Here in Edinburgh, today is ending on a much sunnier note although a total of just 2.9 hours of sunshine has been recorded for today so far at Edinburgh Gogarbank as at 6pm BST (17:00 UTC) this evening and we haven't had anything like the high sunshine totals during this month as what Richard has had in Aberdeen (which is one of the few thing about the weather up there which he has actually been happy with just lately, which in itself is such rare event that it has to go down as quite a historic moment within the entire history of the TWO forum).

In fact, I would probably even go as far as saying that I am less happy with our sunshine totals here in Edinburgh so far this month than what Richard is about this month's sunshine stats up there because our sunshine totals are actually running a little bit below average at Edinburgh Gogarbank (we are almost a third of the way through this month, but we have only had just over 60% of 1991-2020 June average sunshine at Edinburgh Gogarbank during this month so far).
However, today has once again turned out to not as cool as I was expecting it to be and the temperature at 6pm BST (17:00 UTC) this evening was around 18°C which is actually no worse than the average for this time of the year in this part of the world.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.