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26 September 2022 04:01:58

19 up and 17 down this morning - it's not been a cold night, but the wind has done its usual trick of wicking the heat away. (Shame it's seldom as windy in summer!)

Leysdown, north Kent
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
26 September 2022 05:39:15

17.1 C

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
26 September 2022 05:51:05
15.7°C currently so the heating has clicked on this morning.
26 September 2022 11:32:11

18.3c at 6.30am this morning. It will probably be sub 19c when I get home later.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
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Tim A
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26 September 2022 11:52:52
16.4c. Fluctuating between 15.7c and 18c last few days. Hoping the builders will re-connect the heating this week as it isn't pleasant when it is below 17.5c.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
27 September 2022 04:00:34

18 up and 16 down this morning, right on the threshold for heating to come on (it's set to 16C). I suspect tonight will see the first time the heating comes on this autumn.

Leysdown, north Kent
27 September 2022 06:12:35

18 up and 16 down this morning, right on the threshold for heating to come on (it's set to 16C). I suspect tonight will see the first time the heating comes on this autumn.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Our heating is on timer but we haven't activated it yet. We are monitoring everything closely at the moment. Minimum of 18.5'c in the kitchen 

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
27 September 2022 06:20:31

15.3 but it'll soon warm up when the sun rises. Still enough solar hot water for showers and washing up

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Tim A
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27 September 2022 06:50:30
14c in the house this morning with an outside temp of 4.3c , like a winters morning. Put the electric fire on to warm it up a bit.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
27 September 2022 07:03:18
17.1c in my study this morning
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
27 September 2022 08:04:40

17.3c this morning at 7am rising to 17.9c at 08.30 as I left the house, the kids had gone to school and my wife had headed off to work. 20c is out of reach now, a brief peak of 19.1c early yesterday evening after we had eaten dinner and washed up.

Its getting close to the central heating getting its first burst of use since 5th May. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

27 September 2022 15:17:42

...and we have ignition! 🔥

15.5 down, 16.4 up when I came in from work just now. The heating's set to 16, but only if there's someone in the house - so as soon as I came in, on it went.

12.6 outside and a high of just 13.9, the coldest max since the 3rd May (13.8).

It's the first proper central heating usage of the autumn.



Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
  • Tim A
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
27 September 2022 15:36:37

...and we have ignition! 🔥

15.5 down, 16.4 up when I came in from work just now. The heating's set to 16, but only if there's someone in the house - so as soon as I came in, on it went.

12.6 outside and a high of just 13.9, the coldest max since the 3rd May (13.8).

It's the first proper central heating usage of the autumn.



Originally Posted by: Retron 

I feel an achievement having lasted longer than you 

The builders tried to  connect our fancy thermostat back up today. Doesn't work.  No idea why.  So further delays to having any heating.  The thing costs about £200 (we got as part of new boiler) as well as being smart/WIFI , tells you the outside temp on the screen too (either via a sensor that you can stick on your house, or using local data, we went for the local data which is quite accurate wherever it comes from , the sensor needed wiring in and would have been on the patio in sunshine) to help work out how hard to heat your home. But to break after 2 years is rather annoying.    Should have gone for a simple old school thing! 


NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
27 September 2022 16:05:26

I feel an achievement having lasted longer than you 

The builders tried to  connect our fancy thermostat back up today. Doesn't work.  No idea why.  So further delays to having any heating.  The thing costs about £200 (we got as part of new boiler) as well as being smart/WIFI , tells you the outside temp on the screen too (either via a sensor that you can stick on your house, or using local data, we went for the local data which is quite accurate wherever it comes from , the sensor needed wiring in and would have been on the patio in sunshine) to help work out how hard to heat your home. But to break after 2 years is rather annoying.    Should have gone for a simple old school thing!

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Hah! It's already gone off (didn't take long to raise half a degree), but I suspect it'll be on again overnight - it's the first day in months that indoor temperatures have fallen during the day, even with a little sunshine.

As for the smart thermostats - I had a nose around when mine was being installed last year (there's a law that says with a new boiler you have to have one of a few options, I went for the thermostat option). There were a surprising number of cables needing to be hooked up and the boiler company ended up subcontracting it out to an electrician (who wanted to run a fused spur, but eventually put a "plug top" on it instead).

