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Brian Gaze
08 May 2020 19:12:58

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Again I would ask why extensive antibody testing isn't being done in the UK? 

May 8 (Reuters) - Abbott Laboratories’ antibody test for the new coronavirus is highly likely to correctly determine whether people have ever been infected with the fast-spreading virus, the company said, citing a U.S. study.

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine found Abbott’s test had a specificity rate of 99.9% and a sensitivity rate of 100%, suggesting very few chances of incorrectly diagnosing a healthy person with the infection and no false negatives. [source: Reuters]

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Joe Bloggs
08 May 2020 19:14:09

. We have had a rather heated discussion about this tonight. Hubby is HE road inspector, and as such, he is continuing on salary, albeit working from home. (This is driving me crazy incidentally, have decided that he needn’t consider retiring 😂).  I am 61, diabetic and have heart disease ( misspent youth, but I had fun).  I have been at home since the week before the official lockdown started, and I am beginning to struggle. He is quite happy, as he is out at work 2/3 times a week, but I’m not.  I said that if a vaccine is not able to be developed, then what do I do? I said I would go out as the quality of life in a permanent semi lockdown situation would be untenable and I would rather have a shorter life and enjoy it. This ended in a row so I am just pinning my hopes on a vaccination being successful. Family is spread out, 2 in UK and one in Germany so getting all of us together is a rarity but am so missing the grandkids. When we do see them, can I hug them? Who knows. 

On the other hand, no 1 son is self employed and struggling financially, so I see the need to go back to “normal”, no 2 sons partner travels extensively in Europe and the US, he doesn’t even know what is going to to happen with his job, at least they are financially secure for a while. No 3 son is in Germany, well paid but furloughed, but again, doesn’t know how his job will go as he works for Mercedes. He rents his flat, as do most Germans, but he has nothing to come back to here. 

So, do we carry on a lockdown of sorts, let rip, or what? If it stays the same, there will be huge financial hardship, if we let it all go, there will be a huge amount of deaths. Where do we actually go from here?

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

Great post and sorry to hear you’re starting to struggle a bit. You’re like so many others and I completely sympathise with your position and argument. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Saint Snow
08 May 2020 19:22:15


Again I would ask why extensive antibody testing isn't being done in the UK? 

May 8 (Reuters) - Abbott Laboratories’ antibody test for the new coronavirus is highly likely to correctly determine whether people have ever been infected with the fast-spreading virus, the company said, citing a U.S. study.

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine found Abbott’s test had a specificity rate of 99.9% and a sensitivity rate of 100%, suggesting very few chances of incorrectly diagnosing a healthy person with the infection and no false negatives. [source: Reuters]

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


A bit leftfield, but perhaps the Government doesn't want a two-tier population: one chunk having had CV19 and believing themselves to be immune and able to live life normally; the rest still needing to keep adhering to restrictions. 


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Brian Gaze
08 May 2020 19:26:27

A bit leftfield, but perhaps the Government doesn't want a two-tier population: one chunk having had CV19 and believing themselves to be immune and able to live life normally; the rest still needing to keep adhering to restrictions. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I suppose that is possible. However, I think everyone has the "right" to know approximately what percentage of the population has been infected with corona virus.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
John p
08 May 2020 19:26:44
Parties still going on in the street ffs.

Isn’t it ironic that 75 years on, VE Day will cost us our freedom when we inevitably have to go in to ‘proper’ lockdown.
Camberley, Surrey
08 May 2020 19:29:12


He isn't at the minute but my Aunt said his voice was so frail - almost a struggle .

No , that's the thing , no one has a bloody clue , my money is on mowing the front lawn .

Food deliveries have all been left on the door step.

Its quite frightening really , people think they have everything covered then bang!

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

They really, really need to spend a lot of energy on finding out how people like him are getting it. It just should't be happening and until they do they are not going to get the infection numbers down low enough.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Maunder Minimum
08 May 2020 19:29:28

Well, it appears to me that the full lockdown is over in any case, judging from the amount of traffic on the road outside our house today. Our neighbours had family visitors today for the first time since the lockdown started too. I reckon the full lockdown is fraying at the edges, but the pubs and restaurants are still closed, so that must curtail a fair amount of social activity.

New world order coming.
John p
08 May 2020 19:30:01

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Another irresponsible story imo.
I guess Gooner’s uncle must be even more unfortunate in that case.  

Camberley, Surrey
08 May 2020 19:33:07


You display the trended death rate on here every day

It has to be looked at as a 7 day average to counter the weekend effect but it seems to be declining but very slowly

Originally Posted by: lanky


"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
08 May 2020 19:35:40



A bit leftfield, but perhaps the Government doesn't want a two-tier population: one chunk having had CV19 and believing themselves to be immune and able to live life normally; the rest still needing to keep adhering to restrictions. 


