Maunder Minimum
19 May 2020 07:41:06

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


The point is to enforce any form of social distancing will require class sizes to be reduced single figures. This, to allow full capacity will require three times the number of teachers, rooms etc. That is not even considering those, to whom you refer, that cannot go into a school for health reasons.  Essentially the capacity is simply not there.

As for retired teachers, even if they wanted to provide online teaching, who will teach them how to use Google Classroom or the equivalent, provide disclosure checks, training in curriculum updates etc? So many unaddressed questions.  

In Denmark, they have reduced social distancing rule to 1 metre for the reason you give - doubles the classroom capacity.

We will just have to feel our way through this, but restarting formal education has to be a priority for all sorts of reasons. Imagine if during the war, people had said that they could not possible join the fight because it was too risky.


New world order coming.
19 May 2020 07:41:48

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


Trouble is that 80% of the colds caught in Europe are rhinoviruses.



"When it takes nearly 900,000 votes to elect one party’s MP, and just 26,000 for another, you know something is deeply wrong."

The electoral reform society, 14,12,19
19 May 2020 07:45:35

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


In Denmark, they have reduced social distancing rule to 1 metre for the reason you give - doubles the classroom capacity.

We will just have to feel our way through this, but restarting formal education has to be a priority for all sorts of reasons. Imagine if during the war, people had said that they could not possible join the fight because it was too risky.


Hello, it will be bluebirds next.

I've seen no evidence you're doing any more than post provocations from a bunker...

"When it takes nearly 900,000 votes to elect one party’s MP, and just 26,000 for another, you know something is deeply wrong."

The electoral reform society, 14,12,19
Heavy Weather 2013
19 May 2020 07:49:47
Quick thought this morning. Where is Boris Johnson.

I have noticed that he does seem disappear for a good number of days and certainly doesn’t feel visible.

I know he did PMQs, but isn’t it right that a PM should make more than 1 public appearance in a week.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
The Beast from the East
19 May 2020 07:49:55

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


Imagine if during the war, people had said that they could not possible join the fight because it was too risky.


What is it with you lot and war analogies!

We cant fight a virus like you do with the Hun

The best way to fight a virus is to stay apart and minimise any social interaction as far as possible

And if you catch the virus, you don't "fight" it by carrying on working. You try to sleep or get as much rest as possible

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
19 May 2020 07:52:21

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


What is it with you lot and war analogies!

We cant fight a virus like you do with the Hun

The best way to fight a virus is to stay apart and minimise any social interaction as far as possible

And if you catch the virus, you don't "fight" it by carrying on working. You try to sleep or get as much rest as possible

Think Alf Garnett...

"When it takes nearly 900,000 votes to elect one party’s MP, and just 26,000 for another, you know something is deeply wrong."

The electoral reform society, 14,12,19
The Beast from the East
19 May 2020 07:52:23

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Quick thought this morning. Where is Boris Johnson.

I have noticed that he does seem disappear for a good number of days and certainly doesn’t feel visible.

I know he did PMQs, but isn’t it right that a PM should make more than 1 public appearance in a week.

Balls deep in another intern?

I suspect he is not right physically. 

Wouldn't surprise me if he bottles out of PMQs this week

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
19 May 2020 07:56:40

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

'Interesting' chat over the garden fence with my Philippino born neighbour whose family are there. She said as regards infections they hadn't done 'too bad' over there. People have been kept to their own areas of the country by number plate recognition which depicts what district you live in.
Much surmising and conspiracy theories here on what caused the virus outbreak. Over there, just one source but they are saying it was germ warfare in development which managed to escape. I asked what nothing to do with bats or pangolins, and she said nope. The Chinese are being so secretive, they could totally erase any indication of such practice.

Most of the virus DNA is bat, with a bit of pangolin. But to back up your theory, there is a US lab that also says they have found HIV strains in it. 


