01 December 2022 10:16:23
Given below, are the final autumn statistics for Edinburgh Gogarbank from all of the data which I have available which are:    
Temperature (°C):    
Lowest Min:    -2.3 (on 21/11/22)
Highest Min:    15.6 (on 4/9/22)
Mean Min:    8.0
Min. Anomaly:    +1.5
Lowest Max:    5.1 (on 30/11/22)
Highest Max:    22.4 (on 6/9/22)
Mean Max:    15.0
Max. Anomaly:    +1.8
Ave. Temp.:    11.5
Temp. Anomaly:    +1.6
Other Temperature Statistics    
Single Figures Maximum Temperatures    9
Single Figures Minimum Temperatures    63
Double Figures Maximum Temperatures    74
Double Figures Minimum Temperatures    25
Days with a maximum temperature over 20ºC    8

Number of Frosts    
Ground Frosts    8
Air Frosts:    3 (37.5% of 1991-2020 average)
Ice Days:    0
Snow Depths (cm)    
Highest Snow Depth    0.0
Days With Lying Snow    0
Rainfall (mm):    
Total For Autumn    262.4 (124.1% of 1991-2020 average)
Wettest Day:    32.4 (on 17/11/22)
Rain Days:    39 (107.1% of 1991-2020 average)
Dry Days:    31
Longest Dry Spell:    9 days (11/9 to 20/9)
Highest Number of Days without a single dry day:    11 days (29/10 to 8/11)
Month With Lowest Rainfall Amount    September 2022: 76.2 (138.1% of LTA)
Month With Highest Rainfall Amount    November 2022: 97.4 (132.2% of LTA)
Month With Fewest Rain Days    September 2022: 9.0 (85.4% of LTA)
Month With Most Rain Days    October 2022: 17.0 (130.8% of LTA)
Wind Speed (mph)    
Lowest Mean Wind Speed    0.0 (on 1/9/22)
Average Mean Wind Speed    8.5 (108.0% of 1991-2020 average)
Highest Mean Wind Speed    33.4 (on 10/11/22)
Highest Wind Gust    55.2 (on 10/11/22)
Pressure (mb)    
Lowest Pressure    978.8 (on 23/11/22)
Average Pressure    1007.0
Highest Pressure    1031.4 (on 18/10/22)
Sunshine Total (hrs)    
Total For Autumn    266.2 (92.9% of 1991-2020 average)
Sunniest Day:    11.1 (on 13/9/22)
Sunless Days:    14
Dullest Month    November 2022: 67.2 (100.4% of LTA)
Sunniest Month    September 2022: 107.5 (85.7% of LTA)
Overall, a very warm year (possibly even our  warmest year on record).

Our first frost didn't occur here until we were almost at the end of November and then we had two of then successive nights just recenty, this wasn't enough to prevent the number of frosts from being poor altogether.

The autumn of 2022 was wetter than average both in termf the actual rainfall amounts and in terms of the number of official rain days, but was only our first wetter than average season since the winter of 2020/21.

Finally, the autumn of 2022 was duller than average overall.

There were no named storms during the autumn of 2022, but also no fog and very little in the way of frost.

Overall, I would therefore give the autumn of 2022 a score of just 1/10 as there was just too many warm nights within it and not enough cool, bright and crisp days.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Saint Snow
01 December 2022 10:34:23
I have no stats, but my assessment of autumn is basically 'rainy'

Until November, totals weren't that high, but the frequency of days where at least some rain fell in the 24 hour period was high (I'd put it at over 75% - and probably over 85% for the Oct/Nov period)

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
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