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  • four
  • Advanced Member
29 May 2022 10:23:49

It's only about 8C outside but downstairs is 19.8C and upstairs 17.8C, however wood stove has been on for 2 or 3 hours the past two evenings as it has been more or less early winter temperatures and very windy for 2 or 3 days.
At the Lion Inn Blakey Ridge, the WX station is showing 6.6C currently. I would expect the current heavy showers are somewhat sleety up there.

Chunky Pea
29 May 2022 11:14:38

Been hovering between 17-19c both upstairs and downstairs pretty much all Spring. 

I bought two of these little thermos in early January:

Govee Room Thermometer Hygrometer, Bluetooth Digital Indoor Temperature Humidity Sensor with Smart Alert and Data Storage, for Baby Home Cellar : Garden & Outdoors

and placed one an exposed part of the landing and another one in the kitchen. Great thing about them you can monitor readings from them in real time on your phone and download data also for analysis. The reason I got them is that I don't particularly trust indoor temp/hum readings from the Davis consoles that I own, because when placed side by side, they both show different results by a significant margin. 


East Galway, Ireland.
Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
Roger P, 12-Oct-2022
  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
30 May 2022 08:35:52

Down to 18C again in the living room after a couple of cool nights. I doubt it will rise much, if at all, until later in the week when we tap into more sunshine and higher outdoor temperatures so that we can open the windows up downstairs again. As usual, upstairs is a bit warmer. 

Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
30 May 2022 08:52:51
I really do need to look into some better insulation.

The indoor temp here in Teesside has not been above 17 for some time now. I refuse to put the heating back on for even 30 minutes at the end of May. Current temp in my little office (downstairs and 1 wall attached to garage) is 14.1


30 May 2022 09:46:04

22.5c on the wall thermometer.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Tim A
  • Tim A
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
30 May 2022 10:05:17

I really do need to look into some better insulation.

The indoor temp here in Teesside has not been above 17 for some time now. I refuse to put the heating back on for even 30 minutes at the end of May. Current temp in my little office (downstairs and 1 wall attached to garage) is 14.1

Originally Posted by: wallaw 


I have found that under timber floor insulation, sealing all gaps and adding to the loft insulation has helped quite a bit. 


17.3c inside now, 10.8c outside after a low of 8c.   Hopefully can keep it around 17c for the next few days and then it should get more comfortable. 




NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
30 May 2022 11:04:08

18.6c was the low this morning. It limped up to 20.2c early yesterday evening while the cooker was on and some occasional bursts of sunshine were shining through the windows on the west side of the house.

18.9c now.

It was a cold night outside with a low of 4.6c.

An injection of warmth is needed now. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

30 May 2022 12:43:32



I have found that under timber floor insulation, sealing all gaps and adding to the loft insulation has helped quite a bit. 


17.3c inside now, 10.8c outside after a low of 8c.   Hopefully can keep it around 17c for the next few days and then it should get more comfortable. 




Originally Posted by: Tim A 


Sadly the flooring downstairs is concrete, which I think aids the cooling. I'll certainly be adding to the loft insulation this year though



31 May 2022 10:25:07

22.0c This morning. in the lounge.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
01 June 2022 03:25:16

19C up, 17C down when I got in yesterday - perfect!

It fell to 17C up, 15C down overnight, meaning the heating came on for a bit. I'm not expecting to see it on again now until autumn, aside from the odd bit of testing that is!

Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
  • Tim A
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
01 June 2022 05:50:43

19C up, 17C down when I got in yesterday - perfect!

It fell to 17C up, 15C down overnight, meaning the heating came on for a bit. I'm not expecting to see it on again now until autumn, aside from the odd bit of testing that is!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Things are dire when you need the heating down there in June!

Yesterday was miserable here and the heating would have been on for sure had it been working. Had the electric fire on for a few hours .

16c this morning , should be much more bearable by tomorrow. 

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
01 June 2022 09:39:21

20.0c First thing this morning.

22.0c at present.

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
17 June 2022 17:41:53

Surprisingly, given that it was the hottest day of the year so far here, it wasn't super-amazingly hot inside.

When I got in, just after 4 PM, it was 24C downstairs and 29C upstairs - it was 31C outside, so aside from the windows for the air-con hose there was no need to open windows. It's now 29C outside, 24.5C downstairs, 33C in the back bedroom and a much more pleasant 22C in my bedroom.

