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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 March 2020 06:21:22

Good morning.  Calm and clear. 0.7c

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
25 March 2020 06:45:28

Frost to start Sunny now🌄

Calm. 2•8c Humidity 67% Rh.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
25 March 2020 06:49:41

A frosty lawn . -1c sunny.

Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
25 March 2020 07:01:28

Yet another uneventful start to yet another day here in Edinburgh as our spring borefest goes on with yet more constant grey skies to start the day with, but with nothing which is even remotely interesting in terms of our weather actually happening.

Last night's overnight minimum temperature was 8.7°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank and 8.8°C at the botanic gardens which makes last night, our mildest night of this spring so far once again.

Meanwhile, the temperature at 6am this morning was around 9°C, so it is still very mild out there.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
marco 79
25 March 2020 07:01:45
Clear and bright with sunshine..slight frost overnight with a min of -1.4c...currently 2.1c...light S wind 1024mb
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
25 March 2020 07:02:23

-1C  With more moisture in the air than yesterday a picturesque white frost and mist over the valley earlier. Bird bath frozen too.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Tim A
25 March 2020 07:10:25
Morning all.
Milder and frost free this morning but still clear and sunny.
5.7c after a low of 5.1c.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
25 March 2020 07:27:01

Good morning overnight low of - 2.2c. Currently frosty and sunny 0.9c. Humidity 96%. Air pressure 1027.0mb. Wind calm. Wind chill 1.0c. Dew point 1.0c

Come on you spurs
Save ryarsh stop the quarry 
  • AJ*
  • Advanced Member
25 March 2020 08:21:20

Clear and sunny, calm.

2.7*C after a frost which lasted from 2.30am to 7.30am and down to -1.7*C, 83%RH; 1027.4mb steady.


It looks as though I'm going to need to protect my overwintered begonias.  I'm particularly glad that they have survived, as I reckon that I won't be able to get new ones from the garden centre this spring.

Angus; one of the Kent crew on TWO.
Tonbridge, 40m (131ft) asl
25 March 2020 08:51:30
Wet underfoot, currently not raining and calm

Wind nil

Temp 6.9C
Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
25 March 2020 10:56:52
11c sunny.
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
25 March 2020 11:39:29

Clear. Calm. Dry. Sunny

12.0c. Humidity 45% Rh


Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Tim A
25 March 2020 12:24:34
A beautiful day with the temperature at 15.0c

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Crepuscular Ray
25 March 2020 13:42:12
Third cloudy day here and looks like another two to come from this stationary waving front! It is bright at times and up to 13 C and things are drying out at least.
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
25 March 2020 14:06:15

The fifth consecutive sunny day with 11.1 c & 48% h feeling mild when sheltered from the light E breeze.

Folkestone Harbour. 
25 March 2020 16:23:43
Beautiful day, reached 18°C under cloudless skies here.

Shame we're going back to boring cold from this weekend though...
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
25 March 2020 18:39:36

Here in Edinburgh, our weather (or rather, the lack of any actual "weather" in this instance) is just becoming more and more boring and monotonous all the time.

There was the occasional sunny interval and some blue sky around but in the end, the really abysmal total of just 6 minutes of sunshine was recorded for the whole of today at Edinburgh Gogarbank with nothing at all in that department since 1pm this afternoon. 

As a result of there being too much cloud around, that robbed us of any chance which there was of today going down as our warmest day of this year so far.

Nevertheless, the maximum temperature at Edinburgh Gogarbank still managed to reach a reasonably warm 13.0°C and the temperature at 6pm this evening was around 11°C here in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
25 March 2020 19:04:27

Another beautiful clear and sunny day with 16c.

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • POD
  • Advanced Member
25 March 2020 19:23:33



1023.6mb rising

Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
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