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06 October 2022 18:44:38

A starting internal temperature of 18.5c to 19.1c this morning (a little cooler due to the outside temperature of 6c). A late afternoon recovery to 19.5c in the hallway and 19.7 to 20.2c elsewhere was been staged thanks to the unbroken afternoon sunshine.

Hallway now at 19.1c. With a more general 19.5c to 20.0c.

All is good. 


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
07 October 2022 05:46:16

20.3 C this morning after a sunny day yesterday; after a gap on Wed solar hot water resumed enough for a hot shower yesterday. Still not used any gas.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
07 October 2022 09:40:47

The heating was on earlier. Now 22c.and switched off.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
07 October 2022 10:00:21

18.5c in the hallway this morning. Holding steady.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

07 October 2022 15:43:32

Still on 22c.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
07 October 2022 16:48:29
Pleasant for short sleeves at 17.7°C, no need for heating.
07 October 2022 17:11:04

17.0 downstairs, 21 upstairs. Heating set to 16, so it'll probably come on overnight for a bit.


Leysdown, north Kent
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
08 October 2022 05:53:38

20.2 C now after 21.7 C last night

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
08 October 2022 09:04:12

Heating not required so far in October. Huge success.  

18.7c in the hallway and 19.6c in the lounge to start the day.

Early yesterday evening saw a peak of 20.2c in the hallway and 21.0c in the lounge.

My wife and I are off to Homebase shortly to purchase tape as part of our continuing draught busting campaign.  

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

08 October 2022 09:05:57

Condensation on windows this morning

22.0c Central heating on.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
08 October 2022 09:06:29

My heating has been for 3hr 49 minutes this month so far . Nothing too much but enough to keep things very comfortable.

08 October 2022 10:46:38

Condensation on windows this morning

Originally Posted by: ARTzeman 

There was condensation on the outside of my windows this morning - something I've noticed a fair bit after replacing the windows late last year.

2 hours 30 of heating so far this month, with the thermostat set to either 16 or 16.5 while I'm in and 14 when I'm out.

It's presently 17 down and 20 up, the heating's been off since 7 AM (it came on for 30 minutes as it fell to 15.5).

Leysdown, north Kent
08 October 2022 13:34:06

With lot of sunshine today now inside 21C and 20.5 hallway upstairs and 22.5C bed 2 and my main bedroom 19C as there no sun now until March next year.  Comfortable indoors and warm enough from the sun.

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
08 October 2022 13:47:20

23.2 C in living room and solar hot water circulating in tank (not connected to radiators) at 50.5 C. That should last a couple of days even if it turns cloudy tomorrow.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
08 October 2022 13:52:33
Up to 18°C to 19.5°C across the house now. Windows open and warm in the sunshine.
08 October 2022 14:28:36

Sunny all day here - and not especially windy either.

17 down, 17 outside, 21 up.

(Interesting to see how much warmer it is in other people's houses as the result of the sun. It'd take a LOT to get into the 20s downstairs now!)

Leysdown, north Kent
08 October 2022 14:43:31

24.3c inside. Thermostat control. No heating until it gets cold.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
08 October 2022 16:02:57

Up to 18°C to 19.5°C across the house now. Windows open and warm in the sunshine.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Why opened? should kept close to warm up indoors and store warmth for next few days without heating on? Mine solid shut except bathroom after shower I opened for a short time to dry out condensation inside.  

08 October 2022 16:33:01


Why opened? should kept close to warm up indoors and store warmth for next few days without heating on? Mine solid shut except bathroom after shower I opened for a short time to dry out condensation inside.  

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Fresh air, ventilation and it is comfortably warm. It’s when people try to keep their house warm when it’s already at 20°C or warmer that I don’t understand. 

08 October 2022 18:32:21


Fresh air, ventilation and it is comfortably warm. It’s when people try to keep their house warm when it’s already at 20°C or warmer that I don’t understand. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Depend where you live threshold temperature levels you can stand.  20 to 21C is comfortable to me and 18 to 19C at nights are fine when sleeping but not daytime that feel the chill. 

Had to close the shutters early just before sunset due to temps indoor rapidly drop to 20C from 21C as glass are emitting coldness inside.

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