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My mum lives on the north coast of Crete 13km from Chania. The Greek authorities seem quite concerned with developments. She has also received an email from the UK government asking to avoid these areas.
Originally Posted by: roadrunnerajn
I think their biggest concern is any event (volcanic or tectonic) causing a tsunami. It's hard to know what will happen next.
Originally Posted by: doctormog
We're going to the north coast of Crete for holiday this July 😳
Originally Posted by: Saint Snow
Another area to keep an eye on is Campi Flegrei (by Naples in Italy) as there has been a steady increase in activity there over the last few years and most notably in the last year, as discussed here: It goes without saying that any eruption there would be problematic. There was a magnitude 3.9 quake there this afternoon (depth 3km) and there have been a number of quakes in the vicinity in recent weeks.