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02 June 2019 09:22:51

Well, that sucked. Following a hot day, there wa a sultry, steamy night to follow. This is the reason why I dislike summer so much:

For 5 in the morning, that's just a plain silly indoor temperature - and that's in a room which had the window open all night too.

At least today there should be more of a wind and from a direction which will allow it to enter the house!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Isn't anything you can do to improve the insulation of your house? These temps you describe sound very surprising and uncomfortable to me.

  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
02 June 2019 09:32:12
Very nice warm weekend though rather hazy. I spent yesterday down in Christchurch by the sea and it was very pleasant, but the water is still way too cold for swimming. Today back in London for the final warm day of this very short mini warm spell.

Indoor temps around 21.5c. Much warmer outside.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
02 June 2019 09:57:02
This is more of a moan from me.

Yesterday was the first dry day which we have had for a while, but it was a day where a total of just 2.1 hours of sunshine was recorded altogether at Edinburgh Gogarbank. In other word, yesterday was just one massive borefest where we were stuck in a dull and overcast nothingness for most of the time with almost constant grey skies and with nothing actually happening which is even remotely interesting in terms of our weather (even the temperatures haven't exactly been exciting for this time of the year either).

We did get a bit of rain during the early part of this morning and from the radar map at that time, it had looked as though there would more to come. However, that failed to materialised and with any further rain bypassing this part of the world altogether. However, we have bee n left yet again in yet another borefest with yet more constant grey skies and with nothing which is even remotely interesting actually happening.

When you add all of that together, this has to be the most boring and uninteresting start to any summer which I can remember in my entire lifetime.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Chunky Pea
02 June 2019 10:08:28


I still love winter cold and snow (just less than before).


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Pretty much agree. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
02 June 2019 10:08:34


I think we should have seperate moaning & gloating threads....

Actually yesterday wan't all that bad. There was some light rain in the morning but afterwards there was some brightness and it got to 19.7C which is still quite warm for the time of year. I was just venting off about the contrast with the SE, call it 'weather envy' if you like!

Originally Posted by: Col 

  Better to show those in the SE that we’re not bothered that they get all the best weather.  Even though we really are!   

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
02 June 2019 10:12:59

Lovely and warm for Lower Stoke area and with all the windows and back door opened to bring the warmth inside to 23.5C now so I aim to see 25C inside and closed everything this evening to retain the warmth for this coming week when it get cooler.   This time last year we were getting 25-32C temps daily and the long dry period started.

02 June 2019 10:28:22

Well, that sucked. Following a hot day, there wa a sultry, steamy night to follow. This is the reason why I dislike summer so much:

For 5 in the morning, that's just a plain silly indoor temperature - and that's in a room which had the window open all night too.

At least today there should be more of a wind and from a direction which will allow it to enter the house!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Maybe try closing windows amd curtains in sun facing rooms during day time.

We had overnight low of 16C after a day high 23.3C but the core house was closer ro 24C overnight.. Rooms near open windows cooler. 

But being a coastal location in a city we get used to mild nights from late May to mid Sept 12-18C... 16-18 more from late June-Aug..

02 June 2019 12:11:48

Awful start to summer with the third dire weekend in a row. Truly horrific suicide inducing levels of sunshine for weeks on end giving the worst weather at this time of year since 1983.

I would think the turnaround that occurred that year will be unlikely to be repeated this year. Rather I see a situation akin to 1993 where the dross goes on and on and it just never gets warm and sunny. That has to be the only year I can remember that offered so little in the way of fine evening/weekend weather as 2019 has by this point. Even 1996 turned around by now with a glorious June following months of horror. Only difference with 1993 appears to be that the winter months all produced decent snow back then 

As if the lousy weather here hasn't been bad enough I am looking at the upcoming forecast for close to where I will be going in Portugal next month and it's unreal. Days of 17-18C highs with cloud and rain. Unspeakably poor when even southern European locations are getting no summer in June 

What a grim year to finish off a truly pathetic and woeful decade of weather. 

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
02 June 2019 12:22:48

Awful start to summer with the third dire weekend in a row. Truly horrific suicide inducing levels of sunshine for weeks on end giving the worst weather at this time of year since 

What a grim year to finish off a truly pathetic and woeful decade of weather. 

