Yesterday's rain has now cleared away but it remains rather overcast here in Edinburgh to start today.
It's also windy, but the maximum wind gust at Edinburgh Gogarbank has only reached 44.3 mph which is really nothing at all when you consider that Storm Agnes is still lurking around on the scene and we've had windier days than that, even during this month.
Since 10am BST (09:00 UTC), a total of 10.4 mm of rain has fallen at Edinburgh Gogarbank, but along with just 4.4 mm at the botanic gardens. That is a fair amount of rain by our standards especially at Edinburgh Gogarbank but as with the wind situation, he have had wetter days than that during this month.
Meanwhile, yesterday's temperature records are very topsy-turvy due to the 09:00 UTC to 09:00 UTC official day which the Met Office uses for that.
As a result, "yesterday's" maximum temperature was 16.4°C at Edinburgh Gogarbank and 16.0°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh but it wasn't until the overnight period which has just passed (at around 10pm last night), that those temperatures were actually recorded.
"Yesterday's" minimum temperature on the other hand, was 11.5°C at Edinburgh Gogabank and 10.8°C at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh with those temperatures both being recorded during the day at around 10am yesterday morning.
Meanwhile, the temperature at 9am BST (08:00 UTC) this morning was around 14°C here in Edinburgh.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.