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01 June 2024 06:18:16
Now that we're into yet another brand new season and the beginning of the summer of 2024, it's time to start a brand new thread for that.

For the spring moaning thread, I was able to double that up as a general discussion thread as there are a few members on here who would rather have that, as opposed to an actual moaning thread.

However, another thread was set up just a few days ago for giving your general thoughts about this summer and so, I see no reason why that can't continue to be used for more general discussions about this summer, so there is no real need for me to incorporate that into here on this occasion.

Although moaning threads aren't to everyone's tastes though, they do still continue to be a very popular feature on here and that is why I have created this thread to give everyone the chance to post their own rants about what's happening over the course of this summer.

However, it may well be that you have something to gloat about as regards to this summer and so, this thread has also been created for that very purpose.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
01 June 2024 08:19:59
First day of June start off very clear blue skues and cold this morning but due to stupid UK climate cannot cope with those temps had brought clouds in fast as lightning speed so early for no reason and now overcast and very chilly despite forecast to be sunny 19-20C today and 21C tomorrow.  Can't see it happening if stay overcast.  Yesterday on my night shift ending and having a late break in a canteen at 5am that face NE saw blue skies and a line of nasty thin clouds waiting for the sun to come up then attack it to stay overcast all day.  Does the clouds have eyes or timer that know precisely what time the sun will come up and clear off before setting?   Didn't have that issue in winter months on same temps as this morning and clouds didn't hang around to wait at 8am sunrise before attacking?

Overall Spring was very poor and void this season as it started off often very cold first 2 months whie May on average to cold with brief warm temps on 2nd week,  so my view it been below average temps, dull and very wet one.  Rating is 0/10 as it failed to deliver what Spring season should be doing.   
01 June 2024 08:23:18

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 June 2024 08:35:13
A wonderful start to summer - a light breeze, sunny spells, and NOT hot or humid. I'll make the most of it, as I know it won't last... still, it's day one of 92 out of the way, and only two weeks and a day until the nights start drawing in! 😊
Leysdown, north Kent
01 June 2024 08:48:54

A wonderful start to summer - a light breeze, sunny spells, and NOT hot or humid. I'll make the most of it, as I know it won't last... still, it's day one of 92 out of the way, and only two weeks and a day until the nights start drawing in! 😊

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Even today is not humid but too fresh bring lot of clouds in.  I prefer the normal fresh blue skies in the past even in the 1980s clouds form slowly from 10-11am after a early 4.45am sunrise when I was in school at Boston Spa, W Yorks, then clear away 4-5pm.   If you want a humid less summer go for 2018 as it was very warm to hot but don't feel hot due to very dry desert air and cool nights often at 8-10C and 22-30C days.   That a best way to enjoy and lve on it than horrible 10-15C at nights, 12=17C humid cloudy days.
01 June 2024 09:51:30

   If you want a humid less summer go for 2018 as it was very warm to hot but don't feel hot due to very dry desert air and cool nights often at 8-10C and 22-30C days.   That a best way to enjoy and lve on it than horrible 10-15C at nights, 12=17C humid cloudy days.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

To be fair, I find low humidity much easier to deal with - not only because sweat evaporates more readily, but less moisture in the air means it cools down more quickly at night (better for sleeping), and if needs be, my portable a/c for my bedroom is far more effective when humidity is low. (When we have 18 or 19 dewpoints, as we frequently did last summer, it makes one hell of a racket... and takes noticeably longer to cool things down.)

I've been to Vegas and LA in years gone by, and even though it was 37 or 38 - record breaking for April - the air was so dry, dewpoints in low single figures, that it felt absolutely fine. On the other hand, 26 when there's a 20 dewpoint feels overwhelmingly oppressive, like you're inhaling half the Atlantic with every breath.

