01 February 2024 10:32:40
Given below, are the final January statistics for Edinburgh, Gogarbank from all of the data which I have available which are:
Temperature (°C)
Lowest Minimum:                                                                                              -6.10 (on 17/1/2024)
Highest Minimum:                                                                                              6.90 (on 27/1/2024)
Mean Minimum:                                                                                                 1.48
Minimum. Anomaly:                                                                                           -0.04
Lowest Maximum:                                                                                              1.10 (on 17/1/2024)
Highest Maximum:                                                                                            13.10 (on 23/1/2024)
Mean Maximum:                                                                                                6.93
Maximum. Anomaly:                                                                                         +0.03
Lowest Average:                                                                                                -2.50 (on 17/1/2024)
Highest Average:                                                                                               9.55 (on 23/1/2024)
Average Temperature:                                                                                       4.21
Average Temperature Anomaly:                                                                       0.00
Lowest Diurnal Temperature Range:                                                                 1.50 (on 9/1/2024)
Average Diurnal Temperature Range:                                                               5.45
Highest Diurnal Temperature Range:                                                                9.70 (on 25/1/2024)
Other Temperature Statistics   
Nights with minus double digits temperatures                                              0
Single Figures Maximum Temperatures                                                         26
Single Figures Minimum Temperatures                                                          24
Double Figures Maximum Temperatures                                                       5
Double Figures Minimum Temperatures                                                        0
Number of Frosts   
Ground Frosts                                                                                                15
Air Frosts:                                                                                                       7 (70.1% of 1991-2020 January Average)
Ice Days:                                                                                                         0
Snow Depths (cm)   
Highest Snow Depth                                                                                    1.0 (on 14/1/2024)
Days With Lying Snow                                                                                  2
Days with snow lying at 09:00 UTC                                                              1
Consecutive Days with snow lying                                                               2 days (14/1/2024 and 15/1/2024)
Consecutive Days with anow lying at 09:00 UTC                                         1 day (15/1/2024)

Rainfall (mm)
Total for Month:                                                                                          71.4 (97.8% of 1991-2020 January Average)
Wettest Days:                                                                                              17.2 (on 21/1/2024)
Highest Hourly Total                                                                                   2.6 (on 31/1/2024)
Rain Days:                                                                                                   12 (90.2% of 1991-2020 January Average)
Dry Days:                                                                                                    10
Longest Dry Spell:                                                                                       5 days (11/1/2024 to 15/1/2024)
Highest Number of Days without a single dry day:                                    7 days (19/1/2024 to 25/1/2024)
Highest consecutive number of rain days                                                   5 days (19/1/2024 to 23/1/2024)

Wind Speed (mph)   
Average Mean Wind Speed                                                                        16.7 (151.8% of 1991-2020 January Average)
Highest Mean Wind Speed                                                                         32.3 (on 21/1/2024)
Highest Wind Gust                                                                                      73.8 (on 21/1/2024)
Pressure (mb)   
Lowest Pressure                                                                                         966.6 (on 21/1/2024)
Average Pressure                                                                                       1012.6
Highest Pressure                                                                                        1044.0 (on 11/1/2024)
Sunshine Total (hrs)   
Total for Month:                                                                                       59.35 (125.1% of 1991-2020 January Average)
Sunniest Day:                                                                                           6.25 (on 18/1/2024)
Sunless Days:                                                                                           10

January 2024 was another disappointing winter month which brought us a decent enough cold spell in the middle of it, but with very little in the way of snow and with no ice days yet again.

The temperature was bang on the 1991-2020 January average overall, but the number of air frosts was once again, well below the 1991-2020 January average.

The amount of rainfall and the number of official rain days were both slightly below average overall, but the actual rainfall amount was very close to the 1991-2020 January average.

However, January 2024 was a sunnier than average month overall.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
01 February 2024 10:58:39
A milder than average month, but only just. And amazingly, there was even an easterly with some snow falling. No ice days, and nothing below -3.9, but hey - it's better than the usual dross.

Summary for January 2023

Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute)  6.2
Mean (min+max)   6.0
Mean Minimum     3.1
Mean Maximum     8.8
Minimum          -3.9 day 17
Maximum          14.2 day 04
Highest Minimum  9.7 day 04
Lowest Maximum   1.9 day 17
Air frosts       7

Rainfall (mm):
Total for month  54.8
Wettest day      11.2 day 16
High rain rate   16.6 day 14
Rain days        14
Dry days         17

Wind (mph):
Highest Gust     20.0 day 04
Average Speed    1.8
Wind Run         1338.0 miles
Gale days        0

Pressure (mb):
Maximum          1040.67 day 24
Minimum          980.26 day 16

Days with snow falling         2
Days with snow lying at 0900   0
Leysdown, north Kent
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