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  • DEW
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02 December 2023 17:39:50
Freezing fog and brilliant sunshine created some spectacular rime on the Downs (rightclick and open in new tab for full size image)




Indeed where the sun had dislodged it from the trees, you could believe it was snow

But you can see it's 'feathers' on  close-up, not flakes

The fog was flowing through the wind gaps to top up the Wealden basin

which was already full of fog

FWIW the fog was showing signs of seiches, that is oscillating, first being high on one side and low on the other, and then reversing. I didn't have time to stop and check on this occasion, but our house when we lived in Kent also looked out across the Weald. On occasion the fog in the basin would 'seiche', covering the lower end of the village and leaving a good view of the hills on the far side, then reversing, clearing the village and obscuring the hills, and repeat. Amplitude about 30m on each edge, period about 1 hour.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
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