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16 August 2013 20:01:56

The November chart would cause quite a lot of early depression on here, were it to verify.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Maybe Gavin, but at least the positive 500HPa anomoly is not centred to the south of the UK (assuming it were to verify as you say)

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Looks like a persistent mid-Atlantic High to me, which can be dull and dreary in a NW flow. If it extended further east, bright but chilly would be possible, whereas if it pulled back west... a back-end northerly could transpire - so while I'd rather have the +ve anomalies to the NE, it sure is far better than having them to the south in November

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2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
Gavin P
16 August 2013 21:20:57

Just to say my autumn 2013 forecast will be issued next Sunday. 25th August.

I had hoped to get it done this weekend, but several models still haven't updated.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
19 August 2013 09:53:17

Is CFS v2 now showing mild conditions throughout winter? It seems to me that general confidence & opinion fluctuates in line with its output.

Originally Posted by: White Meadows 

Yep, that's about right

"The professional standards of science must impose a framework of discipline and at the same time encourage rebellion against it". – Michael Polyani (1962)
"If climate science is sound and accurate, then it should be able to respond effectively to all the points raised…." - Grandad
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts". - Bertrand Russell
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.”- Abba Eban, Israeli diplomat
Solar Cycles
20 August 2013 07:38:06

Is CFS v2 now showing mild conditions throughout winter? It seems to me that general confidence & opinion fluctuates in line with its output.

Originally Posted by: White Meadows 

Not really the trend remains the same for high latitude blocking either to our NW/NE. It's best not to view each run as if it's gospel.

22 August 2013 11:36:23

Here is my latest stab at how I feel the Autumn Season will progress as we move well into the second half of the year now


So what will be the theme of Autumn 2013. Dry, Wet, Warm or Cold, read on and I will try and predict how I see things panning out. Autumns in general can be very changeable with some Septembers being like Summer with less daylight while Novembers can be cold, frosty and foggy at the other end of the spectrum. Here's how I see these three months in 2013.

I think September as a whole will see a good deal of dry and settled weather with High pressure close to or over the UK for large periods of time with some warm weather to be head too with temperatures overall above the long term mean. There will be some shorter more unsettled spells with some rainfall but the month will probably end up drier than usual. Night's will be chilly at times and the incidence of mist and fog will increase as we move through the month with even the first touches of frost possible towards the end of the month. Sunshine is likely to be above average overall.

October looks likely to be turning more Autumnal with the Atlantic carrying some ex-tropical storms across the Atlantic making for much windier weather than September with some very wet periods too. Rainfall will likely end up above average in the North and West and near to or slightly above in the SE where some drier spells are likely. The month as a whole will most likely see temperatures close to average for the time of year with some colder interludes towards the North where wintry showers could make their presence felt by the end of the month along with frost at night. Sunshine amounts will more likely be close to or below average for the month as a whole, especially in the North.

November looks like the month will be characterized as rather cold but rather drier with a lot of cold, anticyclonic weather developing through the month, Mist and fog could well become a common issue night and morning persisting all day in places towards the end of the month. Frosts will become quite common too, especially away from the foggy areas. Some short milder interludes are likely too through the month when strong winds from the SW could bring areas of rain across the UK from the Atlantic. Temperatures over the month as a while will be below average with normal rainfall achieved from the short wet spells and sunshine rather lower than average. The incidence of snow is unlikely in November this year in the South but will fall on Northern high ground at times in showers following behind the short rainier spells.

In Summary this Autumn looks like a typical Autumn with highly seasonal weather from each month that we in the UK would expect. Some warm summery days are likely regularly through September with some Autumnal gales and heavy rain take hold in October before November becomes quieter again with fog and frost the main weather issues. Early snowfall looks like being reserved for the North this year, probably resulting from cold polar air masses behind cold fronts in late October and November but I don't see any particularly notable snowy events occurring over the UK this side of Winter starting in December.






My next seasonal Prediction will be released in mid November or shortly afterwards.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
22 August 2013 11:45:40

Thanks Martin..

I like the clear frosty nights so shall enjoy the Autumn.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
22 August 2013 14:52:55

Here is my latest stab at how I feel the Autumn Season will progress as we move well into the second half of the year now


So what will be the theme of Autumn 2013. Dry, Wet, Warm or Cold, read on and I will try and predict how I see things panning out. Autumns in general can be very changeable with some Septembers being like Summer with less daylight while Novembers can be cold, frosty and foggy at the other end of the spectrum. Here's how I see these three months in 2013.

