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  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
13 July 2022 19:05:42
Up to 27.5C inside at one point today, and that’s in a badly insulated Victorian pile with no south facing windows. The nights in London have been so warm, no respite.

Now 27C but only just a degree of so cooler outdoors so no relief yet.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Tim A
  • Tim A
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
15 July 2022 13:43:59
21c downstairs and 22c upstairs with the windows open , the lowest it will get for a while .
Sun is back out and temp climbing to nearly 20c now as the warmth starts to edge back in.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
marco 79
16 July 2022 03:13:35
Up early this morning. All doors and windows wide open to allow as much cool air in...outside its just a shade over 9c...downstairs 20c...upstairs 21c.
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
16 July 2022 03:53:51

Up early this morning. All doors and windows wide open to allow as much cool air in...outside its just a shade over 9c...downstairs 20c...upstairs 21c.

Originally Posted by: marco 79 

Good move that, I'm also trying to get as much cool air in as possible. It'll be a tougher job than you have though as it's 15.4C outside here.

23.1C upstairs (windows open all night) and 22.5C downstairs.


Leysdown, north Kent
  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
16 July 2022 10:37:29
Managed to get it down to 21.5 downstairs and 23.5 in the loft study this morning. I expect that's as low as it will get. Was 24.5 and 30.5 for a while earlier in the week.
Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
16 July 2022 10:57:32
Between 22-24C I doors now depending on time of day. Maxed at 27.5C on Tuesday. Who knows what it will reach next week.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
16 July 2022 13:15:53

25.5c with doors shut today.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
16 July 2022 14:37:19

22C outside, 22C upstairs and 22C downstairs. Can't really do better than that without a/c being involved!


Leysdown, north Kent
16 July 2022 14:40:14

Up to 27.5C inside at one point today, and that’s in a badly insulated Victorian pile with no south facing windows. The nights in London have been so warm, no respite.

Now 27C but only just a degree of so cooler outdoors so no relief yet.

Originally Posted by: TimS 

I remember a few warm nights in London in 76 in a southwest facing bedroom.

At least it will be mild!
17 July 2022 04:13:39

Operation "pre condition" begins in earnest today.

Amazingly, it's only 12C outside - the coldest it's been for a week. I've put a fan on the patio, blowing that lovely cool air indoors. The windows are all open to make the most of the cooler air.

The plan is to close the windows once the air temperature gets to 20C or so, then let the a/c do its thing. It'll take time for the downstairs to warm up.

The aim is to have it around 22C down, 24C up to start tomorrow's "fun".

Anyway, for now, it's 21C upstairs and 18.5C downstairs.

Leysdown, north Kent
17 July 2022 05:04:31

That patio fan is really doing wonders. Almost cold enough for the heating to kick in!

(And of course once the sun starts shining in it'll rocket up. But for now... most pleasant. I'm making the most of the cool air!)

Leysdown, north Kent
17 July 2022 07:04:35

22.3c this morning in the hallway. A little warmer upstairs.

Doors and windows are wide open at the moment. 17.2c outside.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Jerry P
17 July 2022 07:34:47
I live in a house constructed to cope with high temperatures and it’s five hundred years old.... 18 inch thick cob walls, small windows and a thatched roof (upstairs stays cool). It’s set into the ground a bit and downstairs stays around 20C in this weather - we open the windows to warm it up. Of course it’s a different matter in the winter but we only heat it to 19C - perfectly good enough.
West Somerset, 103m asl
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
17 July 2022 07:56:15

I live in a house constructed to cope with high temperatures and it’s five hundred years old.... 18 inch thick cob walls, small windows and a thatched roof (upstairs stays cool). It’s set into the ground a bit and downstairs stays around 20C in this weather - we open the windows to warm it up. Of course it’s a different matter in the winter but we only heat it to 19C - perfectly good enough.

Originally Posted by: Jerry P 

I used to live in a cob house and it was always cool in summer and didn't take much to warm it in winter.

I now live in a modern thatched property and the thatch is the thing that keeps out the heat. Not cob walls of course, very few cob houses built nowadays. But it's still much much cooler inside than the nearby tiled/slated properties in a hot spell like now. I'll see what happens in the next day or two and I'm ready to sleep in the garden if it becomes too warm overnight to sleep indoors.

The office at the bottom of the garden is another matter. Brick walls that absorb the heat, make the place an oven in the afternoons. I need to fan in the cool air in the mornings to rid the inside of the overnight stored heat. I've lost the battle for today though.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
17 July 2022 08:59:00
I live in a converted stable block that's about 200yrs old with really thick stone walls. The building itself is floor level only and quite long and I have windows only to one side and also has a built awning over 2/3rds of window side which helps with the sun. I face west as well so don't get much sun till the afternoon.
So summers it tends to stay cool but Im always whinging I'm cold In the winter...but I choose not to ramp the heating up!
I open windows early and late to get some air in then shut them as soon as the temp starts to rise outside.

Currently 21.2c inside and temp rising outside at 22.4c. I've only lived here since early 2020 so will see how it fares with these high temps soon to be here.
Home - Littleport nr Ely Cambs
17 July 2022 09:51:31

Sheltered housing, bungalow 24.5c. The back door is open along with the small windows.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
17 July 2022 10:55:31

A lovely 22C, which is the coolest it has been all week.


17 July 2022 10:59:07

So, with the windows firmly shut downstairs (with curtains drawn) and the windows upstairs all open, we have:

Outside: 27.3

Upstairs: 28.3

Downstairs: 20.5

That patio fan trick has really paid dividends so far.

Leysdown, north Kent
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
17 July 2022 11:34:06
21C lower ground, 24C upper ground, 24.5C first floor. Acceptable at the moment.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
17 July 2022 11:34:11
Currently 23c ground floor.
At least it will be mild!
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