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I don't think the government has a problem with a 2 tier population but it wouldn't label them that way.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
08 May 2020 19:35:59

Either people have let their guards down due to the bank holiday or due to Thursday's papers but I cannot believe what I'm seeing down my road at the moment. 

People out mingling between households less than one meter apart, kids out all day etc. I've honestly never seen it  this busy in 15 years, let alone during 'mockdown'. 

I fear the chickens will well and truly come home to roost in three weeks time🙁. 

Originally Posted by: John p 

For a start they should have made less of the VE Day celebrations. It's gone, 75 years or 76 years it's just numbers. Kids have had their life ambitions postponed and missed their A' levels because of this. And we've got Street Parties going on up and down the Country in the middle of a Pandemic lockdown !. Not seen anything like it in our Street since the 1977 Jubilee. A neighbour said he saw a Street Party in a small front garden with 20 people and kids. He saw three police cars go by and not stop.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
08 May 2020 19:41:55


For a start they should have made less of the VE Day celebrations. It's gone, 75 years or 76 years it's just numbers. Kids have had their life ambitions postponed and missed their A' levels because of this. And we've got Street Parties going on up and down the Country in the middle of a Pandemic lockdown !. Not seen anything like it in our Street since the 1977 Jubilee. A neighbour said he saw a Street Party in a small front garden with 20 people and kids. He saw three police cars go by and not stop.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

We had one in the road.

Odd affair - we  strictly maintained 2-Meter distance / household. We brought our own chairs and cups of tea.  A neighbour did some cakes that we went up and helped ourselves to them  one at a time -  we have to hope she isn't infected or  implemented  a strict hygiene regime once they were cooked.

I agree though that  in general  the wheels have come off the whole shooting match.   it's pretty well nailed on the infection rate is going to be headed north  again in 3 weeks time.  We will then be totally stuffed as the choice will be  a massive clamp down or watch the NHS go under and the death rate from Coronavirus and everything else that isn't being treated hit the stratosphere.



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Maunder Minimum
08 May 2020 19:42:36

The lockdown has had zero effect on me financially, since I am still working 40 hours a week on the Danish contract from home, so I have no personal reason for wanting the lockdown relaxed, other than concerns about the economic and social consequences of maintaining it.

I think it has to be eased for a variety of reasons - the first point is that it is fraying at the edges anyway, so clarifying what we can and cannot do would be helpful. The second point is that some businesses are suffering unnecessarily - chief amongst these is the horticultural industry and garden centres - their produce is seasonal and cannot be stored awaiting relaxation - plus the vast majority are outdoor retailers, which combined with social distancing should make them safe places to visit. The third point is that a lot of construction could be reactivated, providing proper social distancing is put in place and that workers can arrive at different times to prevent overcrowding on the transport networks.

We should be getting on with infrastructure work as well - no better time for investing in roads and railways than when traffic is reduced.

Let's see what Boris will announce tomorrow.

New world order coming.
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
08 May 2020 19:43:09

. We have had a rather heated discussion about this tonight. Hubby is HE road inspector, and as such, he is continuing on salary, albeit working from home. (This is driving me crazy incidentally, have decided that he needn’t consider retiring 😂).  I am 61, diabetic and have heart disease ( misspent youth, but I had fun).  I have been at home since the week before the official lockdown started, and I am beginning to struggle. He is quite happy, as he is out at work 2/3 times a week, but I’m not.  I said that if a vaccine is not able to be developed, then what do I do? I said I would go out as the quality of life in a permanent semi lockdown situation would be untenable and I would rather have a shorter life and enjoy it. This ended in a row so I am just pinning my hopes on a vaccination being successful. Family is spread out, 2 in UK and one in Germany so getting all of us together is a rarity but am so missing the grandkids. When we do see them, can I hug them? Who knows. 

On the other hand, no 1 son is self employed and struggling financially, so I see the need to go back to “normal”, no 2 sons partner travels extensively in Europe and the US, he doesn’t even know what is going to to happen with his job, at least they are financially secure for a while. No 3 son is in Germany, well paid but furloughed, but again, doesn’t know how his job will go as he works for Mercedes. He rents his flat, as do most Germans, but he has nothing to come back to here. 

So, do we carry on a lockdown of sorts, let rip, or what? If it stays the same, there will be huge financial hardship, if we let it all go, there will be a huge amount of deaths. Where do we actually go from here?

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

I think that's a brilliant vignette of the kind of discussion taking place in many households across the country. It sums up both the personal and national dilemmas perfectly. Thanks for taking the trouble to post it. 

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
08 May 2020 19:43:32

I think VE Day celebrations couldn’t have come at a worse time!  On my street, people have had a very civil afternoon tea on their front gardens, which was lovely.  But I can hear reveling going on in neighbouring streets and it sounds like the booze is flowing well.  