There are two things worth noting:

One, it shows how much of a difference new windows make. Last year it would have been pushing 38C upstairs and 30C downstairs on a day like this, but this year the improved insulation has worked to keep the heat out.

Two, it shows how many people lack common sense - most of the houses round here have windows open as wide as they go, which is a great way of getting all that 30+C air into the house. They'd be better off keeping them closed until the air temperature drops below the indoor temperature, but it's too late now!

Leysdown, north Kent
17 June 2022 19:11:33

Surprisingly, given that it was the hottest day of the year so far here, it wasn't super-amazingly hot inside.

When I got in, just after 4 PM, it was 24C downstairs and 29C upstairs - it was 31C outside, so aside from the windows for the air-con hose there was no need to open windows. It's now 29C outside, 24.5C downstairs, 33C in the back bedroom and a much more pleasant 22C in my bedroom.

There are two things worth noting:

One, it shows how much of a difference new windows make. Last year it would have been pushing 38C upstairs and 30C downstairs on a day like this, but this year the improved insulation has worked to keep the heat out.

Two, it shows how many people lack common sense - most of the houses round here have windows open as wide as they go, which is a great way of getting all that 30+C air into the house. They'd be better off keeping them closed until the air temperature drops below the indoor temperature, but it's too late now!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I opened al the windows to bring the heat up and today results was living room 28.5C, 29C Kitchen, 28.5 upstairs hallway, 30C bed 2 facing south and 28.3C my beardom as the sun coming round now.  I had to do thsi in the last 3 summers due to prolonged cold and wet that that often plague for weeks after a warm spell   With tomorrow and Sunday at 18C the house will be warm and comfortable and will maintain that next week as they show temps of 21C which is average for late June in Nuneaton.

17 June 2022 19:14:47
I hope it cools down for you soon. Those temperatures sound unbearable for inside.

Here the indoor temperature is an okay but a bit too warm 22.5°C to a rather unpleasant 25.5°C
17 June 2022 19:47:22

I've opened the doors and windows to bring in the +25c air in this afternoon. The house is now very comfortable @ 24.6c in the hallway.  The remainder of the house ranges between 25c and 26c. A lovely evening to chill out with just shorts on and no T shirt.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Heavy Weather 2013
17 June 2022 19:57:09
A hideous 29.4C in my living room flat at 20.57. Awful.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 June 2022 20:00:11
20.8C upstairs, similar downstairs
  • RobR
  • Advanced Member
17 June 2022 21:40:18
27.5c upstairs today and 26.5c downstairs. Last night it was 24.5 in the bedroom but oddly managed to sleep pretty well. In a new build which we moved in last September so it has those ultra thick glazed windows and insulation as thick as it comes which won't help
Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
17 June 2022 22:13:15

Probably approaching 40C in our south facing dormer window main bedroom. Well at least till shortly before we go to bed when an hour blast with the Panasonic aircon will get it below 20C wink

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Tim A
  • Tim A
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
18 June 2022 07:33:24
22c downstairs and 25c upstairs now. Did get it a bit cooler last night before bed due to the cooler outside temps but warmed up once windows were closed. House will cool down quite a lot today.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Snowfall Winter 24/25: 18/11 5cm, 23/11 9cm, 22/12: dusting, 5/1 16cm, 6/1 6cm top-up , 7/1 1cm top-up.
18 June 2022 10:01:35

24.0c In Bedroom, Hallway, and the lounge. More comfortable than yesterday. 

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Hungry Tiger
18 June 2022 13:35:36

28.5C upstairs 26C downstairs.

I may well think about getting air-conditioning for the upstairs of my house at some point.

Awful trying to sleep in that heat. Worst I had was when we had a full on week of 35C and over in 2020 - It got to 32C upstairs in my house.

Diabolical that was.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
18 June 2022 13:48:27
We maxed at 27C upstairs (probably 28C on the second floor), 26C downstairs. 25C in the basement kitchen. Quite hot for this house.

Dropping back down now towards 23-24C
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Rob K
18 June 2022 18:59:06
I really never have much trouble sleeping unless the indoor temperature gets above 30C which is quite rare. In summer 2020 it did get to about 34C one day, as I was working from home in the bedroom with the computer fan on full blast, and the afternoon/evening sun comes right into my west-facing room to heat it up.

I'll be interested to see how our heating bills compare next winter once we have our heat pump installed. With our current electric heating we were getting through £300+ per month in the colder months, and that was before electricity prices rocketed.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome

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