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Rob K
24 July 2021 21:51:17
Very much a non event considering the yellow warnings and fire talk of flooding. Very few showers around this area today looking at the radar.

A grand total of 1mm of rain since midnight.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
25 July 2021 08:55:29
Somewhere will get clobbered today but on the whole big non event considering the warning area
Windy Willow
25 July 2021 11:33:34

Heard a few rumbles of thunder in the last 30mins, or so, here in Dartford, not that close though.

South Holland, Lincs 5m/16ft ASL

When I saw corruption, I was forced to find truth on my own. I couldn't swallow the hypocrisy.

Barry White

It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) - R.E.M.
25 July 2021 14:02:07
Has rumbles to our south ealier and now getting rumbles to the east. No rain here yet, but suspect the one to our east is going to give us a direct hit
25 July 2021 14:21:14
Absolute cloud burst here in Chichester....reports of lots of minor local flooding...several claps of thunder....most impressive aspect was that it was bone dry one second and the next second monsoon like conditions....never witnessed heavy rain like that start so suddenly and dramatically!
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
25 July 2021 14:45:53
Deluge in Deptford currently. Went for a walk as it was dry in Brockley. Bad idea.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
25 July 2021 15:04:57
Been raining and rumbling away here in Fulham since 1.45pm. The autumnal type conditions look like continuing for the next week or two. Grim ,rainy ,and just 20 degrees
25 July 2021 15:17:05
Update on storm. Garden flooded. Conservatory leaking. Neighbours garage flooded. Rainfall rate at one point was 261mm/hr. Looks like more heading this way
25 July 2021 15:32:10

Been raining and rumbling away here in Fulham since 1.45pm. The autumnal type conditions look like continuing for the next week or two. Grim ,rainy ,and just 20 degrees

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

Sounds exactly like a typical summer pattern then with temps close to average and the risk of thunderstorms.

Not sure how anyone in the SE could describe today's setup as autumnal 

25 July 2021 15:43:19
Wow just had a 10 minute downpour that saw rain rates between 100-125mm an hour dumping easily an inch with frequent lighting. It's been years since i last saw such intense rainfall lasting so long.
25 July 2021 15:51:11


Sounds exactly like a typical summer pattern then with temps close to average and the risk of thunderstorms.

Not sure how anyone in the SE could describe today's setup as autumnal 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

I elude to the constant greyness of low level cloud which seems often to predominate in the mid to late autumn with often more than our fair share of rain here. I suppose I refer to the feel of the weather pattern now firmly in place which is more typical of what to expect in the autumn

25 July 2021 16:03:29


Sounds exactly like a typical summer pattern then with temps close to average and the risk of thunderstorms.

Not sure how anyone in the SE could describe today's setup as autumnal 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

I can see what Cultman means though. We have had dull leaden skies all day here without the usual towering cumulonimbus you normally get in thundery weather. The  house lights have been on all afternoon as it is so dark and since about 3:00 it has been raining hard almost continuously. Feels just like November but there have been a few rumbles of thunder and the temp is about 19C just to remind us that we are actually still in summer


Richmond, Surrey
Heavy Weather 2013
25 July 2021 16:20:20
Well my goodness that was exciting couple of hours. The best storm I’ve seen for decades. Frequent lightening and some of the most torrential rain I’ve ever seen.

Will be interesting to see what the rain gauge picked up at London City Airport
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
25 July 2021 16:24:07
Almost surrounded to the north, east & south. Almost tropical rain dumping around an inch in the past 20 mins*, but easing off to steady rain now.

Looks like we’re in for another tickle as activity is building to the east in Herts.

* very scientific reading looking at the cover of the dog’s paddling pool.
Welwyn Garden City, Good ol' Hertfordshire.
  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
25 July 2021 16:37:50

Almost surrounded to the north, east & south. Almost tropical rain dumping around an inch in the past 20 mins*, but easing off to steady rain now.

Looks like we’re in for another tickle as activity is building to the east in Herts.

* very scientific reading looking at the cover of the dog’s paddling pool.

Originally Posted by: Snoozymoon 

Amazing to hear that when we've still not had a drop. I can hear thunder though and the radar is showing heavy  rain heading our way. 

Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
Ally Pally Snowman
25 July 2021 17:43:55

Almost surrounded to the north, east & south. Almost tropical rain dumping around an inch in the past 20 mins*, but easing off to steady rain now.

Looks like we’re in for another tickle as activity is building to the east in Herts.

* very scientific reading looking at the cover of the dog’s paddling pool.

Originally Posted by: Snoozymoon 


Yes biblical rain as I drove through Sawbridgeworth quite a bit of flooding. quite localised though as not much here in BS.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
25 July 2021 17:56:26


I can see what Cultman means though. We have had dull leaden skies all day here without the usual towering cumulonimbus you normally get in thundery weather. The  house lights have been on all afternoon as it is so dark and since about 3:00 it has been raining hard almost continuously. Feels just like November but there have been a few rumbles of thunder and the temp is about 19C just to remind us that we are actually still in summer


Originally Posted by: lanky 

Yep, that's British Summer weather for you. 

Rob K
25 July 2021 17:56:35

I went out for a bike ride and partway round I felt a few drops of rain, checked the radar and thought I was going to get soaked. But it seems to have all stalled just a few miles to the east and we still haven’t had enough to wet the ground. The radar has even had yellow echoes right overhead and we haven’t had more than a few spots.

Certainly hasn’t felt like November here. Warm and humid and positively tropical feeling when the sun broke through. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
The Beast from the East
25 July 2021 19:02:12

Purley, Surrey, 70m ASL

"We have some alternative facts for you"

Kelly-Ann Conway - former special adviser to the President
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
26 July 2021 05:48:12

Well my goodness that was exciting couple of hours. The best storm I’ve seen for decades. Frequent lightening and some of the most torrential rain I’ve ever seen.

Will be interesting to see what the rain gauge picked up at London City Airport

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

41mm at St James' Park

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
The Beast from the East
26 July 2021 09:43:12

Purley, Surrey, 70m ASL

"We have some alternative facts for you"

Kelly-Ann Conway - former special adviser to the President
26 July 2021 09:53:13


41mm at St James' Park

Originally Posted by: DEW 

I've seen reports from "unofficial" rain gauges that are quite biblical.

In situ formation of thunderstorms that headed south west from Suffolk into London seem to have generate huge local totals of 150mm+

It's been that kind of summer

26 July 2021 10:52:35

Met Office have issued warning for thunderstorms in the far south again for today.

I'm not surprised. There is still a lot of humidity down here with dewpoints a tropical 18 to 19c with periodic brief downpours since 8am.


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Heavy Weather 2013
26 July 2021 11:51:51


41mm at St James' Park

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Its so frustrating. Apparently a lot of the EA rain gauges in East London are currently offline. I am also shocked London City doesn't have rain gauge.

Its yet another instance of how light our recording network is, SJP was nowhere near the core action.


Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
26 July 2021 13:42:14

When moving to Brixham I didn't think there would be anything exciting to report weatherwise...but todau!!!!!

We have had completely clear blue skies above all morning and still do yet.....................

Constant Thunder (no breaks) and lightening for an hour now as we have watched this supercell build over the moor and move to Paignton and Torquay and now out at sea.

Wont be reporting any snow in the winter any more so this is the best it gets from these parts I'm afraid!

Happily living by the sea in Brixham......but sad to leave the snowy Chiltern Hills after 35 years!

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