One of my brothers FaceTimed me earlier with images of people partying on his street too!  They are celebrating the end of a war 75 years ago and are forgetting the war we’re currently fighting!  They are in grave danger of losing the current war against this deadly virus!  Absolutely stupid!  

We’d all like to have a bit of a beano, we’d all like to do something ‘normal’ and we all feel we need a break from this!  But some of us are a little more patient and don’t want to have wasted the past six weeks by one night of recklessness!  My brother is high risk and has been shielding faithfully since a week before lockdown.  He’s absolutely appalled that people can be so careless and selfish.   

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Brian Gaze
08 May 2020 19:46:12


For a start they should have made less of the VE Day celebrations. It's gone, 75 years or 76 years it's just numbers. Kids have had their life ambitions postponed and missed their A' levels because of this. And we've got Street Parties going on up and down the Country in the middle of a Pandemic lockdown !. Not seen anything like it in our Street since the 1977 Jubilee. A neighbour said he saw a Street Party in a small front garden with 20 people and kids. He saw three police cars go by and not stop.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Bizarrely our council put on a "fly past" this afternoon. It compromised of a Cessna flying over Tring and Berko with a banner which simply read "VE Day". It is one of the most ludicrous things I have witnessed in my life. Imagine if a Labour council wasted money in that way. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
08 May 2020 19:48:34

Sadly, our nationalist right-wing media have fanned the nationalist flames for such celebrations (encouraging neighbourly get-togethers and printing stupid posters), and our nationalist, right-wing government seems happy to sit back and reap the nationalist harvest Regardless of the consequences.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

... and so stupid, like the revelers, to miss the fact that we are celebrating the triumph over right wing Nationalism !!

I put a smash fascist anti Nazi poster with two VE Day logos added in my window. Everybody else had England flags - not even Union Jacks in some cases. They just don't get the lockdown or even what VE Day is !!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Heavy Weather 2013
08 May 2020 19:49:20
For the first time during this crisis. It appears we almost have consensus that the lockdown has well and truly broken down.

The seeds were sown by those briefings from HMG.

I fear we will be back to square one in three weeks.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
08 May 2020 19:54:34


Oh incredibly , its either that or mowing the lawn and someone had a brief natter ? 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

There's not really much evidence of talking to somebody a couple of metres away is likely to cause transmission. Or at least it is still emphasizing cough droplets and contaminated surfaces. Maybe there is something else being missed. Infections appear to be plateauing at an alarmingly high level.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
08 May 2020 19:57:10

The most ridiculous thing is, I’m waging most of those reveling probably don’t even know what VE Day is about!  I’m sat out on our veranda and I can hear fireworks and singing, not ‘we’ll meet again’, it sounds more like pub turning out time after an England football match!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
08 May 2020 19:59:07


Again I would ask why extensive antibody testing isn't being done in the UK? 

May 8 (Reuters) - Abbott Laboratories’ antibody test for the new coronavirus is highly likely to correctly determine whether people have ever been infected with the fast-spreading virus, the company said, citing a U.S. study.

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine found Abbott’s test had a specificity rate of 99.9% and a sensitivity rate of 100%, suggesting very few chances of incorrectly diagnosing a healthy person with the infection and no false negatives. [source: Reuters]

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Heaven only knows. Too good and to obvious a solution?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
08 May 2020 20:00:34

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

.... and the winner of today's speculation goes to Professor Tim Spector and Sky News.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
08 May 2020 20:01:27

The most ridiculous thing is, I’m waging most of those reveling probably don’t even know what VE Day is about!  I’m sat out on our veranda and I can hear fireworks and singing, not ‘we’ll meet again’, it sounds more like pub turning out time after an England football match!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Yes, someone local to me was playing dreadful  90s "techno" mu-sick at crazy volume.



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
08 May 2020 20:08:25

The most ridiculous thing is, I’m waging most of those reveling probably don’t even know what VE Day is about!  I’m sat out on our veranda and I can hear fireworks and singing, not ‘we’ll meet again’, it sounds more like pub turning out time after an England football match!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Yep - that's what it is to them. Another excuse to fly an England flag.They don't realise it was a victory against what many of them now represent by their actions.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
08 May 2020 20:10:33

I hope that in a week's time the number of cases will have declined further and steadily (for obvious reasons) or that there is a sharp rise in cases. That would be tragic for those affected but would demonstrate the need for a proper lockdown and no more faffing around by the RWM and the RW section of the Tory party - and it would be nice though optimistic to find those parties accepting their responsibility in the matter. 

An intermediate result will leave us arguing until next BH when there would be a repeat performance, and no reduction in cases in the meantime anyway..

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
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