The increase in summer dewpoints over the past few years, an inevitable consequence of warming oceans, is what gets me down the most, I think.
Leysdown, north Kent
01 June 2024 11:35:46
Dreadful start to the meteorological summer in London 13 degrees freezing gusting northerly winds again and leaden grey skies a portent for a cold June 
01 June 2024 11:49:00

Dreadful start to the meteorological summer in London 13 degrees freezing gusting northerly winds again and leaden grey skies a portent for a cold June 

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

That very cold for London nearly 10C below average for June and don't understand why a northerly not bringing gin blue skies as it should be any time of the year.   Here cold and 15C but i kept all the shutters shut today to fend off the nasty cold glass as cold wind battering it.  Only the daylight I can get from the conservatory doors open to bring the warmth inside, was 18.5c this morning not see this low since end of April cold spell to now 20.5.   Was really clear this mornig when I opened the shuters then closed it all off when cloud came in.  Shuters are also a god send to keep unwanted summer cold out.
01 June 2024 12:27:09

Dreadful start to the meteorological summer in London 13 degrees freezing gusting northerly winds again and leaden grey skies a portent for a cold June 

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

In complete contrast to that, it's sunny here in Edinburgh with a temperature of around 19°C, so there's a good chance that we might even get our first 20+°C maximum temperature of this summer as early as today.

In addition to that, a total of 5.8 hours of sunshine has been recorded for today so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank and we're only halfway through the daytime period as I write.

As long as it remains sunny and as long as it doesn't cloud over (that is always a very big if though), today could well end up being our sunniest day of the year so far and possibly even our first day of this year with 12 or more hours of sunshine.

One of the usual requirements for a decent summer is that it should be sunnier than average and so, this is actually the best time to be getting some decent sunshine.

This means that if we were to end up getting all of our sunshine right now, I wouldn't actually have too many complaints about that and of all, all of this is in complete contrast to what happened during the spring when every month was getting off to a really dull start, sometimes even to the extent of it being a few days before we even got our first recorded sunshine of that particular month.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Chunky Pea
01 June 2024 12:41:09

and only two weeks and a day until the nights start drawing in! 😊

Retron wrote:

Can't wait, but there will be no real noticeable difference in day length until the end of July, and even then, it'll still won't be fully dark until well after 11pm. 
East Galway, Ireland.
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
Roger P, 12-Oct-2022
Chunky Pea
01 June 2024 12:47:39

Even today is not humid but too fresh bring lot of clouds in.  I prefer the normal fresh blue skies in the past even in the 1980s clouds form slowly from 10-11am after a early 4.45am sunrise when I was in school at Boston Spa, W Yorks, then clear away 4-5pm.   If you want a humid less summer go for 2018 as it was very warm to hot but don't feel hot due to very dry desert air and cool nights often at 8-10C and 22-30C days.   That a best way to enjoy and lve on it than horrible 10-15C at nights, 12=17C humid cloudy days.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

I grew up and went to school in s Yorks, and though summer temps could get very hot, it never had that high dew point oppressiveness we get here in the west of Ireland. 30c in Donny feels much more tolerable than a typical 20c over here. 
East Galway, Ireland.
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
Roger P, 12-Oct-2022
01 June 2024 12:57:50

I grew up and went to school in s Yorks, and though summer temps could get very hot, it never had that high dew point oppressiveness we get here in the west of Ireland. 30c in Donny feels much more tolerable than a typical 20c over here. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Highest I experienced was 33C in Boston Spa and it was not humid but hot dry and sunny and in May 1990 was amazed to see every morning for 6 days wall to wall sunshine not a single cloud form just few plane contrails.    That was the start of the global warming from 1989 onward and i was looking forward for further warmer summers which did happen in most 90;s to early 2006 before it went downhill and this decade further down hill to colder than average most times. more so at London like today colder than here.  
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
01 June 2024 13:27:30

That very cold for London nearly 10C below average for June and don't understand why a northerly not bringing gin blue skies as it should be any time of the year.   Here cold and 15C but i kept all the shutters shut today to fend off the nasty cold glass as cold wind battering it.  Only the daylight I can get from the conservatory doors open to bring the warmth inside, was 18.5c this morning not see this low since end of April cold spell to now 20.5.   Was really clear this morning when I opened the shutters then closed it all off when cloud came in.  Shutters are also a god send to keep unwanted summer cold out.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

But it is not really an Arctic sourced northerly, is it? That would most times be a clear air direction with those beautiful blue skies.
The high sitting not far off SW Ireland feeds the air up and over the top of Scotland before it comes down over the bulk of England.;8.8;3&l=temperature-2m 
Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
01 June 2024 13:33:59

Dreadful start to the meteorological summer in London 13 degrees freezing gusting northerly winds again and leaden grey skies a portent for a cold June 

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

Yeah, right... a cold month these days is rare as rocking horse poo. I'd be DELIGHTED if we could get one, either in winter (for snow) or in summer (as summer sucks), but I doubt we'll get either.