It's unlucky that yours should have broken, all I can think of is that maybe it's not been wired in correctly? Most boilers have a manual override, but it's not ideal...

Leysdown, north Kent
27 September 2022 17:26:58

As Phil Collins once sang ' one more night'.

Hanging on by a thread here. (or holding off by a thread)...

A peak of 18.0c at 6pm after the cooking of the evening meal. 17.9c now. A 30 minute burst of sunshine through those west facing windows at 4pm just enough to prevent the big switch on.

The self imposed 'ignition trigger' did not occur today as 18c was achieved, even if it was for 15 minutes.

I reckon we'll be in the 16's tomorrow morning.  No amount of afternoon sunshine will prevent turning it on tomorrow.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
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Tim A
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27 September 2022 18:55:28


Hah! It's already gone off (didn't take long to raise half a degree), but I suspect it'll be on again overnight - it's the first day in months that indoor temperatures have fallen during the day, even with a little sunshine.

As for the smart thermostats - I had a nose around when mine was being installed last year (there's a law that says with a new boiler you have to have one of a few options, I went for the thermostat option). There were a surprising number of cables needing to be hooked up and the boiler company ended up subcontracting it out to an electrician (who wanted to run a fused spur, but eventually put a "plug top" on it instead).

It's unlucky that yours should have broken, all I can think of is that maybe it's not been wired in correctly? Most boilers have a manual override, but it's not ideal...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I am hoping it's wiring , perhaps the wire into the boiler has become dislodged , managed to move my boiler service to tomorrow so hopefully it can be sorted.  I was told there is no manual override on mine, but with some complex command the boiler can go into service mode which gives 10 mins of heat but that is it.  

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
28 September 2022 07:54:33

16.5c this morning, the lowest so far this season. The household is a hive of activity between 7-8am before everyone heads off to work and school. With hoodies and jumpers on the chilliness isn't noticeable. The heating remains off. (for now).


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

28 September 2022 14:08:22

33.5 In the lounge. Will turn the heating off now.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
28 September 2022 16:49:58

33.5 In the lounge. Will turn the heating off now.

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

 Good idea! It got down to 14.6°C last night so the heat came on for a bit this morning but not needed now as it is a pleasant 17.6°C cureently.

28 September 2022 18:54:53

We have ignition too.

The 6pm high of just 17.1c (hallway) was justification to switch the central heating on. Only few an hour mind. ;)

That hour boost has sent the temperature to 17.9c in the hallway with a general 18c to 18.5c elsewhere around the house.

A toasty 20.2c in the living room.


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Chunky Pea
28 September 2022 19:03:45

17.3c this morning at 7am rising to 17.9c at 08.30 as I left the house, the kids had gone to school and my wife had headed off to work. 20c is out of reach now, a brief peak of 19.1c early yesterday evening after we had eaten dinner and washed up.

Its getting close to the central heating getting its first burst of use since 5th May. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Similar sort of temps in our house earlier. 17.5c in the upstairs landing, and 16.9c in the kitchen. I love these zesty, refreshing temps, but others in the house do not. 

East Galway, Ireland.
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
Roger P, 12-Oct-2022
28 September 2022 19:28:04

 Similar sort of temps in our house earlier. 17.5c in the upstairs landing, and 16.9c in the kitchen. I love these zesty, refreshing temps, but others in the house do not. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

. My lot have been really tolerant of it all. I'm surprised because by now we would have had the heating on for weeks with the thermostat set to 21c. It's surprising how we acclimatise actually. 


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

29 September 2022 07:45:29

22.5c. The thermostat fixed temp.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
29 September 2022 08:23:56

16.5c in the hallway with the rest of the house varying between 16.5c and 17.8c this morning. 

Another 1 hour boost this evening is planned.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Tim A
  • Tim A
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
29 September 2022 09:06:23
Finally got the heating back on yesterday, it was the wire inside the boiler leading to the thermostat.
So now using as little as possible to maintain 18c morning and evening.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.

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