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24 March 2021 19:57:21



Isn't that just a screengrab from the 2012 film?


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

 I thought it looked familiar!  


Gandalf The White
24 March 2021 21:37:48


Very interesting, Michael, thanks.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

25 March 2021 13:41:48

Things are rather active again this evening - no idea if it's a coincidence but last 2 days have had very little activity during the day and then quite a lot late afternoon and in to the evening. 

Quite addictive viewing

Originally Posted by: Hippydave 

Just to come back to this point Dave. It appears that it is indeed more than just a perception due to light levels and is apparently due to increasing activity in the evenings so far. The magma that is erupting also appears to be coming directly from the mantle and not from magma chambers in the crust. Overall activity does not seem to be decreasing and may in fact be increasing (which ties in well with some of the livestream footage).

This information has been taken from: 

25 March 2021 22:27:41


Just to come back to this point Dave. It appears that it is indeed more than just a perception due to light levels and is apparently due to increasing activity in the evenings so far. The magma that is erupting also appears to be coming directly from the mantle and not from magma chambers in the crust. Overall activity does not seem to be decreasing and may in fact be increasing (which ties in well with some of the livestream footage).

This information has been taken from: 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Go team me

I was reading quite a few of the articles from the Volcano Cafe you linked to the other day, which were really fascinating. Seems like if the dyke isn't being topped up the eruption may gradually dwindle over a period of a couple of weeks, maybe a bit more but if it is being topped up still it could last considerably longer. So could be either an interesting but in the scheme of things pretty small eruption or something more impressive/noteworthy. I'd hope for the latter, particularly as it currently looks like there still wouldn't be any issues with settlements etc.

Was watching the feed on and off today and the larger cone had a chunk of the rim fall off earlier (about 4ish I think it was) but as it was above the lava level it didn't do anything. Does show how unstable the cones are though and something more interesting may occur and lead to a short term large increase in flow.


Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
28 March 2021 08:38:48

Quite a bit of collapsing went on in the Icelandic volcano early up this morning, with the 2nd cone losing a lot of material from the front and side and a chunk going from the front of the main/original cone. (As viewed on the RUV feed anyway other perspectives may differ!).

Bit hard to tell but it looks like that may have at least temporarily stopped the flow from the 2nd cone. (The webcam from that side doesn't look like it's working ATM). 

One of the things I was watching yesterday mentioned 18 days as the likely time it'd take to break out from the valley it's in, presumably based on a fairly steady outflow. So another 10 days or so, if things continue. 

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
28 March 2021 09:01:58

Quite a bit of collapsing went on in the Icelandic volcano early up this morning, with the 2nd cone losing a lot of material from the front and side and a chunk going from the front of the main/original cone. (As viewed on the RUV feed anyway other perspectives may differ!).

Bit hard to tell but it looks like that may have at least temporarily stopped the flow from the 2nd cone. (The webcam from that side doesn't look like it's working ATM). 

One of the things I was watching yesterday mentioned 18 days as the likely time it'd take to break out from the valley it's in, presumably based on a fairly steady outflow. So another 10 days or so, if things continue. 

Originally Posted by: Hippydave 

I suspect that the flow is continuing apace but just not visible from the camera angle (and possibly under lava pool’s surface).

28 March 2021 14:23:03


I suspect that the flow is continuing apace but just not visible from the camera angle (and possibly under lava pool’s surface).

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Someone's having a play with the camera at the moment and yup, the second cone is still flowing. It's hard to tell from a distance as the outflow is so low down compared to where it was it's all under the skin on the surface of the stream.  

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2021 21:57:00

May have been posted already if so apologies but I thought this drone footage was remarkable..



In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
28 March 2021 22:08:12

Is that a new vent that's opened. Also fountains look a little higher.

29 March 2021 06:55:42

Is that a new vent that's opened. Also fountains look a little higher.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

I think it looks a bit different because of the collapse of the front walls of the vents. The lava lake is filling up nicely and I think it is probably only a matter of time before it starts flowing into the neighbouring valley.

29 March 2021 17:20:30


I think it looks a bit different because of the collapse of the front walls of the vents. The lava lake is filling up nicely and I think it is probably only a matter of time before it starts flowing into the neighbouring valley.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I'm guessing that great big chunk of rock floating in the lake is the part that collapsed? Yes all looking rather level/full now.

29 March 2021 17:27:30


I'm guessing that great big chunk of rock floating in the lake is the part that collapsed? Yes all looking rather level/full now.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Yes, I think so. It looks quite impressive from this camera angle: 

Gandalf The White
29 March 2021 23:04:55

There's still a lot of activity tonight with both the main and the lower vents churning away and pushing out significant streams of lava.

It really is a remarkable sight at night.

A few days into the eruption the BBC was reporting that the authorities had said the activity was easing off but it certainly appears not to my untrained eye.

Link to the webcam for anyone new to this thread:


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

30 March 2021 17:43:06 

It gives an excellent view of the current activity.
30 March 2021 18:17:11 

It gives an excellent view of the current activity.

Is it me or are distances strangely altered? Is a the centre of a zoomed image perhaps?

Hang on the foreground is split by a slope that's hard to see. Otherwise the sizes of people look odd.

  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
30 March 2021 19:01:35


Is it me or are distances strangely altered? Is a the centre of a zoomed image perhaps?

Hang on the foreground is split by a slope that's hard to see. Otherwise the sizes of people look odd.

Originally Posted by: Devonian 

It looks fine to me and one of the most amazing live volcanic scenes I've ever seen.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
30 March 2021 19:30:42

And thank you Michael for the link.


Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
30 March 2021 22:18:31

It looks quite impressive at the moment. Thanks Michael for the link.

Gandalf The White
30 March 2021 23:08:45

Here is another live camera stream of the eruption:

It gives an excellent view of the current activity.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Thanks, Michael, that’s a very good live feed.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

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