I think September as a whole will see a good deal of dry and settled weather with High pressure close to or over the UK for large periods of time with some warm weather to be head too with temperatures overall above the long term mean. There will be some shorter more unsettled spells with some rainfall but the month will probably end up drier than usual. Night's will be chilly at times and the incidence of mist and fog will increase as we move through the month with even the first touches of frost possible towards the end of the month. Sunshine is likely to be above average overall.

October looks likely to be turning more Autumnal with the Atlantic carrying some ex-tropical storms across the Atlantic making for much windier weather than September with some very wet periods too. Rainfall will likely end up above average in the North and West and near to or slightly above in the SE where some drier spells are likely. The month as a whole will most likely see temperatures close to average for the time of year with some colder interludes towards the North where wintry showers could make their presence felt by the end of the month along with frost at night. Sunshine amounts will more likely be close to or below average for the month as a whole, especially in the North.

November looks like the month will be characterized as rather cold but rather drier with a lot of cold, anticyclonic weather developing through the month, Mist and fog could well become a common issue night and morning persisting all day in places towards the end of the month. Frosts will become quite common too, especially away from the foggy areas. Some short milder interludes are likely too through the month when strong winds from the SW could bring areas of rain across the UK from the Atlantic. Temperatures over the month as a while will be below average with normal rainfall achieved from the short wet spells and sunshine rather lower than average. The incidence of snow is unlikely in November this year in the South but will fall on Northern high ground at times in showers following behind the short rainier spells.

In Summary this Autumn looks like a typical Autumn with highly seasonal weather from each month that we in the UK would expect. Some warm summery days are likely regularly through September with some Autumnal gales and heavy rain take hold in October before November becomes quieter again with fog and frost the main weather issues. Early snowfall looks like being reserved for the North this year, probably resulting from cold polar air masses behind cold fronts in late October and November but I don't see any particularly notable snowy events occurring over the UK this side of Winter starting in December.






My next seasonal Prediction will be released in mid November or shortly afterwards.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Hi Gibby. I don't do seasonal forecasts myself (its beyond my knowledge) so I was wondering whether I may share your Autumn forecast to my followers on my Facebook page? Obviously, I would credit yourself for the forecast and post a link to your website.

22 August 2013 22:52:21
its already been sub zero by dayacross northeast siberia.. quite widely.
Not sure how normal this is for this point in august, and what a cod autumn in the arctic could mean for us here. 


Gone from day highs between -8 & -2 to between +12 & +18 in 24hrs!!
24 August 2013 16:41:26 


It seems that solar activity is on the way up at the moment.  Given that scientists are predicting solar maximum later this year, I would not be surprised if we have a mobile, Atlantic-driven autumn and early winter at least.  The arctic is colder than normal currently and this will combine with increased solar activity (in my opinion) to a reinvigorated jetstrean.

I hope that we will have a cold Jan and Feb, as per CFS, but it would have to take a significant shift in circulation (and solar) patterns before we can start dreaming...!

I guess scientists are projecting the upcoming solar activity at its peak to be higher than in autumn/winter 2011-12?  Is this right? 



25 August 2013 07:59:31 

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Suspect those charts (or something very similar) will be turning up in my final autumn forecast later this morning.

The November chart would cause quite a lot of early depression on here, were it to verify.

and the usual idiotic "winter is over" comments before its even begun.

25 August 2013 08:15:49 


It seems that solar activity is on the way up at the moment.  Given that scientists are predicting solar maximum later this year, I would not be surprised if we have a mobile, Atlantic-driven autumn and early winter at least.  The arctic is colder than normal currently and this will combine with increased solar activity (in my opinion) to a reinvigorated jetstrean.

I hope that we will have a cold Jan and Feb, as per CFS, but it would have to take a significant shift in circulation (and solar) patterns before we can start dreaming...!

I guess scientists are projecting the upcoming solar activity at its peak to be higher than in autumn/winter 2011-12?  Is this right? 



Originally Posted by: bruced 

Solar activity looks pretty steady at the moment, ignoring the usual daily/weekly variability. 

