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Tim A
10 September 2024 06:02:50
Similar temps inside here , 18c downstairs and 19.5c upstairs.  Hopefully the downstairs will warm up a bit as the sun comes out later. 

The heating may make an appearance this week though. Tomorrow to Friday temps outside will be more like they should be in Mid October with some low overnight lows too.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
10 September 2024 07:55:19
Been hanging onto temperatures in the low 20s downstairs through careful opening and closing of windows over the last few days. This morning it was 19.7C in the living room and I expect it to drop steadily during the week. Cool nights seem to be more influential than cool days as far as our indoor temperatures go. 
Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
10 September 2024 08:08:19

Similar temps inside here , 18c downstairs and 19.5c upstairs.  Hopefully the downstairs will warm up a bit as the sun comes out later. 

The heating may make an appearance this week though. Tomorrow to Friday temps outside will be more like they should be in Mid October with some low overnight lows too.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Yes, the cooler nights later in the week will have quite an effect I suspect - especially as the nights are a few hours longer now than in June.

It'll be a good time to give the heating a trial run... so mine will be on for half an hour or so later in the week!
Leysdown, north Kent
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 September 2024 20:00:41
22C in all rooms and 14.8C now in the conservatory as it dropping like a stone so might see first single digit by morning after reaching 25.5C nad yesterday 29.6C that give in doors temps of 24-25C. 
11 September 2024 06:32:21
16.5 this morning downstairs, and 18 upstairs! The former is quite remarkable for mid-September, and it happens to be the level I set my thermostat to. The heating's still off for summer, but it'd have been very close to clicking on this morning...
I think I'll test it tomorrow morning (for half an hour, making sure all the radiators are hot), as with a high of just 16 today and a strong wind, followed by a genuinely cold night, I reckon it'll be even cooler tomorrow.
Leysdown, north Kent
11 September 2024 06:51:55
I rather expected it but my heating came on briefly this morning. It is off again now that the indoor temperatures are in the 16 to 19°C range. 
I suspect it will kick in a few times before the end of Friday as we will struggle to reach double figures outside most of the time.
Tim A
11 September 2024 07:15:57
18.5c across both floors of the house this morning.  Hopefully some sunshine and a hive of activity in the house can maintain the temperature. 
Rare that there isn't someone in our house at the moment  during the day which I think helps keep it warm .  Even so some really cool nights to come so I wouldn't be surprised if the heating is needed tomorrow.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
11 September 2024 09:02:40
Living room down to 18.7C this morning and we're not into the really cool nights yet. Definitely time to start layering up on sweaters again - I tend to wear 2 thin sweaters and a thick sweater on top in mid-winter!
My loft study was very similar this morning but is already up to 19.7C as the sun starts to heat it up. 
Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 September 2024 16:17:10
Went down to 20.1C this morning and first single digit since April at 8.1C then rose to 27.7C while living room to pleasantly warm 24.2 and only 21C in my bedroom as it fasing the northerly blast air on the north facing window.  Mind you felt 21C a bit chilly after getting used to low to mid 20's bedroom.  Will get to it again at 21. 
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
11 September 2024 17:41:37
Currently 13.1 outside, 21.0 inside, due to large south-facing windows. Solar hot water had a good run today.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
11 September 2024 17:46:33
Stayed at 18 for most of the afternoon downstairs, now 17.5... upstairs is 21 (solar gain on a flat roof, so a 9C temperature differential over the past few hours).
I suspect the downstairs will cross the traditional 16.5 threshold for the heating in the early hours!
(11C outside, and a cold, windy night to come means it's bound to cool a couple of degrees, I'd have thought.)

No sweatshirts or jumpers required here, mind you, I'm in my usual polo shirt and jeans... it'll be interesting to see how old I am when the eventual "ooh, it's chilly in here, give me a jumper" thing kicks in! I've managed to get to 44 and still don't feel the cold...
Leysdown, north Kent
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
11 September 2024 18:32:00

Stayed at 18 for most of the afternoon downstairs, now 17.5... upstairs is 21 (solar gain on a flat roof, so a 9C temperature differential over the past few hours).
I suspect the downstairs will cross the traditional 16.5 threshold for the heating in the early hours!
(11C outside, and a cold, windy night to come means it's bound to cool a couple of degrees, I'd have thought.)

No sweatshirts or jumpers required here, mind you, I'm in my usual polo shirt and jeans... it'll be interesting to see how old I am when the eventual "ooh, it's chilly in here, give me a jumper" thing kicks in! I've managed to get to 44 and still don't feel the cold...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I follow the seasons and normally is Jacket put away on 1st April, jumpers end some point in April but now have to use jumper that my company provide me as working in cold environment at 12C for cheese production.  I still wearing shorts today and will carry on until end of September with jackets, jumpers and long tracksuit on.  Shorts worn in October sometimes if there warm spells.

