How will global warming affect the construction industry?

The construction industry will be affected in different ways in different countries. In the UK it is possible that global warming will prove beneficial to the construction industry. If we assume that in the UK during the next 100 years average temperatures rise, sea levels rise and rainfall volumes increase, then the impact on the construction industry in this country may be positive, and lead to it expanding. Reasons for this could be:

  • Rising sea levels increase the need for coastal defences
  • Properties in lowland areas may become uninhabitable, therefore increasing demand for new properties in other areas
  • Heavier rainfall may require roofs to be strengthened and repaired more frequently
  • Heavier rainfall may require more flood barriers to be built in towns and cities.
  • Roads and railways may need increasing maintenance and rerouting due to flooding
  • Air conditioning may become standard in residential and commercial properties

An alternative argument is the UK economy could be so badly damaged by global warming that it becomes uncompetitive and consequently poorer. If this happens much wealth may be exported to other countries (perhaps Russia) where large frozen areas of land thaw and become inhabitable. In this scenario demand in the UK will be reduced and the construction industry would be likely to suffer as part of the general downturn.

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