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  • DEW
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21 April 2024 05:46:20
6.8C, calm, clear and sunny. A few contrails, some cloud on southern horizon.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • NMA
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21 April 2024 06:57:49
8.2 Partly cloudy with sunny breaks. Light NNE airs.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
21 April 2024 10:49:28
Starting to brighten up after a band of light rain/drizzle has moved through. The 8 C felt perishing in the brisk N breeze when I popped out to get the papers. I mean I've still got the heating on but I'm now wearing shorts as I refuse to wear trousers in late April no matter whatever the weather (now I'm sounding like Jiries). 
Folkestone Harbour. 
21 April 2024 11:17:39
Freezing cold wind here in Fulham 9 degrees and cloudy apparently remains so all week 
21 April 2024 11:52:12
It's been a largely sunny morning, but there's a bit more cloud around now. Still dry, of course, and there's a NNE'ly breeze coming in from the sea.

10.2, dew 4.8, with the high so far being 10.8... around 5C below average, which is impressive these days!
Leysdown, north Kent
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21 April 2024 12:39:57
7.8C here but with sunny spells and light northerly it feels OK.
Usually April warms up considerably as month goes on but after a couple of days about 15C early on it has been very disappointing and another chilly week coming up. Not reached 10C since the 14th.
  • NMA
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21 April 2024 13:02:25
11C so a little warmer than what some other people report here. Sunny spells and F. 3 NE breeze. In the sun, it's pleasant enough but as soon a cloud comes over it feels almost bleak.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
21 April 2024 13:29:27
Managed 15C so far today.

There's plenty of sunshine around, and it actually feels rather nice shelters away from the light NE breeze. 
21 April 2024 13:55:30
Grey and damp. Currently 8.0°C which is today’s high so far.
21 April 2024 14:44:15
High of 12.4 so far here - big fail for the models, which had a 10 high today, but it's par for the course. I can't imagine the GFS' forecast of 9/8/8/9 for the next few days will be correct either, and the MetO's 10/10/10/10 for the same days seems too low as well.

It's still around 3C below average, mind you, but it's less impressive than the forecast implied.
Leysdown, north Kent
Crepuscular Ray
21 April 2024 17:10:59
Walking weekend on the Berwickshire Coast. Today was 8 C Max with light rain most of the day. The very poor Spring continues. Not sure when I will see a warm sunny day again!
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
  • DEW
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22 April 2024 05:57:05
7.7C, cloudy to NW, sunny to SE
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Windy Willow
22 April 2024 08:04:41
We have some cloud and some blue sky, sun down here near Constantine, shaping up to be a lovely day, and supposedly dry! The weather app says it's 9c here now and that feels about right.
South Holland, Lincs 5m/16ft ASL

Don't feed the Trolls!! When starved of attention they return to their dark caves or the dark recesses of bridges and will turn back to stone, silent again!
22 April 2024 08:14:08
Sunny with just a light breeze from the north. 8.1, dew 5.9, with washing out on the line again.

Last night's low was 4.8.
Leysdown, north Kent
22 April 2024 11:24:29
Fair with sunny spells and partial cloud, the current 12 C is feeling more seasonal under lighter winds unlike yesterday's chill. 1.8 mm so far today thanks to a passing shower in the small hours last night but has dried up easily now.
Folkestone Harbour. 
22 April 2024 11:30:52
A marginal improvement on the last few days as the wind has dropped. 11C. It's Spring Jim, but not as we know it ☹
S.Essex, 42m ASL
22 April 2024 14:53:37
A high of 12.4 again today, making a mockery of the 9C and 10C that the GFS and MetO respectively had for today. I really don't understand why they struggle so much with temperatures - it's always a little bit warmer than they forecast. This persistently happens no matter whether it's winter, summer, sun or rain.
Leysdown, north Kent
Crepuscular Ray
22 April 2024 17:09:21
Left Berwick at 1130 in drizzle, 8 C

Arrived Edinburgh 1300 in sunny spells and 14 C

What a difference in such a short distance!

It's a beautiful evening in Edinburgh now ☀️
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
  • NMA
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23 April 2024 05:47:28
Hope we can beat yesterday's high of 8C. Currently cloudy at 7C and calm.
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
23 April 2024 06:14:25
Cloudy and calm, 7.0, dew 4.0 after a low of 6.5 earlier.

Both GFS and MetO have a high of just 9C today (6C below average). They've performed abysmally of late, will they finally nail it today? I have my doubts TBH...
Leysdown, north Kent
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