this morning at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

In spite of that though, I don't recall there being any official Met Office warnings for rain being put in place prior to this particular event.

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

I wonder if they have a criterion for rain likely to cause disruption, of 25.0mm i.e. one inch, distributed over the whole day?
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
04 April 2024 09:34:30

I wonder if they have a criterion for rain likely to cause disruption, of 25.0mm i.e. one inch, distributed over the whole day?

Originally Posted by: DEW 

I've noticed that we're under an official warning for rain here during tomorrow.

What's the betting though that we end up not getting as much rain from that which would just be typical of course.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saint Snow
04 April 2024 11:05:50
Ben Nevis has another dusting 


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
04 April 2024 11:13:59

Ben Nevis has another dusting 


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

And at Cairngorm, with no doubt a lot more on the way tonight. 
Crepuscular Ray
05 April 2024 06:56:59
It's a gloat from me. We have a good covering of snow this morning at 100m above sea level. I'm currently in Dunkeld, NW of Perth
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
05 April 2024 07:19:12

It's a gloat from me. We have a good covering of snow this morning at 100m above sea level. I'm currently in Dunkeld, NW of Perth

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

If it was winter, I would be all too happy to see a covering of snow but we're into the time of year now when it should be warming up, so that is the last thing which I would be wanting to see now.

The big issue here at the moment is the almost incessant rainfall and ongoing lack of sunshine at the moment.

As I write, we're still only in the very first week of the month and yet, we've already had more than our 1991-2020 average April rainfall during this month to date at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

In addition to that, we have still to reach the halfway point of this spring and yet we've already had more than our entire 1991-2020 average spring rainfall at Edinburgh Gogarbank during this spring so far.

Quite remarkable when you consider that we are well into what is actually normally our driest period of the year according to the 1991-2020 monthly averages.

In addition to that, we're well past the Spring Equinox now which means that we should be getting some decent amounts of sunshine by now and yet, it still took us until yesterday to finally get our first recorded sunshine of this month at Edinburgh Gogarbank.

That was four days into this month and even that didn't amount to very much (the actual total for yesterday was just 2.1 hours of sunshine).

All in all, a very miserable period of weather indeed in this part of the world, so a more settled and sunnier spell of weather would be very welcome here now.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
05 April 2024 07:23:16

It's a gloat from me. We have a good covering of snow this morning at 100m above sea level. I'm currently in Dunkeld, NW of Perth

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Here’s the current webcam image from Amulree which is not that far away from you: 

Meanwhile the cold wet conditions continue here. Currently 2.9°C and raining.

Currently at over 90% of the long term monthly average rainfall for April (and 2°C below average for temperatures to date).
noodle doodle
05 April 2024 08:26:01
Snow fell in south Edinburgh last night but only stuck on the car. Some slush on the lawn, just melted all other surfaces. Now it's all nearly gone on the car too, and that's probably it for 2023/24
Saint Snow
05 April 2024 11:14:21
First day of the cricket season, and just 3 games out of 9 have been able to start (and one of those was delayed)


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
05 April 2024 11:54:27
Warmer air has arrived finally. Currently 14.1C. in glorious sunshine.
Alderney, Channel Islands. (previously known as Beaufort)
05 April 2024 12:34:58

Warmer air has arrived finally. Currently 14.1C. in glorious sunshine.

Originally Posted by: StoneCroze 

It was warm yesterday here (16.4) and it's warmer still today (17.4, the high so far being 17.5). Sunny, warm and very windy, an odd combination for April!
Leysdown, north Kent
05 April 2024 12:48:08

Warmer air has arrived finally. Currently 14.1C. in glorious sunshine.

Originally Posted by: StoneCroze 

We could do with some of that warmer air up here.

The temperature here in Edinburgh is still stuck at around 6°C as I write, and it's still raining!!🤢😡
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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