If there is a direct correlation between solar activity and the weather in NW Europe, then based on the current and recent data I would not expect the impact to be significantly different to what it has been over the last couple of years (as the activity does not look significant different). Of course even allowing for a connection between zonal winds and solar activity it is I suspect only one of many factors.
Steam Fog
25 August 2013 08:29:08 


It seems that solar activity is on the way up at the moment.  Given that scientists are predicting solar maximum later this year, I would not be surprised if we have a mobile, Atlantic-driven autumn and early winter at least.  The arctic is colder than normal currently and this will combine with increased solar activity (in my opinion) to a reinvigorated jetstrean.

I hope that we will have a cold Jan and Feb, as per CFS, but it would have to take a significant shift in circulation (and solar) patterns before we can start dreaming...!

I guess scientists are projecting the upcoming solar activity at its peak to be higher than in autumn/winter 2011-12?  Is this right? 



Originally Posted by: bruced 

Why do you think solar activity is on the way up?
Gavin P
25 August 2013 12:59:11

Hi all,

Here's my final autumn 2013 foreast;

A very, very hard one to call this time.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
26 August 2013 19:38:33
Interesting to note that Roger Smith on Gavin P website is calling winter 2013-14 definitely mild


The met office models and the long range model output are going for a cold winter

So anything can happen next winter
Sedgley, West Midlands ( just south of Wolverhampton )
162m ASL
29 August 2013 09:47:16

Hi all,

Here's my final autumn 2013 foreast;

A very, very hard one to call this time.

Originally Posted by: Gavin P 

Thanks for the video Gavin, very interesting. If september is going to be warmer than average, I would certainly welcome that, especially considering we have some making up to do after last summer. Also a cooler end to autumn and a potentially cold winter would be very welcome here. I'm going to follow this very closely indeed.

I'm wondering if we may see a stormy autumn.

31 August 2013 11:17:34

From a builders pov, wet finger in the air, rain before 7 ends before 11 and all that

I'll go for a changable September with hopefully a few thunderstorms thrown in and October, an indian summer... November wet & windy mild. Probably all wrong but what the ell...

I've been very happy with this summer, especially as pointers were for this summer to be one of the worst

Nobody likes a smartass, especially another smartass...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
31 August 2013 22:46:07

CFS is throwing out a lot of charts like this for late September and a large part of October.

Factor in a tendency to give the Atlantic too much energy, and the resultant bias towards taking energy NE, and this could be read as indicating a strong chance of seeing higher than normal pressure to the NE rather than somewhere over Russia.

Just thought I'd post this as an example of how human input can attempt to account for systematic errors in the computer models

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
24 September 2013 18:28:12

Not much going on in this thread

Might as well give a detailed recap of September so far, which has been a month of marked transitions:

We began with generally low heights around the pole and also to our NW i.e. across Greenland. Conditions were very warm under a ridge from the Azores, with the broad pattern similar to that of July and August.

Before too long, however, a strong storm system flattened our ridge of high pressure and managed to push into Scandinavia. This coincided with rising heights across the pole as the polar vortex split - the two events are likely related, with the PV energy providing fuel for that strong storm.

The storm system remained as a strong trough feature for 4-5 days, and kept the door open for further Atlantic systems to sweep across from the west, interchanging with very brief ridges. Temperatures were some way below average for much of the time, with only a brief exception in the south. During this time, heights were rising to our NW and there was the real threat of Arctic air streaming south to bring exceptionally chilly conditions to the UK.

I believe that we would have ended up at the mercy of high pressure to our NW slowly toppling towards the UK, had it not been for Humberto's arrival on the scene;

Humberto was a major game changer as his remnants became the focus for a large area of low pressure not far from the Azores. The models originally had a lot of energy racing NE, leading to something like the scenario outlined above, but as it turned out they were barking up the wrong tree. The fact that the energy has remaiend largely to the W and SW of the UK has resulted in a weak ridge across Europe which, in combination with the trough, has allowed warm air from the south to win out over Arctic air being pulled down by the continued presence of an Arctic/Greenland High.

In the near future, that Arctic/Greenland High looks to be falling apart as a bit more energy comes into the jet from America. That also serves to send the trough near the Azores eastward, but it looks likely to be met with strong opposition as the ridge across Europe builds north in response to the Arctic High drifting through the Svalbard area. Potentially, a true high-latitude block could form, but that requires the Atlantic not to ramp up too much, which at this time of year is not something you'd tend to bet on!

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
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