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01 October 2022 08:29:25
Ended the month on 56.8mm after a wet last day.
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
01 October 2022 09:42:31

The latest rainfall data for Edinburgh Gogarbank and the botanic gardens in Edinburgh are as follows:

Data For Recent Days

24 Hour Total Up To 10am BST this morning (09:00 UTC): 15.2 mm at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 10.6 mm at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh

Monthly Data

Final Total for September 2022: 76.2 mm (138.1% of 1991-2020 September average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 75.0 mm (136.6% of 1991-2020 September average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of rain days during September 2022: 9 (85.4% of 1991-2020 September average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 9 (90.6% of 1991-2020 September average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of dry days during September 2022: 16 at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 15 at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh

In terms of the actual rainfall amounts, September 2022 was our first wetter than average month since February 2022 and our wettest month since then, but there is more than one way of measuring how wet or dry a particular month, season or year is.

The other way to do that is to go by the number of official rain days (days where at least 1 mm of rain has fallen within that 24 hour period) and when we go by that, we can see that the picture all of a sudden, doesn't look so wet after all.

The vast majority of last month's rainfall came in the early part of it, and yesterday was also a wet day here which ensured that September 2022 would end on a very wet note.

However, there was actually very little in the way of recorded rainfall in between all of that and because of that, September 2022 still turned out to be yet another drier than average month here in terms of the number of rain days.

Seasonal Data

Total for this Autumn so far: 76.2 mm (36.0% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 75.0 mm (38.3% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of rain days during this Autumn so far: 9 (24.7% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 9 (27.0% of 1991-2020 Autumn average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of dry days during this Autumn so far: 16 at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 15 at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh

Annual Data

Total for this year so far: 434.6 mm (55.4% of 1991-2020 year average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 381.4 mm (52.4% of 1991-2020 year average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of rain days during this year so far: 89 (64.8% of 1991-2020 year average) at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 80 (62.4% of 1991-2020 year average) at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh
Number of dry days during this year so far: 142 at Edinburgh Gogarbank along with 140 at the botanic gardens in Edinburgh


This data has been obtained from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) by using a beta version of their latest upcoming API system.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
01 October 2022 10:03:07

17.4 mm in all from last night's rain band, which included a sharp shower at 12.30 am just after the general rain cleared away. Not exceptional stuff, just slightly more than the forecast 10-15 mm.

Folkestone Harbour. 
01 October 2022 10:07:02

17.4 mm in all from last night's rain band, which included a sharp shower at 12.30 am just after the general rain cleared away. Not exceptional stuff, just slightly more than the forecast 10-15 mm.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

Just 5mm from it here, about 25 miles from you. Just goes to show how much of a rain-shadow effect there is from the Downs.

72mm for the month as a whole, more than the whole of June, July and August combined!

Leysdown, north Kent
01 October 2022 10:22:05

September final amount 85.3 mm 

Mostly due to the downpours.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 October 2022 10:23:28

16.8mm here from last nights rain event. September ended up with a close to average 91.8mm. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

01 October 2022 11:12:16

16.8mm here from last nights rain event. September ended up with a close to average 91.8mm. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

A juicy 146.6 mm for my location. Like you said before, Channel driven showers played a role. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
sunny coast
01 October 2022 11:51:35

Over 100mm this month making it very wet September!!

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

And here 60 miles east of you we have totalled over 140 mm . 

Very wet month here.  Some 30 mm of that was stalled rain last Friday into Sat . 

01 October 2022 11:59:54

September finishes with 127.5mm, after a very wet 27mm on the final day. It's no doubt been the wettest September for some time, I'd assume.

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
noodle doodle
01 October 2022 16:17:25

In terms of the actual rainfall amounts, September 2022 was our first wetter than average month since February 2022 and our wettest month since then, but there is more than one way of measuring how wet or dry a particular month, season or year is.

The other way to do that is to go by the number of official rain days (days where at least 1 mm of rain has fallen within that 24 hour period) and when we go by that, we can see that the picture all of a sudden, doesn't look so wet after all.

The vast majority of last month's rainfall came in the early part of it, and yesterday was also a wet day here which ensured that September 2022 would end on a very wet note.

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 


Sepa site says Torduff just outside the Edinburgh bypass recorded 110mm for the month and 92.8 mm of that fell on just 3 separate days

01 October 2022 16:21:28

It ended up as a very wet month here too as a result of a very wet first third where we seemed to catch some of the heaviest rain. My monthly total here was a very soggy 131mm. Even just a few miles away it was about 20mm less.

01 October 2022 17:22:09

It ended up as a very wet month here too as a result of a very wet first third where we seemed to catch some of the heaviest rain. My monthly total here was a very soggy 131mm. Even just a few miles away it was about 20mm less.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I had a similar total of 138.4mm. Undoubtedly the wettest since 1995 and one of the wettest on record which ensures the summer half of the year was the wettest since 2017 and just 1mm off being wettest since 2015. A reversal of the usual scenario in recent years of a dry April and September with a wet summer in between.

I don't believe the total of 112.6mm for Dyce reported here is accurate

I also had higher totals earlier in the month but wasn't here to observe. However yesterday Dyce only reported 3mm and there's no way there was as little as that given the non-convective nature of the rain. I recorded 11mm over 6 hours which was in line with 14mm further west at Aboyne and 9.2mm at Nigg further east.

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
01 October 2022 17:26:16



Sepa site says Torduff just outside the Edinburgh bypass recorded 110mm for the month and 92.8 mm of that fell on just 3 separate days

Originally Posted by: noodle doodle 

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, there was a day earlier on in this month when the north of Edinburgh missed out on a lot of the rainfall which the south of Edinburgh. Eventually, that rain did spread to the north of Edinburgh as well but because that further rainfall was much more evenly distributed across the city, this was enough in the end for the monthly totals in the south of Edinburgh to have ended up much higher than in the north of city.

That probably explains the much higher totals for Torduff, but all of that makes it even remarkable that despite those very high totals in the south of Edinburgh in particular, September 2022 still ended up being drier than average overall in terms of the number of official rain days and that goes to show how much concentrated that rainfall was on certain specific days, rather than being evenly distributed throughout the month.

However, I have noticed that SEPA's total for Edinburgh Gogarbank was only 76.2 mm (as I had already reported here), whereas the raw SYNOP data gives a final total for that same station in that same month of 82.8 mm (which I reported on the general monthly statistics thread, as I always just use the raw SYNOP/BUFR data there to keep those sources consistent by ensuring that I am using the same source there for rainfall as I do for other aspects of the weather such as the temperature and sunshine amounts).

Since both of those figures come from measurements from different rain gauges, I might expect a little bit of a discrepancy there but given that both of those figures are for the same station during the same time period, I wouldn't have expected that discrepancy to be all that big.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
01 October 2022 17:38:32


I had a similar total of 138.4mm. Undoubtedly the wettest since 1995 and one of the wettest on record which ensures the summer half of the year was the wettest since 2017 and just 1mm off being wettest since 2015. A reversal of the usual scenario in recent years of a dry April and September with a wet summer in between.

I don't believe the total of 112.6mm for Dyce reported here is accurate

I also had higher totals earlier in the month but wasn't here to observe. However yesterday Dyce only reported 3mm and there's no way there was as little as that given the non-convective nature of the rain. I recorded 11mm over 6 hours which was in line with 14mm further west at Aboyne and 9.2mm at Nigg further east.

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

That’s interesting thanks  Richard. It strengthens the suspicions I have about the data from Dyce. It does seem thhe have under-reported the totals on a few days given the frontal nature of much of the rainfall. 

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