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Gavin D
25 February 2023 09:44:34
01 March 2023 20:04:04
Rather than start a new thread, I have decided to post the final stats for this winter in this thread.

Given below, are the final Winter statistics for Edinburgh, Gogarbank from all of the data which I have available which are:    
Temperature (°C):       
Lowest Min:    -8.7 on (12/12/2022)
Highest Min:    9.5 on (20/2/2023)
Mean Min:    1.9
Min. Anomaly:    +0.4
Lowest Max:    -2.6 on (13/12/2022)
Highest Max:    14.5 on (19/12/2022)
Mean Max:    7.6
Max. Anomaly:     +0.5
Ave. Temp.:    4.8
Temp. Anomaly:    +0.5
Other Temperature Statistics       
Nights with minus double digits temperatures    0
Single Figures Maximum Temperatures    66
Single Figures Minimum Temperatures    64
Double Figures Maximum Temperatures    22
Double Figures Minimum Temperatures    0
Number of Frosts       
Ground Frosts    37
Air Frosts:    26 (87.5% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Ice Days:    2
Snow Depths (cm)       
Highest Snow Depth    5 (on 30/12/2022)
Days With Lying Snow    12
Days with snow lying at 09:00 UTC    3
Consecutive Days with snow lying    5 days (09/12/2022 to 13/12/2022)
Rainfall (mm):       
Total for Winter:    174.6 (83.6% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Wettest Days:    20.6 (on 29/12/2022)
Highest Hourly Total    6.8 (on 30/12/2022 at 11:00 UTC)
Highest 15 min Total    2.8 (on 30/12/2022 at 08:00 UTC)
Rain Days:    33 (89.0% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Dry Days:    41
Longest Dry Spell:    12 days (17/01/2023 to 28/01/2023)
Highest Number of Days without a single dry day:    15 days (18/12/2022 to 01/01/2023)
Highest consecutive number of rain days    10 days (22/12/2022 to 31/12/2022)
Wind Speed (mph)       
Lowest Mean Wind Speed    0.0 (on 1/12/2022)
Average Mean Wind Speed    9.5 (89.3% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Highest Mean Wind Speed    34.5 (on 16/2/2023)
Highest Wind Gust    54.1 (on 5/1/2023)
Pressure (mb)       
Lowest Pressure    975.4 (on 30/12/2022)
Average Pressure    1012.5
Highest Pressure    1045.6 (on 4/2/2023)
Sunshine Total (hrs)       
Total for Month:    143.6 (88.3% of 1991-2020 March Average)
Sunniest Day:    6.5 (on 20/1/2023)
Sunless Days:     30

The winter of 2022-2023 was very much a front loaded winter as it turned out. It was a winter which started off on a very promising note with some very cold weather in the early part of December, and even our first ice days since February/March 2018.

However, that was as good as it got and the winter as a whole was fairly disappointing in the end.

December was the only colder than average month during the winter with each other month getting progressively milder after that. There was some snow during December and January, though not a lot of it with February being a completely snowless month.

There was also a lot of air frosts during the first part of the winter, but the number of air frosts then faded over time with the overall number being slightly below average in the end thanks to a very poor February in that regard.

There was also very little in the way of rainfall for most of the time with December being the only wetter than average month of the winter and even that mostly came in the latter part of that month. Since then, it has continued to get progressively drier here.

Finally, the winter overall was slightly duller than average overall mainly due to an exceptionally dull February, with the winter's only sunnier than average month being experienced during January.

As I said above, it was a poor winter in the end after a very promising start, so I am only going to give it 4/10 on this occasion as a result. That is actually a better mark than what I gave the winter of 2021/21 although that is only really due to the cold weather in the earlier part of the winter.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
11 March 2023 21:55:02

Rather than start a new thread, I have decided to post the final stats for this winter in this thread.

Given below, are the final Winter statistics for Edinburgh, Gogarbank from all of the data which I have available which are:    
Temperature (°C):       
Lowest Min:    -8.7 on (12/12/2022)
Highest Min:    9.5 on (20/2/2023)
Mean Min:    1.9
Min. Anomaly:    +0.4
Lowest Max:    -2.6 on (13/12/2022)
Highest Max:    14.5 on (19/12/2022)
Mean Max:    7.6
Max. Anomaly:     +0.5
Ave. Temp.:    4.8
Temp. Anomaly:    +0.5
Other Temperature Statistics       
Nights with minus double digits temperatures    0
Single Figures Maximum Temperatures    66
Single Figures Minimum Temperatures    64
Double Figures Maximum Temperatures    22
Double Figures Minimum Temperatures    0
Number of Frosts       
Ground Frosts    37
Air Frosts:    26 (87.5% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Ice Days:    2
Snow Depths (cm)       
Highest Snow Depth    5 (on 30/12/2022)
Days With Lying Snow    12
Days with snow lying at 09:00 UTC    3
Consecutive Days with snow lying    5 days (09/12/2022 to 13/12/2022)
Rainfall (mm):       
Total for Winter:    174.6 (83.6% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Wettest Days:    20.6 (on 29/12/2022)
Highest Hourly Total    6.8 (on 30/12/2022 at 11:00 UTC)
Highest 15 min Total    2.8 (on 30/12/2022 at 08:00 UTC)
Rain Days:    33 (89.0% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Dry Days:    41
Longest Dry Spell:    12 days (17/01/2023 to 28/01/2023)
Highest Number of Days without a single dry day:    15 days (18/12/2022 to 01/01/2023)
Highest consecutive number of rain days    10 days (22/12/2022 to 31/12/2022)
Wind Speed (mph)       
Lowest Mean Wind Speed    0.0 (on 1/12/2022)
Average Mean Wind Speed    9.5 (89.3% of 1991-2020 winter Average)
Highest Mean Wind Speed    34.5 (on 16/2/2023)
Highest Wind Gust    54.1 (on 5/1/2023)
Pressure (mb)       
Lowest Pressure    975.4 (on 30/12/2022)
Average Pressure    1012.5
Highest Pressure    1045.6 (on 4/2/2023)
Sunshine Total (hrs)       
Total for Month:    143.6 (88.3% of 1991-2020 March Average)
Sunniest Day:    6.5 (on 20/1/2023)
Sunless Days:     30