Heating is permanently off until October and will get my local neighour plumber to service the boiler and test run the rads at 60C before turning down to 40-45C for the winter months. 
Tim A
11 September 2024 19:34:17

Stayed at 18 for most of the afternoon downstairs, now 17.5... upstairs is 21 (solar gain on a flat roof, so a 9C temperature differential over the past few hours).
I suspect the downstairs will cross the traditional 16.5 threshold for the heating in the early hours!
(11C outside, and a cold, windy night to come means it's bound to cool a couple of degrees, I'd have thought.)

No sweatshirts or jumpers required here, mind you, I'm in my usual polo shirt and jeans... it'll be interesting to see how old I am when the eventual "ooh, it's chilly in here, give me a jumper" thing kicks in! I've managed to get to 44 and still don't feel the cold...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I'm 40 now (17 when I joined TWO where has the time gone?) but if anything feel I can tolerate cooler temps now and get more overheated than when I was younger. Generally in denial about turning 40 though and don't really feel any older than when I was in my 20's.!
Would hope I would be at least 65 before I started feeling the cold!

19c here inside so survive another day without heating.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
12 September 2024 04:05:49
18 upstairs this morning, 16 downstairs - so for the first time in ages the annual "make sure the heating works" test hasn't turned the house into a sweatbox! It's now 16.5, and yes, the heating works fine. 👌(There's a different feel to the air when it's been heated by radiators, I find, and a distinct smell to it... I remember an elderly aunt, many years ago, commenting as she entered our - heated to silly levels just for her - house that "it smells warm in here".)

And as for when people feel the chill, it's anywhere from the mid 50s onwards in my family, and it seems to happen suddenly...
Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
12 September 2024 06:42:55
16.8c downstairs and 18c upstairs now. 4.2c low and 4.9c now so not surprising really.  
Will probably put the heating on later unless there is a miraculous recovery, my mum is coming over and won't tolerate below 19c downstairs. 
Agree re the smell , it's like the petrichor of inside when the heating goes on for the first time.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
12 September 2024 07:29:00
Dropped down to 19.6 living room, 19.5 upstairs hallway and 19.3 bedroom.  7.6 conservatory then now fast to 12.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
12 September 2024 07:40:20
Sun already getting to work - 20.1 in S-facing living room, 18.1 in N-facing kitchen.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
12 September 2024 07:57:31
18.2c in my "office". The dining area.
At least it will be mild!
Windy Willow
12 September 2024 08:09:01
16c in the living room but should warm up nicely with the sun streaming in.
South Holland, Lincs 5m/16ft ASL

Don't feed the Trolls!! When starved of attention they return to their dark caves or the dark recesses of bridges and will turn back to stone, silent again!
Super Cell
12 September 2024 09:17:06

16.8c downstairs and 18c upstairs now. 4.2c low and 4.9c now so not surprising really.  
Will probably put the heating on later unless there is a miraculous recovery, my mum is coming over and won't tolerate below 19c downstairs. 
Agree re the smell , it's like the petrichor of inside when the heating goes on for the first time.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Very similar here, a few miles down the road. It got down to around 15C this morning in the hall where the Hive thermostat is based. The heating, set at 17C year round, duly did its bit which is really early in the season.

It's now 18C in the hall as I had to boost it such was the shock(!) and 19.4C in the lounge which benefits from human activity, kettles being boiled etc.

EDIT: By way of comparison although I don't have the temperature figures the gas usage last September showed a spike which would represent the start of colder days around the 20th, so not much different. The real winter acceleration started during the second week of October.
Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
12 September 2024 10:05:43
17.1 in the kitchen.
At least it will be mild!
12 September 2024 10:28:22
22.4c.  Just right for us oldies. 77 and 84 years old. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
12 September 2024 13:46:14
Interesting to see the temperature that jumper wearing kicks in. I'm usually in shorts and T shirts until the October half term starts which is also when we usually put the heating on.
I'm 46.
Temp inside is 18.2c
Currently living at roughly 65m asl North of Cowbridge in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Formerly of, Birdlip, highest village in the Cotswolds and snow heaven in winter; Hawkinge in Kent - roof of the South downs and Isles of Scilly, paradise in the UK.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
12 September 2024 15:48:36
17.8 outside, 23.2 inside (on the sunny side of the house)
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • Jiries
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
12 September 2024 17:33:00
Went up to 22.8C living room and 26.2C conservatory due not much sun as forecast from infill clouds form very early .  Hope tomorrow sunny day will happent o see how low tonight is and how high is will be.  I am sure 30C can be reached if no infill clouds interference.
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