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Skies very dark down here now. Seems a small Storm has developed to my SE.
Few spots of rain and fairly regular rumbles of thunder here for last half hour or so but looks like I'm just out of the little activity line at the moment.
And as fast as it came, it went. Just as the Meto released the severe weather warning for it.
Originally Posted by: warrenb
Still a mass of strikes heading down towards Brighton.
Looks like some more storms bubbling up north of London in the past half hour to add to the isolated cells over Cambridgeshire and Leicestershire.
Also one over Kent now.
Plus some strange light echoes surrounding the storms, I wonder if it could be insects? I know the flying ant swarms were showing up on the radar the other day.
Hope we get one, cant be bothered to water the plants
Storm forming literally overhead. Out of nowhere. Huge convective rain drops and thunder already. Things kicking off.
Originally Posted by: Jason H
I can see the top of that Cb from my east facing window, looks pretty hefty!
Almost continuous thunder for the past hour. Just started to rain but the sun’s also shining.
Storms in and around Maidstone PWS reporting 28mm
Reports a potential tornado and ping pong hail near Braintree.
Huge storm just to my east. Still sunny and steamy here though.
Some big towers going up to my south and south east. Very sunny here though.
Originally Posted by: Bolty
After last year's bumper season, feels like we have reverted to type with "the silent 2010s."