Meanwhile here - only 40 miles from London - it's currently spot on average: a high of 18.4C now and plenty of sunshine to go with it.
Leysdown, north Kent
01 June 2024 13:35:08

But it is not really an Arctic sourced northerly, is it? That would most times be a clear air direction with those beautiful blue skies.
The high sitting not far off SW Ireland feeds the air up and over the top of Scotland before it comes down over the bulk of England.;8.8;3&l=temperature-2m 

Originally Posted by: NMA 

Yes but the clouds have to be compulsory attack at day time instead of going over the top and down the country at nights and allowing day time sunshine or sunny periods.  It more done on purpose those clouds by waiting for sun to come before attack then leave knowing the sun will go down precisely.  Other countries don't get this behaviour regardless what ever the HP sit just no excuse for clouds to kept occuring at day time hours.
02 June 2024 08:30:52
next week/weekend looking decidingly cool for early June if ECM is to verify
02 June 2024 20:15:43
Regarding to White Meadows post this morning about CET lies, it very true they removed stations that sit on frost hollows and get data from urban concrete. and start claiming this Spring the warmest on record so that pack of lies,  March did not reach 25C as it did in 1990, nor 29.4C in April or 33.2 in May which both current title holders in the past.   This Spring as colder than average, dull and very wet without a single proper week or 2 warm spells.  For each month was colder than average but May on average so 2 below average verses 1 average month mean still below aveage Spring.  They want to cover up their embarassment because of Global warming that making all other countries geniuely warmer while Uk heading down lower to so they rely on night temps in urban plates to give higher data and show off that UK is warming up.

Sorry Meto, there no AC units popping up everywhere as AC units is the most important proof factor that people are installing it because of hot day and nights.  

Reading weather reports and averages in Cyprus are more honest and they don't give a toss about mean but they more into day time average which is a big factor on them as it rising every decade and vast amount of AC pop up everywhere now than in the 1980's 1990;'s when I lived there, you only get in bedrooms but now in all other rooms.   When we rented out a place for 10 years first few years was the noisy box type AC on the hole in the wall for 2 out of 3 bedrooms so my brother have to share my room.  Landlord removed and installed 3 new split type AC one for lving room but not enough to cool the T shaped room and again for 2 out of 3 bedrooms.  My last visit in 2019, there 2 more AC fitted on that house to 5 now, 3 for bedrooms and 2 for T shaped living room as other side always hot before and one AC was not enough to cool the whole room.
Saint Snow
02 June 2024 20:44:53
Beautiful late spring/early summer weekend here.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
02 June 2024 21:23:35
A belter of a day here (again) with wall to wall sunshine from dawn till dusk and a high of 22c.
Just about perfect IMHO.
Currently living at roughly 65m asl North of Cowbridge in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Formerly of, Birdlip, highest village in the Cotswolds and snow heaven in winter; Hawkinge in Kent - roof of the South downs and Isles of Scilly, paradise in the UK.
03 June 2024 09:08:59
Do other weather buffs rarely get the weather they want? I mean it's getting ridiculous for me. So many holidays ruined by weather. Majorca with the kids one year, 20C and rain most of the time. Golf holidays in Portugal with gales and rain. Two weeks of uninterrupted rain in Cornwall in the 70's. The list goes on. Year before last in central Spain in September I broke a two year drought. Supposed to be 21C in Bulgaria last June and was 9C when I arrived. So  latest effort is next week:-
How do the models manage to predict bad weather long term with such precision yet fail miserably with good weather short term! I am going to Shetland tomorrow for a week's holiday. All I ask for is for some dry days and not too windy or cold and some bright spells for photography. I started looking as soon as it came into range on GFS two weeks ago. It said it would change from decent recently till tomorrow to windy cold, 40% chance of rain every day and 9-11C. It hasn't changed from that one iota and today it has said it will start to improve Tuesday next week when I return!
Compare that with two weeks ago when I decided at short notice to go to the New Forest for two days as the forecast on the Sunday night for Tuesday/Wednesday was warm, sunny Tuesday and hazy sunshine Wednesday with the risk of a shower. The reality was sunny Tuesday morning then 36 hours solid of rain!
S.Essex, 42m ASL
Saint Snow
03 June 2024 10:23:59

