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17 January 2019 00:30:38

The skies have now cleared once again, but the wind has picked up by quite a lot to the point where it was gusting up to 32.3mph from the NNW at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at midnight.

As the wind veered sharply, the temperatures dropped a little bit, but it is the dew points which took a sudden dramatic drop at that point in time, to below freezing at all three of my local stations.

In the end, a total of 1.4 mm of rain fell during yesterday at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 2.0 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh as a result of that initial cold front which moved through during the early hours of yesterday morning.

Meanwhile, the temperature at midnight was 2.8°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 3°C at Edinburgh Airport and 3.2°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
17 January 2019 04:49:01

Cloudy with a light breeze, 0.7c and ....  It’s snowing!     

Big fluffy flakes too, although I suspect it’s just a shower and won’t settle, but hey! It’s our first this winter. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
17 January 2019 06:49:58

Snow showers were short, sharp and didn’t stick but temp now down to -0.5c 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
marco 79
17 January 2019 07:13:19
Clear spells after recent snow showers leaving a dusting on cars and grass...mod NW wind...0.6c....1007mb
Max yesterday 9.7c (10.30am)
Min overnight 0.6c
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
17 January 2019 07:20:04

Clear, breezy, northerly and 2.6C.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Surrey John
17 January 2019 07:52:23
showers of light drizzle

temp +3.2c

Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire
35m ASL
  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 January 2019 08:00:25
-0.7C, serious wind chill with strong wind but sky is clear and should be a lovely crisp day.
There has been a tiny dusting of snow at some point.
17 January 2019 08:15:43
A dusting of snow - clear otherwise

Wind NNE fresh breeze

Temp 1.5C
Veteran of winter of 62/63
By Scapa Flow, Orkney
17 January 2019 08:59:45

Sprinkling of snow here this morning 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

17 January 2019 08:59:49

Well, this is just bloody typical of our weather (or rather, the lack of any weather) in this part of the world during this complete non-event which is known as this "winter".

Here in the most boring part of the UK during our most boring winter on record, the Sun is shining and the skies are clear. Yet even with those clear skies and a northerly wind, we still CANNOT get a F@&KING frost as once again, too much wind meant that the temperature just refused to drop during the early hours of this morning once that occluded front had moved through and so, our frost-free hell just goes on with no end to that in sight just now (so much then, for that really cold weather which we were supposed to be getting from the north).

This just shows that this so-called "winter" continues to be one massive borefest in this part of the world where it just seems to be asking too much for anything which is even remotely interesting in terms of our weather, to actually happen even when there is a lot of excitement elsewhere (Richard from Aberdeen occasionally claims that title of the most boring part of the UK in terms of the weather for his area, but even he has got to witness a bit of snow already during this latest northerly outbreak as reported by doctormog (who is after all, in the same city as Richard) on this forum) and so this surely has to prove once and for that I live in the most boring part of the UK here in Edinburgh, in terms of our weather.

Meanwhile, the temperature at 8am this morning was 0.8°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 1°C at Edinburgh Airport and 0.6°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
17 January 2019 09:19:13

A skiff of snow this morning here. Could almost count the individual flakes. As usual for here in a Northerly the showers peter out in the hills to our North.

Windy Willow
17 January 2019 10:55:04

Clear & sunny occasional fluffy thin cloud passing over but very few & far between, 2.6c now (was 3.6c an hour ago!) Light breeze N, pressure 1012.6 mb RH 81% DP -0.3c 

South Holland, Lincs 5m/16ft ASL

Don't feed the Trolls!! When starved of attention they return to their dark caves or the dark recesses of bridges and will turn back to stone, silent again!
17 January 2019 11:48:14

After a very fleeting wintry mix lasting all of 45 secs earlier on this morning, it is now fine and sunny. Much better.

But rather on the nippy side with the moderate north wind making the current 4.4 c & 76% h feel rather bracing but is drying everything up in double quick time after further showers fell in the small hours (3 mm total in the past 20 hours).

Folkestone Harbour. 
17 January 2019 11:57:26

Clear and sunny.

Temp 3.4C

Overnight low -0.1C

Pressure 1013mb

Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
17 January 2019 12:34:39

Dry. Sunny. 6 Clouds on the Horizon to the North.

5.2c.  Humidity 57% Rh.

1015 hPa. Nw Breeze 11.5 mph.

Wind Chill    3.6c

Dew Point    -2.6c

Apparent     2.4c. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
17 January 2019 12:43:12

A completely sunny morning means that a total of 2.6 hours of sunshine has already been recorded for today so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at 12 noon.

Last night's overnight minimum temperature was 0.2°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 1°C at Edinburgh Airport and 0.2°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

Meanwhile, the temperature at 12 noon was 3.7°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 4°C at Edinburgh Airport and 3.3°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

Given that we have entered what is supposed to be a "cold" spell of weather, this is turning out to be rather disappointing indeed and a complete non-event in this part of the world, as it is isn't even all that cold for this time of the year just now.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
17 January 2019 13:00:19
Heavy shower of snow grains gave a light covering around 9.30 in North Northumberland, a bit stil around at midday. Min temp +0.1c , just missed out on fost. Now sunny with wind dropping and temp around 3.5c.
Maunder Minimum
17 January 2019 13:11:10

Snowing heavily here in Copenhagen now - always a good sign

New world order coming.
17 January 2019 16:53:19

An almost completely sunny afternoon means that in the end, a total of 5.6 hours of sunshine was recorded for today at Edinburgh Gogarbank. This makes today not only the sunniest day of both this month and this year so far, but also the sunniest day of this winter so far. This also means that this month is now back to running a bit sunnier than average overall once again.

Today's maximum temperature was 4.5°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 5°C at Edinburgh Airport and 5.0°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.

Now that the Sun has gone down though, the temperature is already falling away and so, the temperature at 4pm this afternoon was 2.2°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 1°C at Edinburgh Airport and 2.7°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
17 January 2019 16:59:35
1.8°C with light snow showers currently.
17 January 2019 20:59:48

Would you believe it, it's happening yet again!!

Tonight is another night when the temperature was supposed to get to well below freezing and we did very briefly, get an official air frost at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh before it then turned cloudier with the temperature jumping back up as a result. Now yet again, the temperatures are refusing to drop as a result of there being too much cloud around and at the moment, we just seem destined to never again, get any proper frosts in this part of the world for the rest of this complete non-event which is known as this "winter".

Meanwhile, the temperature at 8pm this evening was 0.1°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank, 0°C at Edinburgh Airport and 0.1°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
17 January 2019 21:08:29
-0.2c frost
Observations from around GUILDFORD in SURREY and now Nottingham
17 January 2019 22:13:46
This part of the World is certainly jinxed when it comes to frost, the wind that kept it away last night has dropped, but as soon as it did so in came a blanket of cloud lifting the temp from around 0.5 to around 1c. Looking at the temperature profile around the UK most places are below zero - how do they escape all this cloud and wind. I see Edinburgh is getting the same conditions as Wooler - I guess we'll just have to wait for a gentle southerly?
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