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Brian Gaze
12 May 2021 05:38:08


Brian Gaze
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"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
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12 May 2021 07:16:05

In the short term, an interesting contrast between MetO and Arpege; the former keeps today's/ tonight's rain stuck over Dorset (reports of flooding to be expected?) as it pivots there - Arpege moves it steadily up-channel.

Further ahead

16-dayer still showing cool weather for all of NW Europe for next two weeks and unlike yesterday the rain is back, week 1 all except Scotland, week 2 mostly in S England.

Jetstream - currently looping S of UK and converting to a steady and quite strong flow across France, just skirting S England,  to Thu 20th when it folds into a new loop, again looping S of the UK,  to Wed 26th after which the loop starts to break up and move E-wards.

GFS - LPs drifting across from the Atlantic, occasionally throwing in one which is deeper (Mon 17th 990 mb N Ireland, Sat 22nd 990mb S Ireland), the latter stalling over UK before a half-promise of warmth and HP from the SW Fri 28th. 

GEFS - temps close to seasonal norm in N, a bit below in S, no real change even up to Fri 28th though as usual the last few days of the period show some variation (but not much)on either side. Rain mostly in a showery pattern throughout, wetter in SW at first, drier in Scotland later.

ECM - much like GFS, some weak ridges of HP between the sring of LPs

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
The Beast from the East
12 May 2021 07:31:43

The spring monsoon continues. Not the best weather in terms of Covid spread. We need dry air and sunshine

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Jason H
12 May 2021 08:31:38
Spring Monsoon? Where? Just showers, which is normal Spring weather for the time of year from what I can see.
I feel great! so maybe I might just
Search for a 9 to 5, if I strive
Then maybe I'll stay alive

Bexleyheath, Kent.
12 May 2021 09:02:07

Much of the rainfall looks to be showery in the next fortnight. That will lead to big disparity in rainfall amounts and doubtless the view about how pleasant or unpleasant the weather is. Been largely OK here this week. Not much shower activity and good sunny spells

12 May 2021 09:50:54
here in Fulham it is still much cooler than it should be for the time of year and rather windy . Certainly no sign of monsoon type rain just isolated showers and this pattern looks to continue till the end of the month
12 May 2021 12:55:48
It's great growing weather, gardens are weeks behind it feels like. I'll take a couple more weeks of sunshine and showers, maybe as we approach June we might see some more summery output ☀️
12 May 2021 15:14:47

It's great growing weather, gardens are weeks behind it feels like. I'll take a couple more weeks of sunshine and showers, maybe as we approach June we might see some more summery output ☀️

Originally Posted by: backtobasics 

If you see what the BBC longer range is now hinting at, you won't be expecting anything more summery. They have specifically referenced 2012 and patterns being similar.

They seem to be erring towards a write off summer, with perhaps a 35% chance of a few hot spells. Not looking good for 2021 at all.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
sunny coast
12 May 2021 15:22:56
Lovely weather here so far this week abundant sunshine pleasantly warm and patchy cloud. More chance of showers here from tomo onwards by the looks.
12 May 2021 16:11:46

Lovely weather here so far this week abundant sunshine pleasantly warm and patchy cloud. More chance of showers here from tomo onwards by the looks.

Originally Posted by: sunny coast 

Hit at least 16C every day for almost a week now and with lot's of sunshine on offer. There have been showers around but thankfully most overnight or early morning. 

12 May 2021 16:12:02

If you see what the BBC longer range is now hinting at, you won't be expecting anything more summery. They have specifically referenced 2012 and patterns being similar.

They seem to be erring towards a write off summer, with perhaps a 35% chance of a few hot spells. Not looking good for 2021 at all.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Well, we've reached the 50-75mm of rain I didn't expect this month - so you were more right than I was . Will summer be a right off? Too early to say but that the ground is getting wet is a card for the cool summer pack.

12 May 2021 17:26:45


Hit at least 16C every day for almost a week now and with lot's of sunshine on offer. There have been showers around but thankfully most overnight or early morning. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Same here, lovely spring days with plenty of sunshine. The odd shower although my lawn remains bone dry. 

London E4
12 May 2021 17:32:46


Same here, lovely spring days with plenty of sunshine. The odd shower although my lawn remains bone dry. 

