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01 January 2020 09:54:13

Slightly mild, slightly dry

Average temperature = 5.3°C (+0.9C)
Average humidity = 89%
Average dewpoint = 3.6°C
Average barometer = 1006.0 mb
Average windspeed = 10.2 mph
Average gustspeed = 14.6 mph
Average direction = 238° (WSW)
Rainfall for month = 60.3 mm (-11mm)
Rainfall for year = 946.9 mm (+100mm)
Maximum rain per minute = 0.9 mm on day 12 at time 16:29
Maximum temperature = 12.1°C on day 06 at time 01:00
Minimum temperature = -2.9°C on day 01 at time 00:12
Maximum humidity = 98% on day 28 at time 10:14
Minimum humidity = 64% on day 09 at time 13:31
Maximum dewpoint = 10.1°C on day 10 at time 17:28
Minimum dewpoint = -3.6°C on day 01 at time 0:12
Maximum pressure = 1035.5 mb on day 31 at time 10:15
Minimum pressure = 967.6 mb on day 13 at time 00:29
Maximum windspeed = 33.4 mph from 315°( NW) on day 30 at time 11:39
Maximum gust speed = 57.5 mph from 225°( SW) on day 05 at time 18:41
Maximum heat index = 12.1°C on day 06 at time 01:00
Avg daily max temp :7.6°C
Avg daily min temp :2.9°C
Growing degrees days :0.0 GDD
Total windrun = 4871.3miles
Frost days= 3
Daily rain totals
00.2 mm on day 1
00.2 mm on day 2
01.7 mm on day 7
01.9 mm on day 8
02.2 mm on day 10
09.7 mm on day 12
02.8 mm on day 13
00.9 mm on day 14
08.9 mm on day 15
00.2 mm on day 16
00.4 mm on day 17
07.6 mm on day 18
08.6 mm on day 19
09.5 mm on day 20
00.9 mm on day 22
03.9 mm on day 24
00.4 mm on day 25

01 January 2020 11:36:40

Given below, are the final December statistics for Edinburgh, Gogarbank from all of the data which I have available which are:

Temperature (°C):

Lowest Min: -4.7 (on 1/12)
Highest Min: 9.8 (on 28/12)
Mean Min: 3.2
Min. Anomaly: +2.1

Lowest Max: 4.9 (on 14/12)
Highest Max: 12.6 (on 10/12)
Mean Max: 8.5
Max. Anomaly: +1.9

Ave. Temp.: 5.8
Temp. Anomaly: +2.0

Air Frosts: 3 (24.4% of 1981-2010 average)
Ice Days: 0

Rainfall (mm):

Total for Month: 69.6 (109.4% of 1981/2010 average)
Wettest Day: 15.8 (on 7/12)
Rain Days: 14 (108.5% of 1981/2010 average)
Dry Days: 9
Longest Dry Spell: 2 Days (on 4 separate occasions)
Highest Number of Days without a single dry day: 12 Days (4/12 to 15/12 inclusive)

Sunshine Totals (hrs):

Total For Month: 34.1* (96.6%* of 1981-2010 average)
* This does not include the missing data for 9/12 which was actually a fairly sunny day
Sunniest Day: 5.6 (on 1/12)
Sunless Days: 10


An absolute disaster of a so-called "winter" month which was completely snow-free without even a single flake of snow throughout the entire month.

It was a milder than average month with an abysmal number of official air frosts.

It was also slightly wetter than average both in terms of the actual rainfall amounts and in terms of the number of official rain days but in both cases, it was nowhere near as wet as it was in many other parts of the UK.

When we take the missing data for 9/12 into consideration, December probably comes out slightly sunnier than average as that missing data was probably enough to bring the total for the month up to above the 1981-2010 average as that was quite a sunny day, but we can really just say that December was a fairly average month in terms of sunshine.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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