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gavin D
19 May 2020 07:57:08
Downing Street has ordered the Department of Health to released daily recovery figures from Covid-19 to coax people back to work

It could be June before they're out
19 May 2020 07:59:12

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Meanwhile, China clearly has something to hide:

"The bitter battle between China and Australia has now exploded onto the world stage, after 100 nations joined Canberra in calling for an inquiry into the spread of coronavirus, including the UK. The European Union, alongside several other countries including the UK, Australia and New Zealand, are pushing for an inquiry into how the pandemic has been handled and what lessons can be learned. In April, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison demanded an independent probe into the deadly respiratory virus and the World Health Organisation 's handling of the crisis. In response, Chinese state media and leaders warned of trade retribution that could wipe $135billion from the Australian economy. After weeks of threatening to boycott the meat and barley industries and restrict travel and foreign education opportunities, China on Monday announced an 80.5 per cent levy on barley exports starting on Tuesday."


China always has something to hide given it is such a controlled society.

This story certainly raised an eyebrow this morning!

19 May 2020 08:07:00

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

'Interesting' chat over the garden fence with my Philippino born neighbour whose family are there. She said as regards infections they hadn't done 'too bad' over there. People have been kept to their own areas of the country by number plate recognition which depicts what district you live in.
Much surmising and conspiracy theories here on what caused the virus outbreak. Over there, just one source but they are saying it was germ warfare in development which managed to escape. I asked what nothing to do with bats or pangolins, and she said nope. The Chinese are being so secretive, they could totally erase any indication of such practice.

This is a problem for conspiracy theorists. Can it both be 'nothing more than a scare by lefties' aimed to 'take away our jobs and 4*4s' and 'impost a world socialist gubmint led by 5G companies' or 'a dangerous biological weapon released by commies'.

Or maybe it's both

"When it takes nearly 900,000 votes to elect one party’s MP, and just 26,000 for another, you know something is deeply wrong."

The electoral reform society, 14,12,19
Maunder Minimum
19 May 2020 08:08:10

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

We cant fight a virus like you do with the Hun

The best way to fight a virus is to stay apart and minimise any social interaction as far as possible

And if you catch the virus, you don't "fight" it by carrying on working. You try to sleep or get as much rest as possible

Given the pathology of the virus and the profile of those most at risk, we need to get the rest of society functioning as normally as possible.

Given the shocking unemployment figures this morning, the cure is proving more damaging than the virus. Shield the most vulnerable and then start most things back up, but with sensible precautions in place. Fortunately, we are now in the more benign time of year when outdoor activities should be most prevalent. Provided people are sensible (always with that caveat), outdoor restaurants, beer gardens and on street wining and dining should all be possible without risk.

Again, we need to get younger children back to school, not simply for their own sake (they need some formal classroom lessons before the summer break), but also to free up their parents to return to work.

Other European countries are showing the way in restarting enterprises, including hairdressers for example - it is all doable, it just needs some common sense and can do spirit.

New world order coming.
The Beast from the East
19 May 2020 08:10:27

Maunder, I have found you on Twitter!


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
19 May 2020 08:12:54

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Maunder, I have found you on Twitter!


Sorry to disappoint you Beast, but that is not me.

New world order coming.
Phil G
19 May 2020 08:14:49

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Meanwhile, China clearly has something to hide:

"The bitter battle between China and Australia has now exploded onto the world stage, after 100 nations joined Canberra in calling for an inquiry into the spread of coronavirus, including the UK. The European Union, alongside several other countries including the UK, Australia and New Zealand, are pushing for an inquiry into how the pandemic has been handled and what lessons can be learned. In April, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison demanded an independent probe into the deadly respiratory virus and the World Health Organisation 's handling of the crisis. In response, Chinese state media and leaders warned of trade retribution that could wipe $135billion from the Australian economy. After weeks of threatening to boycott the meat and barley industries and restrict travel and foreign education opportunities, China on Monday announced an 80.5 per cent levy on barley exports starting on Tuesday."


There appears to have been a trade dispute between China and Australia for a year now. Not good timing however, especially as China has asked countries to 'back off" for any inquiry into the virus. Interesting in MM's post also, the mention of over 100 countries joining together wanting an inquiry. Keyword there is joining together, no one can do it on their own. China's decision on tariff's against Australia in the current climate won't do them any favours either.

