2024 Final Table
frank h 9.81
sswd 10.34
bolty 10.82
grandad 11.44
hungry tiger 12.01
kendalian 12.19
lanky 12.32
col 12.34
ricm 12.41
snowshoe 12.77
scillydave 12.93
gezm 12.94
caz 13.00
sussex snow magnet 13.72
ap snowman 13.82
taylor 1740 14.44
stormchaser 14.86
windy willow 15.16
dingle rob 16.21
dickeyboy68 16.72
artzeman 17.01
saint snow 17.48
redmoons 18.64
I'm glad now that I stepped in to keep the competition running for the last few months.
4 lucky predictions yielded 3 monthly wins and took me from 21st in the table at the end of August to the summit at just the right time.
Well played to SSWD as runner up, Bolty in 3rd and Grandad ,who led for the last few months, in 4th.
A mention also to Windy Willow who won an unprecedented 3 months in a row over the summer.
That's it from me for now and best wishes to scillydave for taking over in 2025
Originally Posted by: Frank H