Do other weather buffs rarely get the weather they want? I mean it's getting ridiculous for me. So many holidays ruined by weather. Majorca with the kids one year, 20C and rain most of the time. Golf holidays in Portugal with gales and rain. Two weeks of uninterrupted rain in Cornwall in the 70's. The list goes on. Year before last in central Spain in September I broke a two year drought. Supposed to be 21C in Bulgaria last June and was 9C when I arrived. So  latest effort is next week:-
How do the models manage to predict bad weather long term with such precision yet fail miserably with good weather short term! I am going to Shetland tomorrow for a week's holiday. All I ask for is for some dry days and not too windy or cold and some bright spells for photography. I started looking as soon as it came into range on GFS two weeks ago. It said it would change from decent recently till tomorrow to windy cold, 40% chance of rain every day and 9-11C. It hasn't changed from that one iota and today it has said it will start to improve Tuesday next week when I return!
Compare that with two weeks ago when I decided at short notice to go to the New Forest for two days as the forecast on the Sunday night for Tuesday/Wednesday was warm, sunny Tuesday and hazy sunshine Wednesday with the risk of a shower. The reality was sunny Tuesday morning then 36 hours solid of rain!

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

That's some terrible luck!

We booked a weekend at Ullswater last weekend on June last year. June was glorious... and broke the day we travelled up there. It wasn't awful all three days, but temps had dropped, wind ramped-up, and showers.

In 2021, we had a week in Scotland and a great early summer had dissipated the week before we arrived (again, not all terrible weather throughout, but)

And, of course, any UK holiday/break between 2007 and 2012 was likely to be unsettled.

Saying that, we've had some decent luck at times in managing to pick a week of top weather amongst a lot of dross.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
03 June 2024 14:39:39

Do other weather buffs rarely get the weather they want? I mean it's getting ridiculous for me. So many holidays ruined by weather. Majorca with the kids one year, 20C and rain most of the time. Golf holidays in Portugal with gales and rain. Two weeks of uninterrupted rain in Cornwall in the 70's. The list goes on. Year before last in central Spain in September I broke a two year drought. Supposed to be 21C in Bulgaria last June and was 9C when I arrived. So  latest effort is next week:-
How do the models manage to predict bad weather long term with such precision yet fail miserably with good weather short term! I am going to Shetland tomorrow for a week's holiday. All I ask for is for some dry days and not too windy or cold and some bright spells for photography. I started looking as soon as it came into range on GFS two weeks ago. It said it would change from decent recently till tomorrow to windy cold, 40% chance of rain every day and 9-11C. It hasn't changed from that one iota and today it has said it will start to improve Tuesday next week when I return!
Compare that with two weeks ago when I decided at short notice to go to the New Forest for two days as the forecast on the Sunday night for Tuesday/Wednesday was warm, sunny Tuesday and hazy sunshine Wednesday with the risk of a shower. The reality was sunny Tuesday morning then 36 hours solid of rain!

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I suggest you stop going on holiday with Richardabdn!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
04 June 2024 15:48:01
A diabolical afternoon here. The rain moved in about an hour and a half ago, along with a stronger wind and the temperature fell to about 10°C for a time. 10°C with rain and a blustery wind at 4pm in June is about as bad as it can get for summer weather.

Luckily, the models do seem to be showing a slow improvement, even the GFS. Hopefully it might just be a case of getting a naff week out of the way this week, before we see a gradual improvement from Sunday onwards. As things stand, at least I chose to work a bit of overtime this week instead of next week!
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
04 June 2024 17:36:58

A diabolical afternoon here. The rain moved in about an hour and a half ago, along with a stronger wind and the temperature fell to about 10°C for a time. 10°C with rain and a blustery wind at 4pm in June is about as bad as it can get for summer weather.

Luckily, the models do seem to be showing a slow improvement, even the GFS. Hopefully it might just be a case of getting a naff week out of the way this week, before we see a gradual improvement from Sunday onwards. As things stand, at least I chose to work a bit of overtime this week instead of next week!

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

And it was a proper squall line too, judging by that thin ribbon of high intensity rainfall on the radar. It was a feeble attempt by winter standards of course but it did get pretty gusty for a while. Pleasant enough with some sun now but cooler and still quite windy. Not a good day for June!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
04 June 2024 19:15:34
I still standby my assertion that at least for the next 2 weeks most of the UK will be experiencing wetter windier weather and marginally below average temperatures for this period but as always we will see...

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