Yet another vile, rank and disgusting Saturday to end this abomination of a summer and this one looks like it will be the worst of the lot. It's just beyond surreal 
Windy, grey and utterly depressing with the usual nuisance value light rain that will likely persist on and off all day, making the day a complete write-off, but will add up to very little. Another disgusting min of 13.8C and barely any higher now at 14.7C. It's a disgrace to be seeing virtually no diurnal range at this time of year.
Likely to have no sun at all today meaning that two of the three vile days to record no sunshine this month will have fallen at weekends. It's more than a sick joke 
Largely due to June, which was by far the best month, this summer is actually the 4th sunniest this century behind 2003, 2018 and 2013, but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it due to weekend after weekend of utter garbage. Would have been a totally different perception had Monday and Tuesday's weather fallen at the weekend but it never does because every summer it's the same ridiculous nonsense with Saturday and Sunday seeing worse weather than the weekdays 
2019 has to go down as the most unrelenting bland, uninteresting year of weather I can recall. Nothing memorable has happened. I cannot recall a year with so many rain days and so little settled weather having such a low rain total. September is the last chance for a decent month in the summer half of the year and that looks like getting off to a hideous start. Just a never ending nightmare 
Originally Posted by: richardabdn