If anyone offers you some bargain-basement bean seeds, think twice about planting them Darren. Even if they are 'lucky' ones.
Sounds like you need to construct a compost bin too.
Originally Posted by: NMA
Hah, memories of being pressed into service watering the runner beans each summer... they grew like mad, too, up the strings and then over the top of the bean tripod, the whole thing turning into a mass of leaves and beans. We always ended up with way more beans than we could eat, and more than we could give away too... now the garden is mine, I don't grow beans.
And then there was the time my dad planted seed potatoes in the ground, much to my mum's annoyance. They kept popping up randomly for the next 10 years or so...
I've no need for compost myself, which is why I don't have a compost bin. I've never once fertilised any of the plants or flowers (nor used any pesticides) and they all seem to grow really well... my farmer neighbour has been offering me horse poo, too, in a variety of grades, but again - no need. Quite why the soil is so fertile, I don't know... it's just clay, although the area would have been farmland 80+ years ago, before it was divvied up into plots for housing.
(And talking of farmland, my neighbour - who'd popped over to collect some pine cones for a craft project she's working on - spotted some barley growing in my garden. She had her Lab with her (coincidentally called Barley) and he "watered" it... not sure it did the barley much good, though!)
Three pictures of interest, all from the wild part of the garden.
1 - a profusion of daisy-like flowers, I've forgotten what they're called. There are masses of them this year.
2 - barley, not usually found in a domestic garden. The nearest farmland is 500 feet away, so that's quite some going!
3 - taken at my eye level (5ft 8 ) - another of those massive spear thistles. 1.5m max, as per that other site - hah!