Storm Eowyn wind gusts and track

Storm Éowyn is expected to bring significant disruption on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th January. Rain and snow will be hazards, but it is the strong winds that are likely to be the main cause for concern, with gusts of around 90mph possible in places. The animations below based on computer model data show the forecast track of the storm system.
Storm Eowyn forecast chart
Forecast chart showing Storm Éowyn
23rd January 2025

Storm track

The animation below shows the forecast track of Storm Éowyn.

Storm Eowyn track

Storm Éowyn forecast track

Wind gusts

The animations below show the forecast wind gusts based on data from the GFS and Arpege models.

Storm Eowyn Arpege wind gusts

Forecast wind gusts by Arpege model

GFS wind gusts

GFS Storm Eowyn wind gusts

Forecast wind gusts by GFS model

There are differences between the model predictions. For example, the Arpege model moves the storm away more quickly than the GFS. The most important point is that the strongest winds are likely to be in Northern Ireland, northern England, southern Scotland. However, it will be very windy for a time across all of the UK, and parts of Wales and south western England are also likely to have severe gales.

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