The winter of 2022-2023 was very much a front loaded winter as it turned out. It was a winter which started off on a very promising note with some very cold weather in the early part of December, and even our first ice days since February/March 2018.

However, that was as good as it got and the winter as a whole was fairly disappointing in the end.

December was the only colder than average month during the winter with each other month getting progressively milder after that. There was some snow during December and January, though not a lot of it with February being a completely snowless month.

There was also a lot of air frosts during the first part of the winter, but the number of air frosts then faded over time with the overall number being slightly below average in the end thanks to a very poor February in that regard.

There was also very little in the way of rainfall for most of the time with December being the only wetter than average month of the winter and even that mostly came in the latter part of that month. Since then, it has continued to get progressively drier here.

Finally, the winter overall was slightly duller than average overall mainly due to an exceptionally dull February, with the winter's only sunnier than average month being experienced during January.

As I said above, it was a poor winter in the end after a very promising start, so I am only going to give it 4/10 on this occasion as a result. That is actually a better mark than what I gave the winter of 2021/21 although that is only really due to the cold weather in the earlier part of the winter.


Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Thanks for sharing John - Like your attention to detail!! 
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

11 March 2023 22:11:14
Winter 2022/23 was somewhat mundane after a promising start and was as John alluded to above - a front loaded winter which is common for La Nina winters.

There was a 2 week colder spell early-mid December but very little snow here in Okehampton like many parts of country the cold in December was more of a dry cold and I can perhaps remember it for those sharp frosts/freezing fog and an ice day, there was some wet snow leaving a slushy deposit 2nd week of December and a dusting of powdery snow on night of 13th December - it was my first winter in Okehampton. 

January started on a milder note and there was a short colder snap around 15th to 18th January which brought some wet snow even to Exeter which didn't amount to much and a frontal system brought surprise 2-3" of snow over parts of Cornwall, especially Redruth and even St Austell saw snow. Bobmin got more snow.

February was a total and utter borefest - it was just dull and dry with occasional frost but a lot of anticyclonic gloom really. I can't even remember if there was a named storm either.

We have had some more snow recently but this doesn't count as March is a spring month!

All in all 4/10.

1. mark for night-time min temperature since 2018 I think on 10th December (-6 to -7c)
2. Exeter did see some 2-3 hrs of wet snow on 17th January during the morning but it was more of a slushfest.
3. We had 2 ice days in December 2022
4. Most night time frosts since winter 2017/18

Disappointing snow wise and not that eventful otherwise. Hopefully next winter we will have proper cold and snow and maybe a white Christmas.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Rob K
11 April 2023 09:38:17

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Only just seen this. What an amazing map (and shows that Greece and Turkey are the places to be if you want snow these days!)
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Chunky Pea
11 April 2023 10:49:18

Only just seen this. What an amazing map (and shows that Greece and Turkey are the places to be if you want snow these days!)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

No doubt down to how much the Norwegian sea and nearby Atantic has warmed over the last couple of decades. 
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Saint Snow
11 April 2023 13:48:08

Only just seen this. What an amazing map (and shows that Greece and Turkey are the places to be if you want snow these days!)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

It's so depressing, isn't it.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
11 April 2023 15:41:42

Only just seen this. What an amazing map (and shows that Greece and Turkey are the places to be if you want snow these days!)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

With a few exceptions that seems to have been the case for every winter on TWO from inception.
At least it will be mild!
11 April 2023 15:56:36

With a few exceptions that seems to have been the case for every winter on TWO from inception.

Originally Posted by: westv 

Yes it certainly does

If you "reverse engineer" that map you can see how a Siberian Anticyclone could feed arctic air down across Southern Europe and that fits with the number of times we see News items of freak snow in the Med these days

We see the High pressure and cold air making its way steadily westward on the models winter after winter with everyone on here waiting with bated breath for the wintry weather to reach our shores but then the Atlantic perks up and all we get is an invading depression from across the water instead with the cold air deflected down to the south and east

Richmond, Surrey
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