Here's a piece from the BBC ticker:

Australia dealt barley trade hit by China

This morning, Australia was dealt another blow from its biggest trading partner, China. Barley exports will now face an 80% tariff from Beijing, their main market. For Canberra, it's the unhappy result of a years-long trade dispute and they may appeal to the World Trade Organization.

But stepping back from the trade matter, Australian observers are also fearing that this move is retribution for virus matters.

Australia has been pushing for a global inquiry into the virus' origin and spread - against China's wishes. The campaign has gained momentum - with the EU now on board too and advocating a review through the World Health Organization.

China has denied that its trade move is linked to that, but there is alarm in Australia. Last week, its four top beef producers had their China imports suspended. And last month, China's ambassador warned of a consumer boycott if Australia continued with the inquiry.

Canberra called this a threat of "economic coercion". It's vowed to stick with its values, and go ahead with the probe.



Joe Bloggs
19 May 2020 08:15:53

Saw this on Facebook this morning - for the attention of Geoff (Beast)


Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

The Beast from the East
19 May 2020 08:17:02

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


Given the pathology of the virus and the profile of those most at risk, we need to get the rest of society functioning as normally as possible.

Given the shocking unemployment figures this morning, the cure is proving more damaging that the virus. Shield the most vulnerable and then start most things back up, but with sensible precautions in place. Fortunately, we are now in the more benign time of year when outdoor activities should be most prevalent. Provided people are sensible (always with that caveat), outdoor restaurants, beer gardens and on street wining and dining should all be possible without risk.

Again, we need to get younger children back to school, not simply for their own sake (they need some formal classroom lessons before the summer break), but also to free up their parents to return to work.

Other European countries are showing the way in restarting enterprises, including hairdressers for example - it is all doable, it just needs some common sense and can do spirit.

I agree that any lockdown has a limited lifespan of 6-8 weeks, before people get fed up and break it

But you need to use that time wisely - do it properly to get the rate down and prepare infrastructure for track and trace when you come out of lockdown

We have done neither


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
19 May 2020 08:19:24

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

In response, Chinese state media and leaders warned of trade retribution that could wipe $135billion from the Australian economy. After weeks of threatening to boycott the meat and barley industries and restrict travel and foreign education opportunities, China on Monday announced an 80.5 per cent levy on barley exports starting on Tuesday."

Erecting artificial and unnecessary barriers to trade out of spite. Imagine that!

The ideal subject of totalitarianism, is people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists. - Hannah Arendt
19 May 2020 08:19:58

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


Other European countries are showing the way in restarting enterprises, including hairdressers for example - it is all doable, it just needs some common sense and can do spirit.

Worth noting that these other European countries are all seeing hundreds, rather than thousands, of new cases a day. Get ours down to that range and yes, I'd agree on re-opening stuff. As it stands, we're still seeing far too many cases!

(Click on the Europe tab, yesterday, sort by cases. Only Russia is seeing more cases).

Leysdown, north Kent
Gandalf The White
19 May 2020 08:20:35

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


Given the pathology of the virus and the profile of those most at risk, we need to get the rest of society functioning as normally as possible.

Given the shocking unemployment figures this morning, the cure is proving more damaging than the virus. Shield the most vulnerable and then start most things back up, but with sensible precautions in place. Fortunately, we are now in the more benign time of year when outdoor activities should be most prevalent. Provided people are sensible (always with that caveat), outdoor restaurants, beer gardens and on street wining and dining should all be possible without risk.

Again, we need to get younger children back to school, not simply for their own sake (they need some formal classroom lessons before the summer break), but also to free up their parents to return to work.

Other European countries are showing the way in restarting enterprises, including hairdressers for example - it is all doable, it just needs some common sense and can do spirit.

Your  capacity to spout about subjects in which you have very limited knowledge is remarkable.

I assume that you’ve seen a typical restaurant kitchen and will know any ‘distancing’ is a non-starter. As for people crowded into restaurants, beer gardens and so on, that’s a guaranteed way of spreading the virus. Restricting numbers will mean queues of people not respecting social distancing.

Look, the experts say they still don’t know a lot about this virus. It really doesn’t seem like a sensible plan to take too many risks together.  

Given the number of deaths already recorded I’m surprised you are willing to contemplate 500k being sacrificed for the good of the economy. 

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