  • Ulric
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
21 January 2023 13:13:17
I found this video was a great little explainer on global weather patterns.
“You may kill an artist or a thinker, but you cannot acquire his art or his thought. You may put a man to death because he loves his fellow-men, but you will not by so doing acquire the love which made his happiness. Force is impotent in such matters; it is only as regards material goods that it is effective. For this reason the men who believe in force are the men whose thoughts and desires are preoccupied with material goods.“ — Bertrand Russell
Chunky Pea
22 January 2023 13:21:59
Great video 👍
I will take one small issue with one thing she said though which is 'the sun heats up the air'. It actually doesn't. The sun heats up physical surfaces (such as the ground/sea etc) which in turn heats up the air' above it. 
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--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
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