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

So 16c is considered good now for the middle of May in the South is it? And I think the vast majority of the rest of the country has had a lot more than 'the odd shower'

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
Saint Snow
12 May 2021 17:47:14

If you see what the BBC longer range is now hinting at, you won't be expecting anything more summery. They have specifically referenced 2012 and patterns being similar.

They seem to be erring towards a write off summer, with perhaps a 35% chance of a few hot spells. Not looking good for 2021 at all.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 



I think comparisons to 2012 are a bit lazy. The detail of the set-ups through April and into May in the two years have fundamental differences to positioning of the blocking. 


Today's GFS 12z does show some promise in the latter stages (from around 300z).

Shades of May 18 about the positioning of the high.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 May 2021 17:53:34


So 16c is considered good now for the middle of May in the South is it? And I think the vast majority of the rest of the country has had a lot more than 'the odd shower'

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

Perhaps so. We were simply reporting the conditions here, which are fairly close to average. Nothing to write home about either way really. Not sure about the “vast majority” - remember that not far off half the UK population live in the SE quadrant. 

London E4
12 May 2021 17:54:37




I think comparisons to 2012 are a bit lazy. The detail of the set-ups through April and into May in the two years have fundamental differences to positioning of the blocking. 


Today's GFS 12z does show some promise in the latter stages (from around 300z).

Shades of May 18 about the positioning of the high.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Indeed. There has been a signal for improvement around the 27th for a few runs now. Worth keeping an eye on.

London E4
12 May 2021 18:01:16


Perhaps so. We were simply reporting the conditions here, which are fairly close to average. Nothing to write home about either way really. Not sure about the “vast majority” - remember that not far off half the UK population live in the SE quadrant. 

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

Thanks we had almost forgotten. 

Frustratingly the outlook has taken a minor step back from the average conditions to possibly something a little cooler and unsettled. Nothing extreme just not overly welcome after April’s weather.

12 May 2021 18:05:42


Thanks we had almost forgotten. 

Frustratingly the outlook has taken a minor step back from the average conditions to possibly something a little cooler and unsettled. Nothing extreme just not overly welcome after April’s weather.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Some members seem to require the reminders cool

London E4
12 May 2021 18:07:30


Some members seem to require the reminders cool

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

Thankfully you are there to fulfil the role. 

12 May 2021 18:13:51


Perhaps so. We were simply reporting the conditions here, which are fairly close to average. Nothing to write home about either way really. Not sure about the “vast majority” - remember that not far off half the UK population live in the SE quadrant. 

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

Ok fair enough temperatures are close to or a little below average. But I'm still a little bemused at how people can be describing the recent Weather as 'lovely Spring days' it's as if some people are too easily pleased!

And I'm pretty sure it's much less than nearly half the UK population living in the SE more like 1/4

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
12 May 2021 18:22:09


Ok fair enough temperatures are close to or a little below average. But I'm still a little bemused at how people can be describing the recent Weather as 'lovely Spring days' it's as if some people are too easily pleased!

And I'm pretty sure it's much less than nearly half the UK population living in the SE more like 1/4

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

South East quadrant - SE + London + EA = 27 million population!

London E4
12 May 2021 18:28:32


South East quadrant - SE + London + EA = 27 million population!

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

So you are including EA in this also. I'm not going to bother checking your Maths for this, but UK population is around 70m so that's still a fair bit less than half

NW Leeds - 150m amsl
12 May 2021 18:31:00
Anyway back on topic, the next week at least is still looking cooler than average and wet including in the SE where everyone lives
NW Leeds - 150m amsl
12 May 2021 18:50:24

So we are getting our April weather in May this year. Does this mean June will be may-like, July like June and August distinctly Julyish?

Location: Uxbridge
12 May 2021 19:24:51


So 16c is considered good now for the middle of May in the South is it? And I think the vast majority of the rest of the country has had a lot more than 'the odd shower'

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

For the first half of May yes 16C is nice especially with sunshine. But yhe 16C is the lowest maximum it's reached in almost a week, my location saw high teens with other areas in low 20's a few day's back. So nothing spectacular or record breaking but all in all good May weather still.

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