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

And things can only get worse.

02 June 2019 12:23:30
Poor start to summer in my neck of the woods, and unfortunately the models don't show much hope, at least around here. The only consolation is because I'm working nights all of this month, at least it doesn't look like I'll really be missing anything.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
02 June 2019 13:31:33

Maybe try closing windows amd curtains in sun facing rooms during day time

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Ah, time-tested advice - as I write this the windows and curtains are indeed closed on the west side of the house, but it's still hot indoors regardless (a flat roof is to blame).

I'll open the windows in an hour or so (which should at least get it below 30, as there's actually a breeze today), then the air-con's going on again.

I still plan, eventually, to get a "proper" AC unit installed, the type with an outdoor fan. For now, though, I'm still using a portable job. It does an okay job, but it's loud!


Leysdown, north Kent
02 June 2019 13:45:39


Well why not kill yourself and save everybody having to read your crap.


Originally Posted by: Col 

No idea why he lives in Aberdeen if the weather is so bad.....miserable fella

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
02 June 2019 13:47:14
A cloudy couple of days to bring in the Summer here but it has been warm so not too bad
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
02 June 2019 14:18:32


No idea why he lives in Aberdeen if the weather is so bad.....miserable fella

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

I don't think that Richard would ever be happy with the weather in his neck of the woods regardless of wherever he was in the world at any particular time as we saw from his most recent trip to Italy.

I know that complain a lot about the weather being boring (and not just on these moaning threads) but then, I do live in Scotland which means that I have just learned to grin and bear that in the knowledge that this is what I expect to see from our weather in this part of the world.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
02 June 2019 14:30:37


Ah, time-tested advice - as I write this the windows and curtains are indeed closed on the west side of the house, but it's still hot indoors regardless (a flat roof is to blame).

I'll open the windows in an hour or so (which should at least get it below 30, as there's actually a breeze today), then the air-con's going on again.

I still plan, eventually, to get a "proper" AC unit installed, the type with an outdoor fan. For now, though, I'm still using a portable job. It does an okay job, but it's loud!


Originally Posted by: Retron 

My house in Lower Stoke had just finally reached 24.5C as I opened all the windows to bring the 26C warmth which is currently now but could had been done better if was more sunnier to see my house temps reaching 25C.   Kitchen extension have a flat roof but facing N so lack of sun made the kitchen always cold room even with heating on.  Previous owner had left the ceiling fans here in the N facing bedrooms and kitchen which scratch my head, what the hell she put the fans if this house does not really hot up like your house or my old house in Epsom.  It now cover in dust and not going to take off since I am moving out again.

Ally Pally Snowman
02 June 2019 14:31:24

Weybourne 28.8c today not bad for 2 day wonder spell


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
02 June 2019 14:35:15
Well the sun is out now so mustn’t grumble and it feels pleasantly warm at 18°C.

I realise that persistent moaning can be irritating and tiresome but perhaps it is therapeutic to some? Personally I prefer to assume that the U.K.’s climate is mediocre at best and then happily embrace any pleasant or exciting weather that we do get. Even going outside currently, listening to the birdsong and feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin is lovely.
Ally Pally Snowman
02 June 2019 14:45:41


No idea why he lives in Aberdeen if the weather is so bad.....miserable fella

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 


Aberdeen arguably has the worst weather of any city in Europe in the Summer. Trying to think of somewhere worse Reykjavik perhaps not many though.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
  • AJ*
  • Advanced Member
02 June 2019 15:34:47


As if the lousy weather here hasn't been bad enough I am looking at the upcoming forecast for close to where I will be going in Portugal next month and it's unreal. Days of 17-18C highs with cloud and rain. Unspeakably poor when even southern European locations are getting no summer in June 


Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Hey, Richard, why don't you cancel the holiday in Portugal and book in at a hotel here in Kent?  We've got weeks of sunny, dry weather down here.

Angus; one of the Kent crew on TWO.
Tonbridge, 40m (131ft) asl
02 June 2019 18:10:33



Aberdeen arguably has the worst weather of any city in Europe in the Summer. Trying to think of somewhere worse Reykjavik perhaps not many though.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

No, it really doesn’t. Aberdeen is both sunnier and drier than quite a few other cities in the U.K.

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